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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Have Chris4gillian and Steve Shovlar taken over from Gavan And Robert72?
  2. He has posted on Facebook that his next meeting is today for Kings Lynn so maybe that will satisfy you all.
  3. You do realise there are several bones in the wrist don't you. How much you movement you have depends on which bone you have broken, not to mention whether it's displaced or stable. There is no reason for Lambert to say he has a broken wrist if he hasn't, it's unfair to compare his injury with Simon Lambert as they are probably completely different.
  4. So would you rather he had not ridden tonight and possibly tomorrow and gone into the SWC on Saturday with his wrist untested? Doyle rode Saturday, isn't riding Thursday but I be he will be fit for the SWC. I'm not saying it's right but it's happened for years and until all nations have a co-ordinated injury policy (when hell freezes over) it always will.
  5. Big bonus has to be BT Sport posting lots about the meeting on twitter, something Sky didn't bother with.
  6. One thing not missed is the Pearson/Tatum nodding dog pieces to camera, far prefer camera shots of pits/spectators while they talk
  7. 5 minutes in and not heard Pearson yet. BT are brilliant. Seriously much better opening than Sky ever managed. EDIT Heat 1 and sadly the racing at Poole is as crap as ever
  8. Well done that man. Credit to the ref too for admitting he/she was wrong.....that doesn't happen often either.
  9. I don't think the vast majority of complaints would need money to sort. From reading on here and my own thoughts the most complaints would be solved by ;- 1 Start on time Free 2 No long tractor grades unless track dangerous Free 3 If long grading necessary no (or short) interval Minimal loss of income in bars etc* 4 Keep fans informed Should cost no or little more than at present * any loss of revenue would be made up by less fans deserting the sport Apart from the lack of actual racing which is also in his hands via providing a good racing surface the above seems to cover the majority of complaints. It can be sorted with minimal cost and would probably pay dividends if meetings finished at a reasonable time as parents would feel confident enough to bring their kids on a school night. We have an almost absentee promoter in Rob Lyon who I know is laid back but is past horizontal at present, someone NEEDS to show the club cares. It shouldn't just be left to Dale Allit and Scott Campos to show a presence on twitter. The clue is in the name PROMOTER. I agree about replacing under performing riders but as I said earlier Lynn probably have a budget and some riders will not ride for the money on offer even tho Lynn are renowned for paying on time. I honestly cannot see any will or intention to change, when was the last time we saw a Buster rant tho it might be difficult for him to rant against himself Maybe passion has been banned by Adrian Flux/Norfolk/ Arena as non politically correct in which case bring back Saddlebow Road.
  10. Probably they have a budget and stick to it, which means other clubs who are willing to pay over the odds sign riders you think we should go for. Can't blame the riders for going for the best deal for them , can't blame the club for sticking to a budget but wouldn't it be nice to be told.
  11. I've said many times I don't want to see the end of any club, but from where I am Lynn speedway is quite a way down the path of self destruct. I certainly won't feel responsible if it does close, sad yes but responsible never. I'm more than willing to regain my enthusiasm and with it returning to the terraces but you only have to read the views of the majority of Lynn fans (most of whom have been going for decades) to see I'm not alone in being dissatisfied. The majority of complaints can easily be put right at minimal cost to the promotion but they either can't be bothered or don't see the problem. Lynn fans are used to not winning, that's never been an issue here in Norfolk but we we don't like being taken for fools. I fail to see why I or anyone else should use my money to shore up something that does not even come close to value for money.
  12. So glad I went to a quiz night instead of this crock of rubbishe. Was not only royally entertained, also had a dish of snacks provided for each team and best of all we won so I ended up £16 better off. Take note semion, I'll let you know when the next one is
  13. No they don't start until September but bear in mind just one incident anywhere in the area knocks on throughout the town and surrounding area. Hopefully you won't need it but I'd allow a bit of extra time.
  14. As it happens I am a fan, not massive admittedly. I didn't refer to any rider by name because TBH many of them (and they are not all in the GPs) are guilty of it at times.
  15. Barker will never be world champion but then you can't have 7 world champs in a team. He is however an entertainer, interacts with the fans and never knows when he's beaten. Quite simply I'd rather watch 7 riders like him than 7 gate and go "can't be arsed cos I've got a GP at the weekend" type of rider. Then again I've never been conventional
  16. Agreed, I was at the first meeting at Saddlebow Road and until recently missed very few. The sun delay didn't seem to feature in the early years i.e. 60s, and 70s Not sure why there were no delays in the early years because the sun is blinding looking into the first bend. I can remember Buster storming into the office one night when the riders declared the sun too bright saying I'll buy them all tinted visors for next week, but that didn't happen so I guess they wouldn't have made any difference.
  17. So if he was telling the truth, and I have no reason to doubt it, who the hell actually runs British Speedway?
  18. I suggested Barker last season and the season before and got roundly shouted down. Amazing what one good meeting on TV will do !!!
  19. Thank you Aces51 for the clarification. As I said i didn't disbelieve, it was more a case of it being unbelievable. There again nothing surprises me any more when it comes to British speedway. It's amazing that it can actually stagger on with all the self inflicted holes in it's foot!
  20. Anyone got a link to where it's said Chapman/BSPA banned Bewley. I'm not disbelieving it, I'd prefer a source outside BSF.
  21. Doesn't Steve Brandon also act as floor manager or whatever they are called at outdoor events? So I'm not sure which of the other three you could drop....although I know my preference
  22. Much better pits presence. Natalie knows her stuff and it showed. No stupid Pearson/Tatum tent. Camera work could be improved but then most tracks dont have so much actual" racing" as BV so perhaps that showed it up more. Overall preferred it to Sky coverage but there is room for improvement,especially in the commentary department.
  23. So if Lambert had been slotted into this meeting, the last rider in would have missed out. So that would have meant no Ben Barker. Just saying!
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