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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Except those in Mickey Mouse outfits on a speedway bike. Thought I'd say it before waytogo or GRW
  2. I seem to recall a rule limiting the number of assets a club could have......there again I could have been dreaming
  3. Anyone who actually believed that probably believes there are fairies at the bottom of their garden. The thing that will tempt the big boys back is MONEY, pure and simple.
  4. No they are not cheats merely self interested promoters exactly the same as all the others. If it benefits them they will vote for it. It's been that way for decades and until or unless there is an independent body in charge of the sport it will be the same in ten years time, always assuming there are any speedway clubs left of course.
  5. I'd suggest that if Doyle doesn't ride in the UK in 2018 it will have far more to do with wage demands than any rule introduced at the AGM.
  6. I applaud, with a standing ovation, the demise of the dingly dangly double points do dah thingy fixed race nights I'm not really bothered about TBH, would far rather a curb on the number of double ups/down. One rider over 8 is fine by me as long as every team has to track at least 2 Brits. Will await with interest the solution to time wasting at restarts. Overall is it enough to make me want to be an avid follower again.....probably not cos it has so far done nothing to counteract drawn out meetings or improve racing.
  7. Dave provided all the stock for KREST's shop at Lynn and was a delight to work with and one of the most helpful people you could hope to meet. A true gentleman who it was an honour to know. RIP Dave.
  8. Hello there No I'm saying Lebedevs is more entertaining to watch
  9. I'm sure most Lynn fans would consider that statement sacrilege, but it's a sentiment I wholly agree with. I love Lebedevs. NKI may be good but IMHO is rather on the boring side to watch....... cue Trees telling me off
  10. Or possibly the clever ones amongst them are letting Buster and Godfrey take the flak cos they know it's all a lost cause.
  11. They sure as hell didn't build or surface the A47
  12. JC don't waste your breath. The fact that you have been there and done it, not to mention your other successful business dealings cuts no ice with BWitcher who appears to know it all. Maybe BWitcher should put money into a promotion if he is so sure he has the winning formula.
  13. Cant you sneak in and knock some sense into them
  14. Nail hit firmly on the head GRW. It just got me thinking about the difference between speedway and stocks/bangers. They use similar or same stadia and at Lynn they pack them in for stocks. I know little about them but do they have World Champ standard drivers at all meetings? Or do they just provide value for money and entertainment?What do they charge for admission and how long is there actually something going on? I know they do plenty of advertising and promotion, you can't travel far in the West Norfolk area without seeing at least half a dozen posters. I haven't seen a speedway poster since JC left the club.
  15. I think NKI has spat a few out, judging from twitter and Facebook
  16. Nice try at the propaganda PR but the vast majority of fans can see the sponsors influence and have expected it for weeks. Holder has had no major injuries this season to justify a wild card and his riding has to be honest been mediocre at best. I've said for quite some time that series sponsors should not be allowed to sponsor individual riders in the GP and vice versa. At the very least it can lead to suspected conflict of interest and this proves it. Hancock and Pedersen - I can see why they are included personally don't agree with either, much as I love Nicki.
  17. If you want to attract new fans yes you do have to lower the price. All the extra entertainment in the world is not going to tempt newbies into the stadia. There has to be a drive to increase the numbers coming in couples with adding extra entertainment ( you know I'm a massive advocate of that) but adding extra entertainment (and cost) just to keep the die hards happy will not work. All those flocking is what leads to clubs constantly complaining they are losing money (I assume you forgot to add a sarcastic smilie ) I agree fixed nights would help in many ways but it is far from the be all and end all. Spot on semion flower , get em in the gates, make them love the sport and then and only then can you put the price up and start to afford to pay nearer to what many riders now demand. There is nothing to stop any club putting on non league four team tournaments etc with GP standard riders as an extra fixture to league racing, if they think they can pull in the punters/sponsors to make it pay. In some cases i.e Poole it would make sense during the holiday season but the bread and butter has to be a lower priced league structure, at least for a few years.
  18. Trees you miss the point completely. The future of the sport is about financial sustainability. Set ups, fixed nights, doubling up have nothing to aid that., nor to be frank do they attract new fans.
  19. That would require joined up thinking
  20. Trees I'm not suggesting we go back to universal black leathers, I was saying that if they were all wearing black a large number would not be able to tell who was who. Certainly any newbies wouldn't. In an ideal world riders would be paid the earth but that's not where we are and for the sport in the UK to survive radical measures have to be taken. Hodgy, no I didn't go to NL this season. The only one I attended at Lynn this year was the one following Holder/Batchelor gate as I wanted to show my support for Busters stance. Quite frankly I was bored rubbishless. The meetings that have provided me with the most pleasure in the past few years have been those involving the youngsters - Bickley and the McGurks etc. The racing isn't always the best but the sheer joy and commitment shown by those lads more than make up for it. Sadly few of those meetings are within decent travelling time for me nowadays.
  21. I actually prefer lower level league racing so the answer is probably yes . I'd also prefer to see all riders on standard machines but doubt that will happen. The most enjoyable meeting racing wise I've seen at Lynn in recent years has been at NL level. The caveat is the whole level of entertainment off the track also has to be improved cos at the prices currently charged for a simple 15 minutes of racing it's extortionate.
  22. I agree with that BUT it would only take one of the riders to be given a "special deal" and the whole thing would implode. I'm not having a go at Harris or Nicholls et al here but they understandably would be looking for the best deal they could get for themselves. To all those that say we need superstars I say put all riders in black leathers and then see if you can tell who is who. Judge the sport on the entertainment and standard of racing not reputations of individual riders.
  23. The truth hurts they say, and it does in this case but JC you are about the only one that is making any sense at the moment. Speedway is all but finished in this country and if this is the only way to save it so be it. If a few riders, get caught in the cross fire that's unfortunate but if it's a choice between the sport or a couple of loyal riders it's no contest.
  24. To even ask for advice says to me that Ged thought the deal might be iffy. That being so common sense says either knock it on the head or ask the authorities and get the answer in writing.
  25. It's all a conspiracy of monster proportions to avoid awarding him a wild card for 2018 (insert smilie of your choice)
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