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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. If Lakeside can't win this by 15+ points they don't deserve to be anywhere near the play offs.
  2. How did he/they stay on the motorbike?
  3. If you can't have a good time without resorting to using artificial stuff to enjoy life, your life really needs sorting out IMO
  4. Not having a go at you OFFan but as I've said on another thread if all the sensible (or semi sensible in my case ) posters stop posting it means the idiots have won I'm that stubborn and awkward I refuse to allow that to happen so will continue to state my opinion and just ignore the idiots.
  5. It could also be that the reliable source thought the public deserved to know the truth but couldn't say it himself because of his connections/associations but by telling SS hoped the truth would get out and trusted SS enough to know his identity would be protected. It wouldn't be the first time rides/promoters/managers have put something into the public domain without revealing the source.
  6. So if he couldn't be at every training school, how would they be any different to a training school run by anyone else, most of whom as I understand are actually in attendance
  7. I don't know if the reason SS gave is the truth, but are we expected to believe that ALL the riders did not know the payment arrangements before riding. Therefore Tai would have known he would receive 25% and not a penny more, which IMO is fair, after all you ride as a TEAM, you are riding for your nation. It's not the same as league racing where you get points money. If he doesn't like the pay arrangements, it's his perogative not to ride for that amount but I can understand why he wouldn't want the general public to know.
  8. Totally agree that the idiots and the abuse merchants who seem to think the forum is their personal play school are a PITA. Sadly tho if all the sensible people turn their backs on the forum it will mean the idiots have won. Being a stubborn old bird I refuse to be a part of that happening so I shall continue to post sensible (well reasonably) things with a modicum of humour and just hope that enough sensible people have the testicular fortitude or common sense to do the same. As for promoters.......it's their money so they have the final say, don't mean I have to agree with them tho and until I win the lottery that's how it will stay
  9. Let's get one thing straight I am not and never will be your love. I assumed as you support Tipswich you came from Suffolk....there again I wouldn't admit being from there either
  10. Blooming heck you eyesight is amazing seeing all that from Suffolk, not to mention your mind reading skills!
  11. It's pointless starting one, a bit like the Lynn performance:)
  12. Don't the pair of you have anything better to do on a Bank Holiday?
  13. Agree that NL at Lynn is better than EL but other plans for this evening were made weeks ago. Weather still the same tho thunder is closer and the odd flash of lightening but still dry at moment. EDIT Now raining steadily and very grey. increased wind speed. tis brighter to the west. Dunno if I will be able to update later but will try if you wish.
  14. 2 miles from track Light shower this morning HT. No wet stuff since. overcast, humid with slight breeze. Distant rumbles of thunder but appear a fair way off at present so may well miss....there again may not....I'm not Mystic Meg
  15. HT the two instances you mention at BV and IOW sadly are the exception rather than the rule. I still love speedway and in my heart of hearts would love to go back to being a regular with all that entails but I will not be taken for a mug and fork out £17 every week just to see 17 minutes of racing. It's not so much the silly rules/lack of passing etc that gets to me it's the sheer lack of entertainment and value for money. I know what goes on because my husband and daughter go most weeks, well they did but even they have given up for the year now. I know some tracks put a helluva lot of effort into it but sadly my local track doesn't. Most of the "extras" I've advocated in the past would cost very little in financial terms, tho they might take a bit of co-operation, good will, imagination and commitment from promoters and riders alike and that seems in short supply too. A simple example is riders doing victory laps and wheelies...used to be the norm now becoming a rarity. Kids love them, so do big kids and it all helps fans feel involved. Now if promoters want to ignore folk like me, so be it, but IMO it's a very short sighted view.
  16. Does Rory's average now allow a drop to PL?
  17. I think the point they were making Trees was that Woffy at least made an attempt to give the fans added value. My daughter has complained all season that the Lynn riders rarely ( Lambert excepted) bother to do an extra lap and wheelies are as rare as hens teeth. Im far from Woffy's greatest fan but credit where it's due and a pity more don't follow his example.
  18. The only positive comment from my family about last night was ...at least Woffy tried to entertain us with about 5 laps of wheelies and more laps of honour than the whole Lynn team (with the exception of Lambert) have managed all year.
  19. Neil Watson of Coventry comes on here and I've seen him answer queries that are asked in a polite manner
  20. At least there was entertainment in the Waggy years...oh yeah and a decent racers track
  21. Apparently the start was delayed to allow further track prep, after almost perfect weather all day. So all week KL have been tweeting that Woffinden is back in town it appears to have worked as a larger crowd than normal is reported. So how do they get treated.....tractor racing. And they wonder why the sport is dying!
  22. They do seem to be revelling in the attention. A simple denial and statement that they are reporting future accusations followed by a dignified silence and this would have been history by now.
  23. Raining again and distant rumbles of thunder. Definitely gonna be one of those is it or isn't it evenings.
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