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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Or so many will be watching for free BT say sod it and not broadcast speedway at all
  2. For crying out loud. All Steve Hone said was as we don't know the exact details of Darcys injury we cannot be sure If the hoped breakthrough will help him. What the heck is wrong with that!!!! For heavens sake let's not start all the holier than thou nonsense start up again
  3. Nick Morris tweeted that he was told he could ride at Lynn but has now been told he can't . Reading between the lines, Swindon don't seem to have been very efficient over all this.
  4. And according to the Lynn website because of pressure from the fans. Nearly fainted in shock reading that
  5. IF and its a big if, Doyle is putting cash before his home club fans I'm bloody glad he didn't sign for Lynn.
  6. Someone is going to be disappointed that night Mind you given the lack of information coming out of Lynn in the last few months...........
  7. According to Sky Twitter they are trying to change April 6 to the 4th. It doesn't say if it will be the same teams.
  8. Whilst I agree with the rest of your post I think this is a bit of an stretch. Apart from anything else very few riders had super tuned engines back in the day so if a rider had talent it would show up far better on similar powered bikes. Me neither and I can go back to 1965. Although I have a vague memory of a rider far more recently being exc for looking behind nut that was not cos he was team riding (I could well be wrong tho).
  9. As I understand the rules he couldn't, it's for young foreigners with no British experience, which he will have had at that point. Mind you that rule (and quite a few others) have never been properly explained so it's anyone's guess.
  10. Haza, you may not like the new rider but he has a name. It's KAI, easy to remember just like the world champ but with a K for Kings Lynn
  11. Big sigh of relief that Lynn have signed a youngster and not Byawnee.
  12. Apparently in the SS it says NKI will replace the injured Troy Batchelor until he is fit. Funny that the Lynn website hasn't reported that Troy will be unfit for the start of the season or that NKI will come in. Just about sums up the contempt the fans are held in at Lynn at present. Buster may well be opening up the BSPA to fans scrutiny but he really needs to look closer to home a bit more.
  13. Strange that was put on the Lynn website but nothing about Troy's injury considering he is a signed rider already
  14. Don't be silly, you seem to think fans should be told these things!
  15. KN1, I know my memory is going but I'm pretty sure the 60s and early 70s were tuner free. Most riders then were more concerned with what kind of string they used to tie their bikes onto the back of their car!!!
  16. I notice a couple of engine tuners are saying the BSPA should contact them. Why? Speedway in the 60s and 70s got along quite nicely without all these finely tuned engines and the racing was as good if not better (depending on which tinted glasses you wear) so it can do so again. I realise it's probably several years away but an extra 2 mph from the engine resulting in 0.01 of a second of the track record does not provide additional entertainment. Seems to me better, not faster, racing provides better entertainment and that's what the majority of fans want. That's my view anyway.
  17. As I've said several times I'm far more likely to attend if Barker rides than Bjerre or Byawnee. Weather permitting I'll be at the Ben Fund, possibly the Polish match and take it from there. BUT I want a bit more for my money than 15 races so unless there is tween race happenings, Peterborough will get more of my dosh.
  18. I'll say it again. Embrace technology have regional live link ups with the facility to ask questions and far more fans will get involved. It was a great idea, they just need to refine and build on it. Maybe some techie minded fan could contact Buster or one of the others of the panel to work out a way to do it. I would have gone to Lynn to watch a link up but 200 mile round trip just to much.
  19. Agreed. That particular Pedersen won't tempt me, would still prefer Barker. I know I'm in the minority but Ben is British, passionate and doesn't give up. Can't say that about Bjerre or Byawnee
  20. I find your attitude disappointing and I admit somewhat surprising. You are suggesting that all members are the same so presumably you don't think I should have been admitted had I expressed an interest in attending There are members on here who are never going to be satisfied but the majority I would suggest if offered reasonable explanations will accept what they are told, there are others that simply want the sport to provide good entertainment at a reasonable cost. No organisation ever gets everything right but some things the BSPA do are downright daft to say the least and perplexing if I'm being kind. Green helmet covers anyone
  21. I'm confused can you back up a minute please
  22. Pleased you have got it sorted. Fingers crossed they don't change it again. Be an improvement if they have a back up plan this time
  23. Sadly Lynns website doesn't have the reputation for always being up to date or accurate You can always ask on here Mike, sure one of us will be able to help. Lynn's twitter account went mad yesterday after weeks/months of hibernation. My evil mind wondered if it was due to comments on here about the lack of info
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