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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. That tweet was from an account with the tic beside it, which I believe means it's a verified account i.e Darcy Ward himself. It's still on twitter admittedly as a screen shot. Moral of the story don't tweet unless you mean it cos sure as hell someone somewhere will screenshot it and it will resurface I've amazed myself by managing to copy it onto here
  2. I suppose that depends on where the meeting is, what time it starts and what time riders have to sign in. Anyone know the answers
  3. That's my guess too. The British season traditionally starts on March 15th, add 28 days and you get to April 13th which is when Holder is able to ride in Britain again.
  4. Bit gob smacked by all of this. Fully supported his original 28 day ban and his sacking but 9 months!!! I'm wondering if he has actually got another 28 day ban which starts from the beginning of next season and there's been some journalist licence taken. There again it doesn't change much as he couldn't ride in the UK this season anyway. Maybe it's karma for all the male cow dung he has been spouting on twitter, the comments to Graham Drury in particular were totally out of order, maybe that's what breaching rule 3.2.7 refers to. Forgive the ramblings
  5. I can only speak as I find but Racers and Royals is one of the most helpful members on this forum. Always posting links for streams etc. I've pm'd him on several occasions for information and have always received a polite, helpful and prompt response. PS put the cheque in the post R & R lol
  6. Agree that there are a few aspects where Sky coverage, especially pictures, were better but one thing BT have got right is cutting out the Sky Studio with Pearson & Tatum. It always looked forced and Tatum did wonderful impersonations of a nodding dog, probably had someone in his ear saying be more animated. The banter from them now they don't have to worry about how they look seems better to me. Much more natural and more akin to a couple of fans on the terraces.
  7. I didn't think it was that bad a meeting, there were some passes. I've seen far worse and I've seen better on TV. It did seem to me that the Lynn riders actually wanted to be there and had some pride in riding for the club.
  8. At least BT manage to find the youngsters in the crowd. All Sky ever showed was wrinklies old age pensioners and dogs Probably because he knows very little about speedway and thinks a female in charge is a novelty.
  9. Think I read he got double figures yesterday in Poland so why the difference?
  10. I can think of a few riders that should invest in one to fix their loose screws
  11. First time seeing him live yesterday. What impressed me was he was so still on the bike. Others were shifting their weight from side to side, bucking about etc, Bewley just sat serenely and it worked. Reminded me of Leigh Adams, if he emulates him there will be few complaints.
  12. No idea of his name but I really enjoyed his work. Might be different if I had to listen to him every week tho.
  13. Are you talking about Craig Saul? I thought the northern guy was like a breath of fresh air, once I tuned into his accent
  14. WEATHER - dry, moderate breeze, bit overcast. Apparently there has been some sun but I was in the pub so didn't see it.
  15. Viewing figures for this one should be pretty high judging by the number who intend watching it on TV rather than attending
  16. What the likes of Ccok and friends have to realise is many tracks are on a financial knife edge . The cut from BSPA events possibly are the only thing keeping them afloat. If they close that's less tracks for future riders to ply their trade on and for Cook et al to earn their normal money on. Thankfully not all riders are selfish whinging gas bags. The likes of Bomber, Garrity, Barker, Doolan, Jacobsen (apologies to any I missed out) rode their hearts out yesterday presumably for the same money. My thanks to all of them for their efforts.
  17. And that is the crux of the problem. The new super duper go a half second faster bikes add absolutely nothing to the spectacle of speedway. All they do is increase the cost to the rider, the promoter and ultimately the fans.
  18. It's not the fact that he missed the fours that has annoyed me so much as the fact that his promoter has said he will give him his blessing to miss the trips to Newcastle and Scunthorpe. If Holder doesn't ride in them he should quite rightly get a ban promoters permission or not. That's sticking up two fingers to the fans, riders and officials of those two clubs, not to mention any travelling Panthers fans. If that's Rathbones attitude towards fans and fellow promoters I have two words for him Foxtrot Oscar.
  19. I thought they got thro it fairly efficiently. There were times I was still filling in the prog when the next four were at the tapes.much less faffing about at the tapes than in the top league. There were big track grades between the semis and before the final but it was needed and didn't take that long. IMHO the presentation was good, the organisation was good and some of the racing was bloody brilliant. There can be few better sights than watching Bomber round the Showground when he is on song. The effort put in by the majority was much appreciated by me. Garrity, Barker, Ostergaard and a couple of others gave it everything. I thought Ipswich went home after the semis, after the first couple of races when they were down a few points they seemed to lose their fight. So why did they use Holder in a PR two days before the event?
  20. They have knocked the 5 man races on the head.....at least I think they did .....but there again probably done another U-turn now and probably 8 man races now
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