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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. You miss the point Trees. Sun delays affect paying fans, whilst Suggitt and Neville might be good for the riders (personally I'm yet to be convinced) they add not one iota to enriching the experience of paying customers. I know you do your very best to be positive about everything but there are things that need sorting. We all agree the sun being a natural phenomena is beyond the control of Buster, having an interval after a sun delay or starting late and then having a sun delay is not.
  2. I remember just after Buster took over and was probably the first time I recall a sun delay. I was in the office when the ref called a sun delay, Buster stormed in, in his best Buster Strop mode, and vowed it would never happen again and he was going to get tinted visors for every rider so it didn't. Obviously tinted visors were not the answer.
  3. Just a suggestion put the start line on what is now the back straight. The riders would than be more strung out before they hit the sun. Not sure if it would make a difference maybe SteveHone could tell us.
  4. Maybe if things that the moaners mention i.e. Prompt starts, less delays, reasonably early finish and VFM had been mentioned at the fans forum or addressed in subsequent press releases, attitudes might be more positive. In the 50+ years I've been following Lynn winning has rarely been an essential requirement from fans, in fact most years it's been a vain hope so the make up of the team is probably secondary to many. Just saying, if that constitutes moaning I plead guilty
  5. As I've already said FD as long as girls are not forced or coerced in any way, good luck to them earning a living as grid/umbrella girls.
  6. I'd be interested to know why? not sure if you meant it this way but the implication is some riders might be less than honest.
  7. What do you think BTW got a strike and a spare this morning, more noise and atmosphere than on the Lynn terraces
  8. To every meeting probably 5 years, once a month probably three years. In that time I found other interests and just to compare and contrast (OU habits die hard) Price for approx 2 hours - 10 pin bowling £10 speedway £15 (ave over 5 years) 10 pin always open and running, speedway depends on the weather. Drinks prices about the same, service levels differ (saying nothing else) Fast food available and prices similar (as above) Staff friendly and welcoming - 10 pin yes, speedway a half smile if you are lucky. 10 pin good company, reasonable music in background, speedway most friends no longer go music questionable if audible at all above tractors Result 10 pin - I'm rubbish, speedway - you choose 10 pin non stop entertainment (you have to see my technique to appreciate the comedy value), speedway 2-3 decent races lasting 2-3 minutes if you are lucky. VFM no contest I'm not trying to convert anyone just saying there are alternatives and when VFM and entertainment value is taken into account, speedway comes out poorly in comparision. I still love speedway, a 50+ year habit is hard to break completely, but when choices have to be made re time, effort and money spent, my choice differs from yours. I wish things would change but can you or anyone tell me what was announced last night that will enhance the spectator experience? Cos I read nothing that comes close. It's all very well riders doing fitness camps/training camps etc but there are 8 teams in the league and one of them will be bottom regardless of fitness/training etc. Professional sportsmen should be fit of their own accord, after all someone has to pay for all this fitness/training etc maybe that's where the extra pound is going. Tellboy I doubt we will agree over this, but I respect the fact you don't resort to name calliingn which is why I've answered you. Enjoy your speedway in 2018.
  9. I'm not in favour of people being positive when it costs me money Call me selfish but I'm honest As I said NKI doesn't excite me, I acknowledge he's good but sorry he's no Nicki P, Gollob or even Jason Doyle. I've never cared whether Lynn won or lost I just want to be entertained and the present set up doesn't give me that.
  10. I'd hate to let you down so here goes. Not much to say really, the team doesn't excite me, brilliant points scorer he may be but I don't put NKI in the entertaining bracket like Nicki P, as for the others, most of them have been there and not really done it. Seen too many "promising, rising stars" in years gone by to believe all the hype about the newbies. We were promised a new era for fans...not seen any sign of that and they put the price up. So that's me moaning. You might not like the fact I have that opinion but that's tough. Show me the positives and i might just might think again. Nah I won't lets be honest. Cant see me at Lynn this season. IF I go to speedway it will be at Peterborough where they know the word entertainment and actually provide it.
  11. As there have been no leaks about riders signing for Lynn this week, I fully expect an announcement tonight saying they can't announce the name of the number one because the I's haven't been dotted and the T's crossed. Got my cynical head on but don't think I'm far wrong
  12. Each to their own I have zero interest in 22 men kicking a ball of air about, whereas I might have gone to speedway to avoid the wall to wall coverage of it
  13. But weren't we told things were going to be done differently, to please the fans. Not seen many signs of it yet!
  14. Silly me thought Speedway was a summer sport. One fixture in June and three in July (two less than a week apart). Yep that's good planning on someone's part!
  15. Pretty sure Matt Ford will have.....as for Lynn........not so sure.
  16. Announcements always used to be subject to press embargoes. In the days of KREST I was often told things a couple of days in advance but never divulged stuff to anyone. l can only assume Robin Brundle hasn't used embargoes or the journalists nowadays don't honour them. Hopefully Brundle willlearn quickly who he can trust if he is serious about a new relationship with the fans.
  17. As long as they don't all borrow War and Peace Sexist!!!
  18. I agree with SCB on some points but to turn his argument on it's head why should children get in free or at a reduced rate. Presumably their parents chose to have them with all associated costs so why should working childless people subsidise them. Dont say they are the future because without the present OAPs on their reduced admission there will be no future
  19. I said times have changed, so I agree with you on that. Where I disagree is your 2nd paragraph. He does have a valid point BUT appealing for sponsors for new equipment whilst at the same time complaining about his employer, which effectively is what he is doing is IMHO rather silly (polite version). as A Orlov says the riders have to stick together over the asset system, which I agree is wrong and illegal but I have a slight amount of sympathy for the promoters, who lets face it are not charities. Some riders demand far more than promoters can afford to pay, and have an inflated view of their own worth, and I just have the feeling that promoters have got together this season and tried to put a bit of reality into things with Ford and Buster (that we know about) only being interested in full transfers. i could be completely wrong but it's never good when one side holds all the trump cards, there has to be a balance.
  20. I think what Midland Red meant was years ago the likes of Bettsy and co didn't dream of making a living, certainly not at age 19. The demands of the clubs were the same. I can't remember many, if any, cases of riders not turning up because of their "earning a living" job. They turned up with bike in a rack on the back of a car and just got on with it. that said Lambert rightly wants to be a professional speedway rider, times have changed. What he needs to realise is that being a professional is full time and that includes any statements he makes to media. For any professional to publicly say he is reluctant is extremely amateurish and could well be counter productive if the feelings it's stirred up in many fans is anything to go by.
  21. Never a truer word spoken. At the end of the day a rider can always find somewhere to compete against others with the same mindset, even if it's just some waste ground. What they need to realise is that if they want to be paid for doing what they enjoy they need to treat paying customers with respect (and not just by posting on social media) and not as an inconvenience, which is how some come across.
  22. Would that have anything to do with riders prepared to attack the track rather than whinging? just asking
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