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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Has anyone found anything postive posted about this anywhere. Even Trees has been quiet....or is she practising her singing
  2. I said the idea is good but it needs a tune with some ooomph. I understand rock anthems would involve copyright fees it for heavens sake there are dozens of pieces of classical music that are well known and would adapt to a sports anthem providing they had decent words. off the top of my head Beethovens Fifth with Here they all come The Kings Lynn Stars as the first two lines for example.
  3. I can imagine 1 or 2 will while the rest of the crowd fall about laughing. Still it will provide entertainment during the long tractor grades To be serious the idea is good but the execution is abysmal in all respects. Not exactly get up and go music more like a dirge Words are carp is that really a Rock Choir, sounds more like Girl Guides.
  4. good lord just when I thought things might be getting better Lynn go back to the 1940s. What next Ging Gang Gooly? ,
  5. Simple - member of track staff pulls rope across the opening in lieu of a gate.
  6. If we are talking TV let's go a stage further. It is very difficult to tell one home rider from another (and away rider) by helmet colour alone especially on TV. If each rider had a lycra* (or similar) top that fits over kevlars, said top could still have all the team sponsors, and individual ones on. The kevlars underneath could be to the riders own design and worn abroad or in individual meetings. Such tops would be far cheaper to replace when riders are sacked or signed mid season. Riders in blue obviously have tops with blue as the base colour, Riders in red have a red base etc. *The tops must be tailored or stretch and not baggy flappy things. I agree with all the comments about baggy tops/bibs etc not being professional but surely a top that fits and looks smart to go over kevlars is not impossible to achieve.
  7. It will if they decide to hold practice sessions/training/fitness camps like the Poles, regardless of the UK leagues. If the franchisee really wants success it could very well be the scenario.
  8. Sounds good but in practice, as soon as anything remotely impacts on league teams the promoters will kick up a fuss and issue bans to riders who put GB before club. pessimistic I know but can anyone honestly believe otherwise
  9. Which begs the question if they had a contract with the EOES for the original time, why did they allow them to change the time, presumably without financial penalty. If that's the way speedway does business no wonder it's dying.
  10. How can a national sports team be given to the control of a private entity? Well I suppose it is speedway! On second thoughts no one could do as badly as the BSPA so it's probably an improvement.
  11. How difficult would it be to have a solid bar which track staff could place behind the riders once they were at tapes. Knock it down and be excluded. Would stop pulling back and rolling but probably cause other probs I've not thought of!
  12. If the same happens again this season, I.e. Starts well then reverts to late starts etc. what would be your reaction? i guess what I'm asking is how many chances are you prepared to give.
  13. I'll judge entertainment value from comments on here by folk whose opinions I value. Yourself, Bagpuss and a couple of others. Bear in mind I'm not solely referring to the racing , not listing things tho, been done before. Yep 2 tier did become a bit boring, I became an advocate of handicaps
  14. A winning team might be what tempts some folk back and may well tempt a few newbies but for me it's not the be all and end all. When and if (note the order of those words I'm trying to be positive) entertainment and value for money appear IMO a lot more will be attracted.
  15. Never suggested they could just trying to keep to the positive ethos they want on this thread. I guess 4 out f 7 (if correct) is over half, so fulfils the glass half full philosophy
  16. Surely the whole team were there, as it's partly a team building exercise.
  17. Trying hard not to be negative here. It would seem Lynn are not one of the clubs that do monitor the BSF as they have not reacted. Perhaps the addition of Robin Brundle might change that.
  18. Now this is a serious question it is not complaining. If the club don't answer email queries, don't have questions from the floor at the fans forum and I seriously doubt read this forum. How exactly are they to know they could provide this service, which many fans would be grateful for. Maybe Bald Bloke or another positive thinker could provide the answer..
  19. Much depends on whether they stay injury free. All things being equal middle of the road.
  20. I guess I'm one of the few. Have you ever thought it's because we actually CARE what's happening to something that has been a big part of our lives for so many years. I would like nothing better that to spend an entertaining evening at Saddlebow Road as I've done so many times in the past. That's not moaning or complaining, simply explaining.
  21. If only some folk would acknowledge that not all in the garden is rosy maybe negative stuff wouldn't have to be repeated. I hope the weather for the first meeting is warmer than it is today Is that positive enough
  22. Typical of the attitude of the Lynn promotion tho......and that's a big part of the problem. Oops mustnt say anything uncomplimentary
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