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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. King's Lynn Speedway‏ @KLSpeedway 11m11 minutes agoMore UPDATE | Robert Lambert OUT of tonight's Premiership Riders' Championship (knee) - Josh Auty steps in at short notice. @SpeedwayGB @TheAces I believe he rode in Germany yesterday no idea about tomorrow
  2. Sounds like Swindon are having a King's Lynn type evening
  3. That's a politicians answer, completely ignoring the question asked. As with all politicians who use avoiding direct answers I'll treat any future statements of yours with a tub of salt.
  4. Weather news 2 miles from track - following gale force winds overnight which have now eased to rather blowy, the sun has been shining and we have had blue skies. In the last ten minutes we have had a moderately heavy shower but the sun is now attempting to make another appearance. I'm making absolutely no predictions just saying what I see
  5. Yes and no With a simple league competition teams know when their last team meeting is and can celebrate/commiserate accordingly and publicise it in advance. With play-offs it's not so clear cut. Rye House and Poole for instance had no way of knowing if their last league match would be the final home meeting of the season. The same could also be said of Lynn and Leicester if the relegation play-off ever happens*. The fans of those clubs lose out on the chance to say farewell to the riders of that season. It's a while since I attended a "proper" end of season meeting - you know the ones flour balls hurled to and from riders and fans, speeches from riders, mechanics races etc but I remember many of them with fondness. *Lynn this season is slightly different due to somewhat unusual circumstances
  6. Not sure Lynn, Leicester, Somerset and Rye House fans would agree. Their seasons have sort of petered out, without the climax of a final meeting.
  7. Seems from rumours that speedway on TV is no longer the cash cow it was (if ever ) and the play-offs were brought in to suit TV, do we still need them. Would it not be better to have a league with champions and an end of season cup competition so that clubs season doesn't end in August? BT could always show the cup comp if they wanted to go into October. Disclaimer....I've always been against play-offs
  8. My other half spotted the red light being on live. I initially thought the same as you so When they showed the replay I was watching for it and the red light was on as Doyle started to go down. Unless Mick Bates has reactions faster than James Seargent the light was on before Doyle fell, presumably because of an unsatisfactory start. Sadly BT didn't seem to want to pursue it further.
  9. Told you they would reply...even if it took awhile. Suggest you count again Haza....Lambert, Kai, MPT, Jorgensen, Auty and S Lambert make 6 on my abacus
  10. Very enjoyable and entertaining meeting but lost count of the number of times Pearson in particular got things wrong. That really shouldn't happen with professional commentators (I'm using the term professional in a fairly loose sense).
  11. They just showed a replay and the red light was ON as Doyle came down, therefore the race was stopped before he fell and shouldn't be exc.
  12. Chris Harris is totally innocent in this. He obviously did what he was told to do and had he not would probably have faced disciplinary action of some sort. However SCB is correct there is NOTHING in the rules that covers a facility for his absence. That is the issue. We get post after post saying people see speedway as a joke sport and this is why. If the BSPA/SCB/ACU want or require riders like Bomber to ride in grasstrack meetings they should ensure that the situation is covered by a rule. Anything else just takes fans for fools....but they have done that for decades
  13. Could it be that it is an ACU event and Harris accepted the booking before signing for Peterboro? Plus it's no doubt covered by the "best interests of the sport" clause
  14. Both really. No one wins in those situations. The racing last night , final apart, was awful. I understand why the TV, organisers etc want to go ahead, not that I agree with them. It's the riders that wind me up tho. Had those conditions been at Poole say on Monday, do you honestly think Kurtz and Holder would ride? Of course they wouldn't, but the dangers are the same. Not really singling those two out, but they are involved in both meetings.
  15. My point is if a track is dangerous it's dangerous. It doesn't matter what kind of meeting it is. If a world title meeting is rained off it will be rerun at some point exactly the same as a league meeting. I'd rather not see any meetings raced in conditions like that.
  16. Pretty boring meeting until the final.....and then WOW. Just glad Pearson didnt have the mic
  17. It's the hypocrisy of them I can't stand. If those conditions were in the UK they wouldn't even get changed let alone throw a leg over a bike, but it's no less dangerous because it's a major individual meeting. I have no problem with riders not wanting to ride when conditions are dangerous BUT........you know what I'm saying That was a horrible crash for Drabik.
  18. Amazing that the Aussies are willing to ride on it really....bet they wouldn't if it was a U.K. League meeting
  19. I'm sure he's not skint but he soon will be if he pays out more than he takes in.
  20. Fair enough, if you still get nowhere I'll join you in lambasting the Lynn promotion
  21. You won't know until you try. I've said before I know folk who have written polite letters and got refunds, but it's your choice.
  22. No but instead of sitting at a keyboard complaining every day i'd write a letter send it by snail mail and depending on my mood maybe insert a sentence contains the words small claims court. Of course that would require a small amount of effort but might just get the result you want.
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