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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Cynical old me wonders why Neil Watson can clarify the can Scott guest or not question but completely ignore questions as to Holders health and/or whereabouts. Therefore in the absence of clarification I'm firmly in the skivitis/back in Oz camp. Nothing personal Neil
  2. I understand where you are coming from but I don't think it would hurt for fans to know say an average figure for each league. Let's face it most jobs general pay rates are known. Certainly when I worked in the NHS anyone could find out basic salary rates. There is however no need for specifics. I don't know and don't care how much Bomber or Cookie earn but there are those who might throw a few quid in sponsorship towards "lesser" riders if they think they are underpaid.
  3. Which presumably had a negative financial effect on other clubs.
  4. No he isn't as .British speedway doesn't use a squad system.
  5. As those are the rules yes BUT I would prefer a squad system and have posted here several times about it. Having said that any squad member who has not ridden throughout the season should not IMHO ride in any final
  6. No rider who hasn't ridden in Britain this season should be allowed, don't care if it's Karlsson, Woffinden or Uncle Tom Cobley.
  7. Harris - no contest. What's credible about bringing a rider in to guest who has turned his back on British speedway?
  8. So basically if he had lied to a doctor and said he felt dizzy and got a certificate he would have been fine. He told the truth and was punished for it. Funny old world !
  9. Rosco was so relaxed the opening shots showed him yawning for about 30 seconds I've never rated Swindon as a racing track, last night didn't change my mind. The only entertainment of any note was provided by the Wolves riders and the fact they were stuffing the Robins. So much so it rendered Pearson almost (for him) speechless
  10. Which strengthens the case for any certificate to have a minimum period of 3 days.
  11. If you care to check back you will see I wasn't the person that moaned. I replied to someone who rudely told folk to "turn the sound off" and then further replied when asked why my view should prevail. Which again I didn't suggest it should. Now if expressing an opinion that doesn't conform to yours is moaning...fair enough...I'm guilty. My conscience however is as clear as crystal....I pay my money (unlike some who always want a free stream) and therefore consider I am entitled to an opinion and as this is a forum I will continue to voice it. Have a nice day now
  12. would it not make more sense to have a late afternoon start 3 or 4 o'clock to allow for track work if necessary. 7pm gives very little leeway.
  13. I don't believe anyone said it should but the last time I checked this country still allowed free speech. That being so we are entitled to state our opinion. If you or anyone else doesn't like it you have the option to ignore it. At least you don't have to pay to read what we write
  14. Why should anyone have to turn the sound off. We pay to watch and listen to a professionally produced programme. If what is delivered is less than that we have every right to complain. The alternative of course is for BT to provide half price subscriptions for those that don't use the sound and that is never going to happen.
  15. As he is holding them consistently, the riders should realise it and act accordingly
  16. So you are happy for people to be hypocritical by damning Batclhelor s fit/unfit antics but be OK with Lambert (or any other rider) doing the same. I don't doubt his talent or his motivation, I'm just sick of riders taking fans for fools. That applies to promoters as well.
  17. So much of what you write rings true BUT can we really put all the blame on Lambert when the British authorities have allowed this sort of thing to go on for years, even this season Batchelor was doing it. As for simply pulling out on Saturday I don't think that was an option, the authorities make it a condition that riders attend certain meetings and this was one of them. I'm not making excuses for Lambert. I have my own views on his non appearance (not too far away from yours GRW ) but unless or until the authorities stamp down hard on this by ruling that any medical certificate means an enforced absence of 3 days minimum this sort of thing will continue. It's a very easy get out of jail free card for riders. It's not fair on fans, promoters, clubs or even on riders who have a genuine injury.
  18. This is one time when speedways best interest might be best served by torrential rain!
  19. As with Batchelor he has a medical certificate so cannot be banned as technically he has done nothing wrong. Morally is another matter. To be consistent Buster should sack him, but as it's widely rumoured he is moving on anyway maybe Buster has dodged the moral bullet on this one. Something has to be done about these situations tho, not only do fans suffer but the sports good name (if indeed it still has one).
  20. And whilst the current situation regarding medical certificates exists Lambert, Batchelor and any other rider can do this with impunity. The only way to stop it is for the British authorities to say anyone missing a meeting with a medical certificate cannot ride for 3 days (insert time period of choice) afterwards, It won't stop all the abuse I know but it's gone on for decades and no one in authority seems to have the will to do anything about it. End of rant.
  21. If he does then he should get the same treatment as Batchelor IMHO. So should any other rider that is fit on day 1, unfit on day 2, and fit again on day 3.
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