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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. OK I surrender. I'll just stay off this thread which is a shame because I was interested in people's opinions but I can't stand the twit for tat, which adds nothing to the debate, any more.
  2. As I said neither of you have provided evidence of payment for the 2016 British Final. That's the British Final that is under discussion in this thread.
  3. OK so we have established that Robert 72 has ridden a speedway bike competitively and that Gavans family know Mark Loram quite well. So please can we put a stop to all this. Neither of the above facts give either of you the right to be correct in your opinions...and that's all they are OPINIONS, exactly the same as everyone else's posts on this thread. Neither of you have provided any evidence of what may or may not have been paid to any rider in the 2016 British Final. Can we please behave like adults and have some respect for each other's opinions, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.
  4. Rule 543.67 sub section 123 says its fine if the rider has a cheesy grin and is called Cracker Barrel
  5. I sincerely hope I win the lottery this week so I can hire a room and put Robert 72 and Gavan in it so they can bore each other stupid and allow the rest of us some peace
  6. and had he been honest enough to say so, no one could have had an argument with him (well maybe a few). As it is he has alienated quite a few people (myself included) to a lesser or greater extent and the fall out rumbles on. BTW Gavan don't be so presumptious to attempt to speak for everyone. You certainly do not speak for me. If I have something to say I will stand up and say it myself
  7. Had Monster reached the final I might have said yes
  8. Patched up GB team far from disgraced and experience will be priceless
  9. They might just as well let teams pick 7 riders who have nothing better to do on race night
  10. As I predicted you are spot on. Not sure about him lowering himself to Tipswitchs level and dumping on Lakeside from a great height tho.
  11. Not sure where to put this but I guess it will precipitate another rant from Haza and to be honest he will be right No doubt Tipswitch will sign another untried foreigner. Still they never had any class down there in Suffolk
  12. Now when the debate about the rules piques my interest more than the scores themselves the sport really is on a steep downward slope
  13. Not even following the updates closely tonight. Too many questions over elegibility, make up of teams and far too many guests. It's a bit like rent a rider
  14. But would they be available at short notice? I have no idea if riders are paid for this but if they are I doubt many if any will make a profit so it's maybe unrealistic to expect them to drop everything at a couple of days notice
  15. I beleive so but I'm not a regular so don't take it as gospel but you can get a good view into pits from the first bend. BTW I wasn't joking about the cold, if you are bringing the kids wrap them up warm, parts of the terracing are like being in Siberia when the wind blows and it's blowing well today
  16. Hells Bells they got it right Admittedly it's only a very light drizzle Anyone mad enough to be venturing to the Norfolk Arena for this one, put your thermals and winter woollies on cos it's still blowing a hoolie out there and it's bloody cold.
  17. That of course is if he did. As others have said best not to speculate on any aspect until it comes to court.
  18. I wonder what the track will be like. Helluva lot of rain fell yesterday, more today I doubt there is much dry shale about.
  19. I see quite a few calls for riders to be got rid of, funnily enough there are few if any suggestions of who to replace them with.
  20. I agree bloody ridiculous. Can't see away fans doing it given the British weather. I guess today was the first really big crowd, opening night apart, so tickets on the day getting their first big test and been found wanting. Why only 3 ticket windows, even Lynn have 4? Very poor forward thinking, you don't have to use them all but at least if they are there you can if needed.
  21. If they are, and I'm not disputing it I have no idea, their opposition are obviously allowing it. Now either they don't know the rules or couldn't give a toss
  22. Dunno why anyone reads his posts. He always follows the party line, is never controversial, never know the rules, hasn't a clue about averages and hates disagreeing with anyone .
  23. If I'm totally honest, I cannot remember a single race he has been in so he isn't memorable. It could be argued that not memorable is another way of saying boring. I'm feeling not memorable at the moment
  24. I'd go along with that plus some kind of fast track system in the PL to encourage and nurture the young NL riders. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will speedway be put back on the right track but the above is a good starting point.
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