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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Strange that Pearson hasn't explained why Aussie born Schlien is riding but British born Woffinden isn't. Probably a bit complicated for him
  2. Let's hope it doesn't turn out sour. Too hot for a coat
  3. I can answer one for you I'll be at a quiz night in a local hostelry, much more entertaining
  4. Nothing against Craig Cook but I'd love to see Rory win just to see what angle the BSPA would put on an Aussie being the British GP wild card
  5. So the rules should be ignored in this case but not in others. Come on SF you cannot ignore rules just because you don't like their effect, if we did that Poole would never have won all those titles
  6. There are times I feel for Trees. Her enthusiasm is obvious as is her optimism (misplaced maybe). She must feel like King Canute.
  7. Sums it up in a nutshell. Lynn have never been a glory club, Fans have had years of never winning anything but we always had the consolation of seeing cracking racing. Now it seems neither is on offer.
  8. No idea what the rules say but logic says it was a qualifying competition and there were no wild cards. To me that means the places in the final should go to the next rider down in the qualifying scores. Until all of those are ruled out, Lambert, and anyone else, should not be included no matter how talented they are.
  9. Why he didn't qualify? The place should go to the next in line of qualification.
  10. and that I venture to suggest is a big part of the reason fans are unhappy. Some things in speedway cannot be helped but treating fans with contempt is not one of them. A simple statement that he is riding or alternatively he isnt (and to please Trees ) everything possible is being done to get a replacement would go a very long way.
  11. No I don't know better because the club haven't kept fans informed for a number of years now, this year they seem to have taken that to an even higher level. There are many reasons I don't enjoy speedway so much nowadays, but rest assured when I do go it will not be to Lynn cos I do object to being treated like a mushroom. To be quite honest until they wake up, smell the coffee and start to treat fans like the paying customers they are I can see Lynn speedway being finished within 5 years and that saddens me believe it or not.
  12. Don't worry Trees will be sure they are working on a replacement for him too.. Anyone else believe in the guy with the white beard who wears a red suit
  13. I see two more meetings today have been postponed well in advance due to adverse weather. It seems to be becoming a trend. Is it possible this is now an accepted route for BSPA members when they think crowd levels will be down? BTW I accept the weather was OK for speedway last night, my post early yesterday afternoon was based on the weather at that time. Maybe JC could give us some idea of the financial implications involved in early call offs as opposed to call offs just before start time.
  14. I have no idea Let's put it this way, IF I was still a regular I would think twice before going down there tonight in this weather. The forecast might be for it to improve but at present there's no way I'd stand on those terraces.
  15. Not sure where you are but it's still blowing a hoolie here. Good point Steve. Just got back from Lynn High Street and there are all sorts of stuff being blown around and that's where it's closed in. The wide open aspect of Saddlebow Road would be much worse. If the wind has died down by 70% I'm amazed my house is still standing after last night. The tree at the bottom of my garden, just off Gaywood Road is doing quite a decent Cha Cha Cha with an occasional burst of Argentine Tango I'm no apologist for Lynn speedway nowadays but I think Steve might be on the right track, H & S for spectators has to be uppermost in any promoters mind in these days of suing for a broken toenail. I've never ridden a speedway bike but I think an isolated gust of the strength we have at present could present as much if not more danger than the lowering of the sun. Maybe next time Buster won't call off early, wait until the crowd are in and the riders say it's too dangerous. Imagine the furore.....oh hang on yep we've been there done that I do agree with JC tho a few more words of explanation would have been good, but do fans really matter any more? I
  16. I don't disagree that there should be seeded riders or wild cards but this year the BSPA made no provision for either and for once stuck to the rules. People, including me, often moan that the rule book is made of elastic so when on the rare occasion they stick to the rules they should be applauded. You cannot bend rules when it suits.
  17. Lambert is not in because he didn't qualify....for whatever reason and for once the BSPA have done the right thing and not managed to find a way to wangle him in. Schlien did qualify...whether he should have been eligible is a matter of opinion.
  18. Thanks for the reply. It actually does nothing to improve my view of the way the sport is run. I think I'll leave it there.
  19. So you can't actually quote another example of a rider only getting a 14 day ban and it actually only being 14 days. Let me ask something else. How long was the facility granted to Scunthorpe. 28 days or 14 days? I'm not having a go simply trying to get my head round it.
  20. You keep quoting Henka but can you quote any other instance? SCB hasn't just quoted a single instance unlike yourself. I await your reply All the best
  21. As the forum hasn't gone into meltdown, I'd suggest it's a rumour at the moment
  22. I believe the authorities have banned many of the things you, I and many others,called characterful. I recall Mike Bennett saying from the centre green at Lynn that he couldn't say certain stuff or he would be fined. What's left are now bland, featureless presenters, which I hasten to add isn't always their fault. I agree with TWK about the lack of characters amongst riders but that is probably also down to the fact they are not "allowed" to do stuff anymore. Will they never learn. A bit of centre green banter or mock handbags is entertaining, engages the fans and speedway really needs to add some of that nowadays.
  23. On Facebook there is a post saying it was Danny Curl and he is currently in QEH awaiting an op on a broken femur. Apologies if this is incorrect, as I wasn't there just putting 2 and2 together.
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