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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. 2 miles and rain here too, only few spots at moment, breeze stronger as well.
  2. 2 miles from track it's warm, fair amount of cloud cover with patches of blue sky so occasional glimses of sunshine and a slight breeze
  3. You aren't suggesting it's another alias of Gavan or Chris4gillian are you
  4. Can someone remind me which meeting this thread is about please, I seem to have lost the thread unlike someone who appears to have lost the plot completely
  5. No rain since 9. Hot, sunny with clouds, slight breeze.
  6. I'm not reading anything into it as I said. Simply wanted to put the record straight as I thought Phil The Ace's post implied that he had been told there was something negative posted, I simply didn't see it that way. I know that doesn't really fit a "Tai Haters" agenda but that's how I saw it
  7. I've read one comment from DW and to be honest on first reading thought Darcy may have misread the article at the top of the page. There again he probably knows more about the ins and outs of the sport than most. So basically I'm back to where I was. None the wiser.
  8. WEATHER Rained overnight. Now it's warm, damp and overcast, slight breeze and light rain.
  9. It wasn't yesterday morning when they were wittering on about Wolves visit tomorrow and a few of us said so I like things done in a nice logical chronological order.....oh yeah and emphasis put on the Stars riders As for rules....what are they ? Do they still have them?
  10. I asked the same on Twitter cos there was no mention of Being at BV tonight or team news for Thursday just something about a Wolves rider being there. Eventually got a reply to say he was. Got the distinct impression I shouldn't have asked tho
  11. Edited after BWitchers edit. Never thought he would go thro the motions, he's a racer. Yes he battled and took risks. That never was the issue for me. Simply the emphasis that Sky and Pearson put on his return. Nice to debate without hysterics can you give some others lessons
  12. As I said try reading I did not say the Wolves riders didn't want him there. Resorted to name calling again just because someone has a differing viewpoint to yourself. Didn't take long did it.
  13. Try reading before assuming. I said I did not blame Tai, therefore I was not Tai bashing. I didn't mention strengthening the Wolves team merely that a TEAM consists of SEVEN riders not just the one, a fact that seems to have escaped Sky, Pearson and it appears your good self. EDITED to correct fat finger spelling disorder
  14. I assume from that remark that you don't think the six Wolves riders worthy of respect.
  15. I wonder how much it did for the self esteem of the other six Wolves riders. Not blaming Woffinden for this, but the Wolves promotion should be ashamed of themselves. Those six riders have got the team to challenge for the play offs and now it appears they are just by-standers.
  16. but at least the fans that are there have some idea of what is going on in the pits. Normally they stand there like lemons and know nothing except the sanatised version given by the announcer. Speedway is should be about entertainment and if a smidgeon of extra entertainment is added by TMs tweeting during a meeting I'm all for it. I know they introduced a rule banning it but I understood that was to do with betting and quite honestly until or unless the betting companies put loads of dosh into the sport I couldn't give a flying fart about them
  17. If you do dare to write to them, don't forget friendly postmaster, video putting it in envelope, recorded delivery, video paying and handing it over. Worked for tellboy. Alternatively ask Mimmo what he suggests
  18. Why should a country pay expenses to someone that doesn't choose to ride in that country? I'm quite happy to agree to disagree cos quite simply unless or until Woffinden actually lets us all know what his beef is none of us can really come to a definitive conclusion.
  19. Common sense says a British rider riding for a British team in Britain would get expenses in Britain only. I fail to see why the British authorities should pay any expenses other than that. It's Woffindens choice to ride abroad so the consequences are down to him alone,
  20. Really,always used to be that riders were paid expenses from either their home or home track to the track they were racing on.
  21. Sensible decision by Rosco. There is nothing to get involved in because Woffinden has not said what the cause is. Can't believe I used the words sensible and Rosco in the same sentence
  22. Errrr no we do not KNOW it's between him and the BSPA because he hasn't said it is. You, I and everyone else can assume that to be the case but we cannot know. Oh heck I'm begining to sound like someone else now Incidentally is media training part of his great plan do you think, cos he really should be first in line for the lessons if it is
  23. Oh I'm getting deja vu Just because you post something twice doesn't make it any more correct
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