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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Rain stopped about 0930. Damp and overcast with a slight breeze.
  2. This makes a lot of sense to me which probably means it won't happen.
  3. None whatsover but that's not the point is it
  4. Not so cynical now am I tellboy? After years of reading press releases I've got used to the way they word things and the preview on the Lynn website was so loosely worded despite the tweet saying it was for both meetings that my misinformation radar twitched, well no it erupted actually. What a shameful way to treat loyal supporters. Oh and BTW early weather warning......its hissing down and has been or some time. EDITED to add, just seen post #34 I doubt the news about NKI was delivered this morning or even yesterday. No doubt rose tinted glasses will be see in certain parts of mid Norfolk tho
  5. And surely the fans should have been told but no the preview said Howarth. And they wonder why fans don't believe what they are told!
  6. Not a chance gonna watch the cycling, Hubby wants to know if NKI is riding but he says the slightest hint of rain and he aint coming after the last debacle.
  7. Oops. That's what happens when I'm watching canoeing, swimming and trying to type at the same time
  8. So should tracks with Armco/concrete have foam fences which don't lift?
  9. The tweet from the official account said full preview on the website but it only gave the team for Wednesday. I've become very cynical over the years so simply want to know who is riding on Thurs. is NKI back and will Kyle Hoearth still be in the team.
  10. Poole might be at full strength but who will be riding for Lynn. The KL preview doesn't make it clear, which is sooooo unusual
  11. But it has happened at least twice now at Coventry that I've seen. Surely someone, presumably the referee, has the responsibility to ensure the air fence is properly secured and the extra protection at the foot of the concrete is in place. As others have said riders are very vocal about safety if there is a hint of drizzle but little fuss is made about this issue.
  12. They could always start earlier, tho I know that's not an option at Kent, prob not at Wolves cos of the doggies and some others with restrictions.
  13. Seems to be a trend nowadays that tracks "come to the riders" after a few heats, I assume that means gets more race able. How about mdl being run before the main match so that starts when the track has arrived as it were. Would also mean youngsters not having to hang about until stupid o'clock. There may be good reasons for not doing it, but most sports put the main event on at the end of the evening not the beginning. Would also stop "we are delaying the start to let the big crowd in" I'm not trying to put the youngsters down BTW, merely asking the question.
  14. In the absence of an ideal world I can see the sense in that argument and wouldn't have a problem with that scenario.
  15. Think my point has been proved beyond doubt by the Bomber crash at Coventry tonight. That air fence might as well not have been there for all the good it did.
  16. Which is why I said in an ideal world. An ideal world being British league racing paying as much as other leagues and being organised so as to fit into riders schedule. That way patriotic British riders could satisfy British fans without any financial penalty to themselves. Sadly the BSPA and ideal world will never appear in the same sentence (apart from this one ).
  17. Rather have a tatty looking fence that doesn't lift allowing riders to go beneath it to a sparkling clean new air fence that lifts when a bike hits it and the rider follows thro to hit the solid fence behind it. Altho I get your point that it could look better with a bit of attention.
  18. you really want to start it all off again In an ideal world no one should be in Team GB unless they commit to the GB league and the British Final, however we don't live in an ideal world. Does that answer your question
  19. That's all we have asked Gavan to do - move on, not keep bringing up old arguments The same applies to anyone else who gets banned
  20. It's no good having a PR person if they are not given free rein to do the job properly. I admit I wasn't a fan of the last guy who did it but on reflection I think he was actually trying to do the job with both hands tied behind his back. Buster likes to be in control but he needs to learn how to delegate when he has capable people to do jobs.
  21. Maybe the excessive use of exclamation marks sets the aggressive tone? And there goes the name calling again. Let it go, move on and find and use a sense of humour. You never know you might just enjoy life a bit more
  22. Wrong actually, the atmosphere changed when you left and then got even better when they went. When they return if their attitude is still as aggressive as yours then I will say the same to them. Do you really enjoy being so aggressive all the time or is it just an attention seeking ploy?
  23. Took the words out of my mouth nw42. There's been a lovely friendly atmosphere about the forum since Gavan was first sent on vacation, he comes back and the aggression starts again. Hopefully having vented his spleen he will look forward and attempt to fit in with the relaxed feel of the forum nowadays.
  24. At least Lynn at Poole and Wolves will let Pearson & Tatum have raptures over the double points dingly dangly do dah thingy. Can't see much else in either fixture to get excited about.
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