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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Could equally have been they were in negotiation and Lambert wanted more than was offered so thought his announcement would add a bit of pressure. i have no idea but being a Libran I like to find two sides to everything to to be honest I didn't consider Lambert's announcement to be very professional but it takes all sorts
  2. I'm an oldie but cannot fault your argument above.
  3. Which I would assume would add extra costs to his travel, not sure any U.K. Promoter would be best pleased at having to foot that bill for a UK rider. just my view
  4. Having read some posts on the Poole thread it seems Ford is not allowing Holder out on loan and will only sell him. Putting both situations together getting 2+2 making half a dozen I'm hoping it means promoters are standing firm together and putting a stop to the tail wagging the dog. please someone tell me I'm not dreaming
  5. Sounds as if his idea of his worth and that of UK promoters differ
  6. As my dear old Mum used to say Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can, its often in a woman but seldom in a man. think this thread read proves the point
  7. The press release says rider news will be released throughout January with the final two announced at the forum. Given all the fuss about Lynn press releases I do wonder sometimes why they bother as it seems folk don't read them
  8. Sometimes went many months between seeing him but he always a had a smile and a bit of banter. RIP Noddy
  9. I'm obviously more compassionate than the Poles. I don't believe in kicking someone when they are down. Everyone knows the sport is risky, seems the Poles want the riders to take ALL the risk.
  10. Is that the norm? I'm obviously very naive but for clubs to expect riders to pay back part of a sign on fee when injured is morally wrong.
  11. Regarding it being a £10 sport, I agree it is IF there is no added entertainment. What clubs need to realise is they can provide added extra entertainment at little or no extra cost. It might involve some effort and use of brain cells (assuming they are available ) but fans would be more willing to attend if they weren't expected to stand on terraces for what seems like hours between 15 races of one minute duration. there have been numerous suggestions for extra entertainment muted on this forum, some of them very good. Such a shame few promoters read them
  12. Thanks for the reply. I must have missed any optimism amongst all the negativity. I've been critical of Buster in the past but there comes a time when moaning posts on repeat become tiresome ( not aimed exclusively at your good self ) I will await the announcement before passing judgement on the future, my feelings on the past are well known lol.
  13. So if they hadn't issued the PR saying info would be given in January you wouldn't moan about the lack of info from now to then? Just asking
  14. Can someone refresh my memory please. When was the Lynn team announced in 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 I'm pretty sure at least some of those seasons it was after Christmas, can't remember all this fuss then.
  15. Thanks for the replies, I won't say clarification cos it still seems as clear as mud to me. It's ridiculous when two loyal BRITISH riders are denied the chance to earnr money in their own country but every Johnny Foreigner and his brother can do so. What a load of crap!!!
  16. Read lots of comments on social media about Scott & Ed being unable to double up but I haven't actually seen the rule it refers to. Can anyone tell me exactly what it says please?
  17. I fail to see why Lynn would tell their fans that a rider has signed for another club. It's not as if Danny King rode for Lynn last season. All it would achieve is negative feedback along the lines of why isn't he riding for us.
  18. Remember it well. Called Wheels, at least I think it was, and broadcast about 1030 in the evening, can't remember which day of the week tho.
  19. and given the small differences in average between him and Morris it's probably finances that decided it, but that doesn't fit with the anti BSPA/Buster agenda does it
  20. Slightly off topic but DWP you mentioned you might do a summary of the 2017 season from your viewpoint, is that still on the cards? I'm sure a lot of us would find it interesting.
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