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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. There cannot be any argument with that statement, regardless of who you support. I hope Steve Brandon does do something for disabled British riders and I hope he gets the support of every British rider and every British fan... and anyone else who wants to give.
  2. I have more important things to do later... Cymru am byth.....but should anyone feel the inclination they could ask Tai if he thinks it's slightly disrespectful to his British fans to be content just to get to the final in Cardiff and not say with passion (a la Wales) I'm gonna win it for the nation *insert appropriate smilie*
  3. As I said I'm not going to trawl the thread. The five I mentioned posted in the last couple of days, there may be more, I'm sure there are but my memory is not what it was so anything before then has disappeared into the haze of 1300+ posts. I would insert a smilie here but my mobile device doesn't like them!
  4. I'm not going to trawl thro this thread and I'm not sure it's up to me to voice the opinion of others but obviously myself and Robert 72. I've also seen posts from Trees, Jaques, Orion amongst others that are less than glowing in support of Tai Woffinden. It just seems they are invisible to some people who support him. I have no objection to you defending him till the cows come home, I would do the same for anyone I liked and respected as much as you do. All I ask is that you and others acknowledge that there are people who have other opinions. BTW as my first attendance at speedway was in 1965, it was a no brainer to say I've been around longer than you. It was an attempt to lighten the mood and no way intended as a slur/ insult etc. As I said to Gavan yesterday, you will not change my mind. I respect your opinion all I ask is you respect mine. Let's agree to disagree.
  5. Pardon me for interupting but there is a world of difference between achievements and being liked and respected. I have never ever met anyone in the speedway world that doesn't like and have respect for Mark Loram and I've been around speedway for longer than you . There are quite a few on this forum if you choose to read what they post and I've met quite a few that do not have the same level of liking for Tai Woffinden. So no in my considered opinion he will never out pass Mark Loram, what you choose to think is of course up to you.
  6. Just about sums you up, cannot even read what's in front of you. The clue is in the name
  7. My opinion simply doesn't agree with yours and you can repeat things over and over you will not change my mind Shall we leave it at that.
  8. What part of I don't give a flying fig about the BSI GP series do you not get. It simply allows riders to play the percentage game, which is fine if you like that kind of thing. I don't. I prefer to be entertained by riders who give 100% every time they ride. Mark was one of those riders, sure he had a bit of luck and help when he won the World Title, but I never ever saw him give less than 100% and I've seen him ride more times than I can count. He was one of the best team riders going, always had time for the fans, was a perfect ambassador for Britosh speedway and a thoroughly nice person as well who would do anything he could to help folk oh yeah and couldn't gate for toffee so always provided good entertainment. To be perfectly honest Tai doesn't even come close, but hey he's won 3 world titles so I accept that some people might not agree.
  9. There you go again ,just because someone has a different opinion to you. I dont care if they only win one GP, I dont care who wins BSIs GP series. Do you get that I prefer one of finals as well. And for the record no one was more pleased than I was when Mark won the title. I will never forget the reception he got at Poole when he brought the title back to the UK, I was absolutely delighted I was able to be there. 6000 fans and every single one of them loved him to bits. There again Mark always gave 100%
  10. Me neither. Never been a fan and so sick of hearing how he is just accumulating points towards the championship. Might be a good strategy but is totally boring. Give me Kildemann, Doyle or Nicki any day, love them or hate them at least you know they are giving it 100%
  11. Well maybe as you have conversations with Tai, as per another thread, you could ask him when roughly these training schools are to be held and maybe stop any future bad tempered discussions
  12. en route to Lonigo same as Craig Cook for GP qualifier.
  13. I take it you haven't bothered tonight either GRW Poland or Portugal?
  14. Can't come soon enough as far as I'm concerned.
  15. Can I ask if they will be given cash, vouchers or will you buy equipment they specify?
  16. Not necessarily, £100 for instance for changing the name is better than nothing for staying the NA.
  17. Easy to say so come on name some options. Exactly, I didn't always agree with what JC did, as I told him quite often and to his credit he always answered my criticisms, I might not always have liked or agreed with what he said but he took the time to explain. I've never cared whether Lynn won or lost, tho I prefer to win of course. I simply want to see a team I can relate to, do their very best on and off track and make the supporters feel they are part of it. That starts with the promotion and team manager. If they cannot or will not get the riders to acknowledge the fans why the heck should the fans bother. You only have to look at Danny Ayres last night at Glasgow. I don't suppose he or his most fervent fans think he is the worlds best rider but his race win last night meant the world to him and he quite rightly made that very clear to the fans and boy did they respond. Unless he is an Oscar winning actor of course When was the last time any rider a rider a Lynn even came close to that. I feel totally divorced from the club I've loved for so long and sadly cannot see that changing . IMHO the EL as it is, is well past its sell by date. ,hopefully, look away Haza, we will go back PL and I might just might get a teeny bit of enthusiasm back but the promotion will have to put a bit more effort into it first.
  18. I agree with Semion and Haza but are there any realistic options open to Buster team wise? Promotion wise anything would be an improvement!
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