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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I was lucky enough to see them fly together TWK, Thumper and Vera flew alongside the last flying Vulcan (now grounded) over Marham. Only stood in a ruddy onion field for 6 hours with hubby waiting to see them but it's something I will never forget. Have been to Woodhall Spa this weekend to a 40s festival and we had lunch in the Bluebell Inn, which is where the pilots from 617 Squadron used to drink. Was a strange feeling but a very proud one knowing I was sitting where so many of those brave men had sat.
  2. Better than talking about nothing but just for you. Here's something...saw the only remaining flying Lancaster bomber take to the skies on its first test flight following a long lay off this afternoon. Absolutely nothing sounds or looks like it. I'm really chuffed. Is that better Starry? Edited to add Should be only one in the UK, there is one in Canada but that's it I think.
  3. I'd claim to be Spartacus but it might send BWitcher off on another crusade
  4. If you know a friendly post master/mistress pack the tickets in front of her, sign the envelope seal and get him/her to put stamps on and accept it over the counter, filming the whole lot as proof. Stick a note inside to tell them what you have done and say you will be prepared to use it as evidence in the small claims court. To really P them off you could send them recorded delivery or whatever it's called now
  5. Not sure how to take that As I'm feeling relaxed I'll say thank you and if you meant it in a not very nice way, have a nice evening anyway lol.
  6. yy You see you don't like facts if they don't agree with your opinion, whether I like or dislike Tao Woffinden is immaterial. I found the comments innocuous - that is a FACT You brought up Tai Woffindens parents - that also is a FACT The rest of your post is your opinion
  7. FWIW I read his comments and found them quite innocuous to be honest it was you that put the suggestion that they could be aimed at Sue Woffinden into people's minds.
  8. I appreciate that but why should a club get a facility for a speedway rider who is competing in a different sport. Maybe we should grant facilities if riders want to play footie for their local too
  9. That could be wrong cos checking thei website the meeting IS today, so maybe it's not an FIM meeting and that's why
  10. Ellis is riding in a grass track meeting tomorrow so no facility is allowed today, apparently
  11. So we have the How, now we need to discover When then we can move on to Who Seriously Danny I agree it makes no sense targeting NKI unless it was a dummy run. Maybe security in the pits of future GPs will be tighter.
  12. Right so we need to find someone who is into fishing and had access to the pits and could drop a walnut into a fuel tank whilst no one was looking....who needs Miss Marple
  13. Apologies for getting the wording slightly wrong, couldn't be bothered to find the post in the hundreds posted so I had to rely on my aging memory. (Insert appropriate friendly smilie that my mobile device doesn't like)
  14. I'm slightly confused, you continually post that Tai did nothing wrong by swearing in Saturday's interview and you were not offended, upset etc and it's fine for children to hear it, so why in one of your first posts on the subject did you say Sue (presumably meaning his Mum) should have a word in his ear:)
  15. Gresham, let's get one thing straight, I wasn't offended. I was disappointed that someone who is supposed to represent the sport I still love could be so crass, unprofessional and quite frankly stupid. This forum contains hundreds of posts bemoaning the lack of media interest, sponsorship etc. Now you might think such crass behaviour doesn't matter but it does to the likes of TV executives and advertising managers who control column inches and advertising budgets. Tai has been at the top for a couple is seasons now, has interest or sponsorship for the sport as a whole increased? I don't think so. Tai being world champion could have opened up tremendous opportunities for British speedway, it hasn't happened.
  16. Gresham with regards to that clip I must have gone blind cos I cannot see the mic under Philips nose? I believe it was picked up by a news camera, certainly wasn't part of an interview. So I'm sorry but it is a different scenario to Tai on Saturday.
  17. Well said. I wonder if it is any coincidence that the 2 meetings in GB that Tai will compete in this season are both sponsored by his sponsor.
  18. Yes Gresham this self righteous, butter wouldn't melt in the mouth, pedantic, nagging old fool thinks very carefully before I post. Do you? You say the royals swear, yes they do, but not when they have a mic under their nose. If a microphone picks up swear words from the general pits area, a walkabout etc that is a world away from shouting the F word into a microphone. If you and the rest of the sycophants cannot see that,well I feel sorry for you. Simple question, did/would you have ever stood in your parents kitchen and yelled "I'm gonna make some Fing noise" and what would be your reaction if a child of yours yelled those words at you?
  19. I mentioned that on twitter last night. What probably annoyed me even more were the two uninjured riders trying to get thro said gate. They knew there was a rider down it's very possible the guy operating the gate didn't.
  20. Exactly, the authorities should launch an investigation into it. Hopefully they will find some innocent explanation but where safety is concerned it has to be taken seriously.
  21. and why did it happen to NKI, as to be honest I cannot see that he is a threat to anyone in the GP at present, no disrespect intended. If indeed it was intended as sabotage.
  22. Thanks Gresham that's almost word for word what hubby said too. What confused me was Chris Louis saying it would have no effect and from the size and shape of the sponge and the filler bit of the fuel tank it would require at least a bit of a push to insert it given the size and different shapes (stands back and awaits innuendo but couldn't think how else to word it )
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