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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. t I'm wondering if the votes at the AGM were split and as such the chairman would have the casting vote. As Buster wasn't voted in until the end he could not change things. Let's judge him by what happens at the next AGM. If he doesn't do something radical and more importantly sensible I'll be the first to complain about him.
  2. I think he would have needed just cause to have called one then. I do believe he has just cause now tho
  3. Nor me, I just cheer for whoever gets in front of the Monster lot so I don't have to see the ridiculous antics with the drink containers and catch a glimpse of the bearded hippy guy pretending to be a teenager
  4. Likewise, had intended to go but had second thoughts. Hubby & daughter went, were not impressed with bags being searched and even less impressed with the racing. I saw hts 2-7 on periscope decided it was rubbish and quite happily sat at home eating a cream cake watching a rerun of Foyles War . Think I had the more entertaining evening to be honest.
  5. As a goodwill gesture why don't they give a free prog on production of the Storm ticket.
  6. Hopefully is on my list then as I've decided not to attend in the best interests of the sport
  7. Anyone planning to periscope from Lynn tonight as its an FIM not BSPA meeting?
  8. So he is stopping a youngster from progressing into NL to do some testing. The fact you and the BSPA think that's acceptable just about sums up the sport in this country
  9. Which EL and /or PL team did you ride for then as you obviously know more than Allen and Stead
  10. As I said listen to what riders say not what any fan thinks or believes. Excellent point, money obviously much harder to earn in the lowest league.
  11. Steve if you think it's easy money in the PL I suggest you take a listen to the Home Straight podcast and hear what Olly Allen and Simon Stead said.
  12. To be fair, Peterboro did not want to announce this until the BSPA had ruled on it. That decision was taken out of their hands by Porsing and/or his manager who leaked the story on social media. So really it's a bit harsh to blame Rathbone. I wonder whether the fans would have been given any explanation had it not been for the explosion of tweets/fb posts/BSF posts that followed the initial announcement. I applaud the fact they have tried to give fans an explanation even tho I think it's crap.
  13. Stop being logical you will give the BSPA apaplexy
  14. But Weds/Thurs night clubs can sign Danes and Friday/sat/sun clubs can sign Poles. So what's the difference in practical terms. Those clubs will get a facility for them so for the sake of 3 clashes but now 2 Brits are out of a job. Total crap from the BSPA
  15. It's not about Cook's popularity it's about the best interest of BRITISH speedway and BRITISH riders
  16. Bloody furious. Sadly nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to the BSPA. They wouldn't know the best interests of speedway if it came up and hit them on the head. No doubt within a week we will find out Davey Watt has signed for a PL team! (Nothing personal against him before Poole fans start bleating he simply isn't British) Edit The Peterborough statement says BSPA say Belle Vue did not have the right to allow Borough to talk to Cook. If they have paid a loan fee why the hell not?
  17. Enjoying this more than last nights EL probably cos there's less faffing around between heats. Even Ermolenko isn't annoying me much. Edit Kai just made my afternoon, take that Monster
  18. No but they are the ones making all the noise. I just think there are far more British riders who want the same number if not more meetings than there are who want less. Being patriotic I side with them. For too long the UK have bent over backwards to accommodate foreigners and we are now seeing the result which is a dearth of up and coming Brits. The tide has to turn. I'm probably in the minority but I'd far rather see a young Brit struggle at the start of a season but make reasonable progression by the end, than a mediocre foreigner who ends the season on the same or lower average.
  19. and will only get worse if certain GP riders get their way It's time the GP riders were told either ride or clear off and stop trying to bully us into doing stuff that will only benefit you. BSPA have to protect the British riders cos no one else will. If the schedule is that tough why do they ride in stuff like the Best Pairs
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