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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. If it's that important to you, maybe you should try snailmail and add the cost of postage on to the amount you ask to be refunded.
  2. That's a silly argument. The Poles also fought alongside us in the war but that doesn't mean we can't criticise the effect the Poles are having on UK speedway now.
  3. I think we need to bait the thread to entice them. So here goes...... Which track is more dangerous in your opinion.
  4. GRW I suggest you read what I post more carefully and not allow your frustration and anger to colour what you think I meam. I've been a critic of Buster for several years now, whereas you and a few others have only converted more recently. The garden isn't rosy, I didn't come close to suggesting it was. It's full of weeds and thistles. I've known Buster for many years and wish you luck making him realise anything that differs from his opinion. Having said that if he keeps the club going, and it seems to be his intention from the latest PR, I for one will be grateful to him. I certainly won't stop criticising him if I think it necessary. It hasn't all been his fault as I said before Holder and Batchelor had a fair part to play. Had they ridden with loyalty, and not just in the Poole debacle meeting but in all matches we wouldn't be having this debate? Their part in this seems to have been forgotten by some. Buster has made mistakes, he is annoying in the extreme by not respecting the fans but it's not all his fault. Incidentally I've never blown sunshine up anyone's arse and have no intention of starting now. I attended the first ever meeting at Saddlebow Road and until 3 years ago missed very few meetings at home and went to evry away meeting I could get to and afford, so I suggest my record of attendance matches yours.
  5. I've been a rather vocal critic of Buster in the past and probably will be in the future. However I did support his stand on Holder and Batchelor and most of the rest of this seasons farce followed on from that. The double header......well we all saw what happened at Wolves last night, down to 4 riders and that certainly wasn't Buster's fault. He is who he is, and I doubt he will change at his age. So folk have two choices, stick with him and support him next season or give up all together. I gave up some time ago but if the sport does go down the one big league/regional all same level league and we have less of the prima donnas I could well be tempted back IF and I appreciate it is a big if, fans are treated with more respect and the entertainment level increases. Get rid of a few of the more stupid rules would help too. I guess what I'm trying to say is speedway has been a massive part of my life (as it has most of the rest on here) and I would hate to see it go. I'm not sure someone else taking over the complete promotion would necessarily be a good thing, the Waggy era didn't end well .Very mixed feelings at the moment Much as I disagree with Trees on some things I can see her point of view.
  6. I know folk who not only got a reply but got a refund. You won't know until you try.
  7. That's worse than talking at length to Rosco.....will watch my newly seeded lawn grow by candlelight from 9pm
  8. sorry to use your post above but what's your view on the difference (if any) in the equipment used by the Poles, Poland based Aussies and the Brits? Does the ability to constantly practice on the track make that much difference. Most fans seem to think it does but it would be good to get a different perspective on it.
  9. Never fear I'm sure they can pad out the last 30 minutes with Swindon choosing their opponents for the play offs.
  10. Whilst I don't disagree with the views that Brits are 1) not good enough 2) not given enough opportunities I wonder what difference bikes used makes. Correct me if I'm wrong but I read that Kurtz used his Polish bikes and Jack Holder was on Chris Holder's bike (presumably Polish). Did the other Aussies also use engines that are usually used in Poland and therefore more suited to Polish tracks? I'm not trying to take away from the Aussies achievements simply interested in the differing standards of bikes used (if any). I know Lambert rides in Poland but have no idea which bikes he used. If the bikes do make that much difference how can we put all the blame the Brits who presumably don't have the advantage of Polish clubs and the bikes behind them.
  11. Spot on, far too many tails trying to wag the dog. Unless and until all promoters realise that fans are the biggest part of a club the sport is doomed. Top riders can whinge all they like but if the terraces are empty it's just so much hot air.
  12. Probably still end up having double headers in August tho.
  13. and exactly how do you suggest clubs pay the rent for the weeks when they don't have a meeting. Landlords will not be happy to rent the stadia for a mere 7 or 8 weeks a year. But hey ho the top name riders will be happy so sod all the clubs that can't bow down to their demands.
  14. Mr Doyle seems to have ignored the fact that young riders do not ride in Sweden and Poland and therefore have to get their experience and perhaps more importantly money in the UK. Fixed nights might well suit the top riders but surely they would limit the number of meetings young riders could participate in. Especially if fixed nights result in some clubs closing or going NL standard. Still I doubt he's worried about that now.
  15. I didn't misunderstand at all. Kevin Doolan, Shane Parker Ryan Sullivan Jason Crump etc have made a contribution yes, no argument but had they not come to the UK I very much doubt they would have made a living let alone achieved what they have if they stayed in Oz. Well Holder has made a contribution this season, pretty sure it's not to the benefit of the sport tho.
  16. Name the Brits that have ridden in the Aussie leagues then
  17. If that's their attitude no we don't need them. Let them find another training ground on their path to the GPs
  18. Sorry but that does not make it OK. If he felt a bit dizzy at any point he should have sought medical advice and would have been withdrawn from the meeting. Riders cannot whinge and moan about dangerous tracks and then put themselves and others in danger because they want to ride regardless. Before you ask I'd say the same about any rider.
  19. So riders won't ride on a dangerous track but are perfectly happy to ride on the same track when one of them is having dizzy spells. Is it any wonder that fans have little sympathy when riders whinge.
  20. Lucky I got so close lol There ya go then, query answered. Once again by fans rather than the club
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