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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Steve as an ex-rider would you or have you ridden in such conditions or worse and do the current bikes make riding in the wet more difficult?
  2. Me going to one was probably the cause of the hailstorm I only do hatches,matches and dispatches
  3. I think the general consensus is that last night was rightly called off. You can argue that years ago riders rode in far worse, and they did I witnessed it on many occasions. Nowadays the rocket ships riders are mounted on just don't allow any finesse on wet tracks so the skill of riding them has all but gone. The main problem with last night was the timing of the call off. I was in Lynn all day and there was an horrendous hailstorm about 2 which left hail about 2 inches deep, I know I got wet feet walking to a church, there was another less severe storm about 5 which probably did the damage. That is when the meeting should have been called off, not left dangling in the air for Sky to self importantly announce it live on air. They must be using superglue on speedways coffin now cos there ain't any room for more nails!
  4. Never had to take advantage of it myself but I'm told Buster issues refunds on the day.
  5. Gavin Caney has tweeted a video of track work being done. If anyone can, Buster can...there again maybe Sky want pics of everything being done but.....
  6. Very possibly lol. Been to a funeral so have no idea what was going on during the afternoon:)
  7. Just had a heavy shower but sun is now shining. Just had a heavy shower but sun is now shining.
  8. Sun now shining and partly blue sky. Don't ya just love the British weather
  9. Spot on Danny. Meeting riders after the meeting is no good for families with young children and they are the future after all. As my daughter has just pointed out you knew that the likes of Chris Mills (amongst others) always appreciated the fans, can you honestly say any of the present team show the same appreciation.
  10. What they are doing is obviously not enough or Semion, GRW, myself and even Danny Smith wouldn't be saying what we are. It's no good bringing footie into the argument cos the two sports are poles apart in every way. for me it's not about cost. It's about a pleasant evenings entertainment and being appreciated by those I've come to support. At present Lynn and speedway in general provide me with neither. I would love to get my enthusiasm back but every time I've been to Lynn, except for NL matches, in recent years I've been bored stiff and that's the crux of the matter.
  11. A bit on continuity would help. It used to be Speedway every Wednesday, Now it's "it's Wednesday - speedway day...oh no they changed it to Thursday so it's tomorrow, I'll check....nope no meeting tomorrow so it will be next Thursday. Come next Thursday, oops they changed it to Wednesday for some god forsaken reason so Ive missed it . That's two weeks I've not been,.....have I missed it .No, so won't bother next week whichever day it's on."
  12. Maybe one of the BV fans who continually try to justify what happened (and I'm making no judgement) could offer to contact BV for you and ask why no refund. They could then send you a message via pm to help resolve the matter. That IMHO would do the reputation of Belle Vue far more good than them repeating themselves ad nauseum, How about it Belle Vue folk?
  13. Wouldn't know I see more meetings at Peterboro than I do at Lynn
  14. I thought for a long while it was me semion but when I see the likes of you and GRW saying what I've been thinking for a while, I came to the conclusion it's the sport and/or the way it's run. It will take more than Buster to turn it round, it's gone too far IMHO. My solution, and it will annoy the heck out of some is ban GP riders (why should the whole UK sport bow down to 16 people), bring in grading instead of averages and get the grading correct from the start, Squad systems along the lines of 1 EL club is linked to 2 PL clubs and 1/2 NL clubs and only riders from those linked clubs can be used in any combination up to the maximum grading allowed. That should equalise teams more which might ensure more competitive meetings. Chuck the rule book and all the supplementary regs out the window, better still have a bonfire on the NA terraces to at least keep some fans warm so they finally have a use. Enforce bonus point payment to encourage team riding. As to getting any atmosphere, that will never happen until the terraces are at least half full, to do that you have to improve the product. oops I've just woken up As for Lynn itself, to be honest I just can't be bothered anymore. I've served my time. As you say I travelled all over the country but that was at a time when the management and more importantly riders actually appreciated it and showed us they did. If they can't be arsed nowadays to acknowledge the fans why they heck should the fans bother. Before Trees comes back and say they care I suggest she counts up the number of tweets they make about Poland and the number they make about Lynn I think even Jonathan would be hard pressed to turn things around, and would need 3/4/5 years to get back to anything like the good old days and it would need a massive financial commitment to implement things until the crowds increase and I just don't think there is the will to commit (understandably). Funnily enough we must all still care a fair bit or we wouldn't spend time on here trying to suggest ways to improve things or we could all just be sad individuals with nothing better to do
  15. I admire your optimism but there was very little in the way of rain/hail/snow here yesterday. The sun has been shining since 6 this morning and as I look out of the window there is not a cloud in the glorious blue sky and there is a very very strong breeze blowing and it's ruddy chilly. I predict a crowd of about 400 and a gate and go kind of meeting.
  16. 2 miles from track we have had a few wintry showers but a fair amount of sunny spells and near gale force winds, so no residual dampness . It will all depend on what we get tomorrow.
  17. Would it not make for clarity, when announcing guests, r/r etc the appropriate regulation number is quoted. Wouldn't cause any extra work cos the club involved would have to have found it in the first place. Would certainly stop a lot of ill informed speculation.
  18. I think even Matt Ford would find that difficult to arrange as Poole are at King's Lynn and it's live on Sky.
  19. None at all, I've got relatives who have used the parents facilities at Gt Ormond St and I applaud anyone who raises money for any good cause. However I fail to see the connection with either the British Final or training schools.
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