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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I don't think anyone has met him/her, or ever had cause to pull him/her up on grammar or spelling. As you say too good to be true. Even professional translators make the occasional slip up. You've just made me break my unwritten rule and given the troll attention I'll go and lie down in a darkened room until sanity returns
  2. There is a sidecar speedway meeting at Lynn on Friday. Pretty sure the tweet I saw said £10 so it will be interesting to see what kind of crowd they get. Not seen any other advertising tho. Having said that I've watched it a couple of times in second halves and it's not my cup of tea.
  3. Until he decided he didn't want people to know what he really thought and walked off set (tv version of deleting tweets)
  4. It's never been my policy to boo a rider, I simply ignore them, even turn my back on them (never saw Hancock and Hamill do victory laps ). By booing them you are simply giving them attention
  5. Last Saturday when complaints were made about the lack of decent acing we were told it was because there were 2 good teams and 2 not so good so we would never get decent racing. Tonight we had 2 good teams and 2 also rans and the racing was pretty good, not up to Tuesday but pretty good. So that throws the even teams theory out of the water. I don't know the answer to getting GB up with the big guns but I sincerely hope any solution does not include Tai Woffinden whose tweet again tonight proves he is not conducive to a good team atmosphere.
  6. Has any more been heard about the alleged engine checking?
  7. If we must keep the ruddy stupid joker a rule should be brought in, any rider not making a bona ride effort to race for all four laps, their team loses the right to play a joker for the remainder of the meeting
  8. Round 2 already had more racing in 4 heats than the whole of Saturday night. Come on Latvia and Russia.
  9. For balance I would point out that a lot of folk have been blocked by Woffinden, therefore the figures are slightly skewed. A Bit like doing a political poll in a Conservative club
  10. and there was me thinking the BSF was a broad church and covered multiple opinions. Maybe those that are blaming the SCB and BSPA are Bridger fans and maybe just maybe any SCB/BSPA fans are too ashamed to own up to it and say they were right to fine Bridger. For the record I'm neither a Bridger fan nor a SCB/BSPA fan and to fine a rider for voicing an opinion is totally wrong on any level. Good job this isn't the USA cos the SCB would have breached the first amendment ( well I don't think Trump has changed it yet )
  11. Why didn't he simply block him. It's not as if he doesn't know how.
  12. I honestly can't remember the detail but I was not abusive I can assure you.
  13. Well if that's the kind of person you want representing Your country, I feel sorry for you. I prefer to have my country and ultimately me, to be represented by someone who knows how to respect others and behave professionally Step forward Craig Cook
  14. On the subject of empty terraces, just spotted the athletics on BBC today. More competitors than spectators and it's some kind of championship. So it's not just speedway. EDIT they have just interviewed a winner and he pointed to the empty stand and reeled of his family who were sitting there so are there any non family and friends even?
  15. There were more. The ones I saw were along the lines he is the best thing since sliced bread. It was more the tone and arrogance of them from what I saw. I only saw retweets as I am blocked cos I don't hero worship and at some point he didn't like my opinion.
  16. He rode for Lynn for a short while, wasn't that impressive TBF
  17. Just to demonstrate how amateur the sport is, keeping the tapes still is a cone with a broom handle stuck in the top. How much effort would it have taken to spray paint it black...or heaven forbid neon green
  18. Be interesting to see if we get the usual KL sun delay, scheduled for approx 1945 hours
  19. That is always assuming that the riders who have been loyal to GB are happy with him coming back as if nothing has happened. I don't have a clue how they feel but it is possible there is an element of resentment at his arrogance,
  20. Ermolenko has his own language! At least that one was easily translated.
  21. Agree GC camerawork diabolical. And to think folk were moaning about BT on Monday!!
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