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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Blooming heck just had to check the thread title, thought I'd inadvertently stumbled into the minutes of the last BSPA AGM. Then I realised there was too much common sense being spouted
  2. If it's "save the last dance" you could try contacting the box office. I've always found them very obliging when it comes to booking changes. We have tickets for Weds, but then the family have given up trying to avoid speedway nights since they became so random.
  3. Potentially more seriously he has identified his children. Some people really should engage brain before postin
  4. Children I think the moderators deserve a private life.....grow up FFS
  5. I actually meant Harris, didn't think you could have r/r for reserves.......there again this season anything is possible!
  6. I'm no fan of Gavan or Chris4gillian but for Pinny to expect either of them to post photos of themselves or their addresses is a bit silly (being polite here) or has he not read about Internet safety. BTW I can confirm that Pinny and Steve Shovlar are two entirely different people having met them both, although it was a few years ago in Pinnys case.
  7. I'm surprised Lynn are using a guest and not going with r/r to be honest.
  8. Well so far Dazzafl. Gavan and Chris4gillian have all said at various points they would no longer post on this thread. All three of them have posted since. Multiple times in one case. Not sure what that says about their resolve and character but I have my own opinion
  9. Sky channel 472. All their blurb says it's free with any Sky package not just sports. Dont know about NowTV etc
  10. Can't argue with that. An absolute belter to put on Sky's new free channel that will bring crowds back in their droves!
  11. Two very long posts from dazzafl and Joe Beevers, one a load of baloney and the other a reasonably argued statement. If what Steve Shovlar has said about private convos being discussed is correct, and I have no reason to doubt him I agree that dazzafl hardly shows himself to be trustworthy. Joe Beevers on the other hand talks an awful lot of sense.
  12. It could have been BWitcher, told Gavan who told chris4gillan who told Norriie Allan .....but I'm still waiting to find out what Norrie Allan said
  13. Apparently it's on the new Sky Sports Mix channel which according to the ads is free. Not going to entice many newbies to go live is it Having said that the racing could be OK, I'm of the opinion that you don't need the GP stars to make decent racing just riders that are relatively of the same standard so who knows. It could be brilliant
  14. You stated your source but despite being asked (#683) didn't state what he said. So we are expected to believe what exactly?
  15. Did I say I knew. I said that's how it used to work. No speculation at all. Didn't they have Janet and John books in Dorset
  16. Didn't it used to be the case that the home club offered the visitors 3 dates and if they still could not agree the BSPA intervened and said when the meeting had to be run?
  17. Maybe they gave him 60% of it and he has to give the other 40% back by next season
  18. OK I'll bite. What did Norrie Allan say was the reason Tai is not riding for GB in 2017.
  19. Which they have done, and I agree rightly so. It was Tai's rant on social media that catapulted the subject into the public domain which IMO sort of lost him the right to privacy on this particular subject.
  20. FWIW I prefer to believe the word of people I have known (on and off the net) for quite a number of years rather than people I have never met and know only from some rants on BSF. We all have to make our own minds up as to who we believe. For the record I've never met Gavan, Chris4gillian, Robert72 or Dazzafl , doesn't mean I don't believe some of what they say, simply that I put more credence into what's said by folk I know.
  21. I know how I felt at work when the whole team was praised and we all knew that one of our number was not up to scratch (being polite here ). It didn't have to be a rant about Bratchelor, simply say 6 of the team performed very well and leave it at that.
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