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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Lynn have now apologised for the "oversight" in not informing fans of Palm-Toft's absence. So far they have not apologised for advertising 17/18 year old admission at £10 when in fact it should have been 16/17 year old for £10. Buster was swift to sack riders for not performing their job to the standard he required or expected, no doubt we will hear very quickly that the person responsible for the above will have been relieved of their post. I supported Buster over the Holder/Batchelor affair but it's time he realised the rest of his "team" need to perform well also. Fans can forgive riders being injured/out of form etc but there is no excuse for poor communication in this day and age.
  2. Can't help the truth and that's what happened. Shock, horror reactions would be lying. As others have said a d/h against same oppostion was a disaster waiting to happen and as it's pretty obvious Buster has driven over a herd of black cats......... You know damn well I don't want any club to close but that means promoters actually engaging brain and also showing fans respect.
  3. For those who don't do twitter.... David Wootton‏ @WestNorfolkBees 2m2 minutes agoMore @KLSpeedway get the facts. Buster and Wolves wanted to call 2nd meeting off. Buster wanted to refund fans £8 each. But ref would not allow DW is Nik Porsing's manager so I guess he knows what he's talking about. The ref is Barbara Horley.
  4. I believe once the referee is in attendance only he/she can call a meeting off. So not Busters call to make.
  5. What is really sad is that in the past myself and my daughter were massive Lynn fans and we are both sitting here laughing hysterically. You really couldn't make it up.
  6. Seems no Robert Lambert for meeting 2..or someone is having a joke on twitter
  7. He is a local lad who I believe rode in the now defunct KL NL team.
  8. I for one would have had some sympathy for Buster up until the 7 pm announcement that Palm-Toft wasn't there. That was totally out of order and took me back to the 60s and 70s when fans never found out about missing riders till they had paid their money. The only sympathy I have tonight is for anyone gullible enough to have paid £25. Another rules question. As Lynn now have Porsing and Jonasson out injured and are already using r/r does that mean they have to go with one reserve?
  9. I remember Kozza Smith being pulled from a meeting at Reading by a medic because of exhaustion after 6 (?) rides. Wonder how Auty will be after 14 rides?
  10. Just seen a f/b post of the sunset there and to be fair the crowd looks to be a reasonable size.....would be bigger but there's a queue at the pit gate waiting to try kevlars on to ride in meeting 2
  11. Well a few are. I'm looking forward to hearing Trees take on all this
  12. Ta so what happens for meeting 2. They have called Scott Campos over the tannoy but even if he agrees to ride I doubt he has equipment with him
  13. Rules question. As Lynn have lost a reserve in the first meeting I assume IRR covers it. what happens for meeting 2 , surely IRR is not applicable. Quite a lot of us don't anymore.
  14. That's not really the point tho is it. Fans are already in the stadium or travelling expecting a full 1-7 as advertised in the KL press release.
  15. And all of thirty minutes before tapes up Kings Lynn announce no Palm-Toft due to prior commitments. Sprung that one on the fans didn't they.
  16. Surprisingly for once the information is on the website - £25 EDIT They have just tweeted King's Lynn Speedway‏ @KLSpeedway 3m3 minutes agoMore Wednesday's admission prices for 2 meetings in 1 against @WolvesSpeedway £25 adults £20 concessions £10 17-18 YO £5 12-16 YO FREE 11 & under
  17. i If the part about threatening the medical team is correct he should be banned for life.
  18. Totally understand your point of view Haza but it's not practical for the club to do it for all. Of course you could email them and see if they would refund you the £8 at the box office as you leave, but having seen that emails rarely get answered that's probably not an option
  19. Not the best idea from a fans point of view, tho I can see the benefit from a logistic viewpoint for promoter and riders. Haza paying for the first meeting only is to put it mildly, a stupid idea. The only way that could work would be to clear the stadium and readmit those with a £25 ticket. Might be finished in time for brekkie then! It could be done for 2nd meeting only but then you would have to sit in the car park not knowing when the 2nd meeting starts. Gemini has the best idea, one meeting points count double but the riders won't like that cos it deprives them of a pay day.
  20. This is why speedway riders ( or any athletes) are the last people to decide if they are fit to ride after concussion. from your account it is obvious something was not right and understandably he wanted to ride but it was not the best idea for him or indeed anyone on the track with him. Years ago there wasn't even a mandatory rest period maybe a check up with a doctor after that period should also now be statutory. Nothing personal against Nickolas, as I said most athletes would have done the same but there are times when riders have to be saved from themselves.
  21. Simon Lambert replaces Porsing who was taken ill last night in Sweden.
  22. They will be announced as soon as they can find a date when 14 random riders are free to guest.
  23. From memory of the BV incident the other year, you don't have to use them you just have to wear them. So as long as they were still round his neck it was legal. Makes sense to me cos if the goggles are filled in with shale it's safer to slip them down round the neck.
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