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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Apparently the teams had to be declared last week and as such cannot be changed. That's what was put on twitter
  2. Question for you Phillip, who gets the profits (or as probably the case now) the loss from the BV round of the comp? Please tell me it's not Belle Vue.
  3. So you would be happy to be sacked by text? Fair enough if they have doubts as to his fitness that's their perogative but FFS do the man the courtesy of actually dialling his number and speaking to him. Remember this is a man who is proud to wear the Union Flag on his chest unconditionally, no ifs, no buts, no only if you do it my way. Cookie is red, white and blue right thro. Makes you wonder what price loyalty.
  4. I don't know Phil, take those three quotes and it's pretty obvious there is a joker and its the new all singing all dancing PROFESSIONAL GB Speedway Team NOT What a disgraceful way to treat any rider
  5. Weather ....been no wet stuff since early morning, sun showed its face for about 10 minutes, now grey and cloudy again.
  6. Rain stopped about 30 mins ago still misty and dreary. Wind has dropped
  7. As we have had little in the way of rain in the last week if it stops as forecast there shouldn't be too much of a problem.
  8. WEATHER 2 miles from track Downpour about 4 this morning enough to wake me , currently steady rain. Misty and breezy.
  9. Now I'm confused. You say he can work in Poland and Sweden, presumably also travel between them without a passport but he. Cannot do so in the Czech Republic. As they are all in the EU why not.
  10. I have no idea why he didn't turn up but will not make disparaging comments until I do. I just hope it wasn't because of illness or family crisis.
  11. You've taken a lot of stick over your stand on GPs in the past but as it happens I now agree with you regarding the GPs. They have been to the detriment of British Speedway. As for Lynn, ten years ago I'd have agreed with every word, and I still want to see them do well but as I've grown older I've seen the flaws in speedway that I used to turn a blind eye to. They are not, by a long way, all Lynn related. So I'm pleased you are still loving it, certainly looks like Lynn might be in for a good season. How many years have we all said that only to be decimated by injury at a crucial time. I still retain an interest in how Lynn are doing and contrary to what some think I would like nothing more than for the club to prosper but as for the rest I really can't be bothered anymore.
  12. I think he came to the role full of enthusiasm but very quickly realised he was banging his head against a brick wall. Yes he's guilty of raising our hopes but IMHO the failure is that of the collective of the old boys club.
  13. Excellent question, when and IF you get an answer maybe you will let the paying customers know cos it seems promoters don't want to!
  14. The only time I saw anyone from the club name Cook was a tweet from Robin Brundle after the eventual line up was announced. No blame was made or even hinted at.
  15. Yet again British speedway shoots itself in the foot and fans are taken for mugs.
  16. But no mention of it officially, seems fans don't need to know. Then the club wonder how rumours start. as it happens I applaud naming a number 8, IMHO it should be compulsory when using r/r
  17. You miss the point. Yes we can all work it out, but paying customers deserve to be given information. It obviously wasn't top secret so why weren't paying customers told in the press release. It's the mind set of whoever compiles the press releases to treat the customers like mushrooms. It wasn't a rumour it was dissatisfaction with the situation. There is light at the end of the tunnel tho because it seems Mr Brundle actually has some customer satisfaction awareness. Hopefully it won't be smothered by the take it or leave it attitude of the past few seasons.
  18. I appreciate that but it took a lot of comments on twitter and possibly elsewhere before Robin Brundle actually explained the lack of guest for tonight to the paying customers. That should have been done in the press release if not sooner. It takes no more effort just a bit of thought for those paying customers.
  19. and they are showing what they think of him in increasing numbers
  20. So who decides to put it on the agenda then or does it magically appear? Everything costs when it comes to organisations such as councils. It might be pennies but it still costs and it's my pennies paying for it. Those pennies are much better invested in education/NHS/etc that you keep banging on about on facebook
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