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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I don't disagree that there were some dire matches in the "olden days". However there was almost always extra races, either 2nd halves, Golden Helmet races, junior matches. Quite often 2 of the above and very occasionally if you were lucky, you got all three. So even if there wasn't loads of overtaking the perception was better value for money.
  2. I have no idea. So why don't the British authorities challenge it with the FIM. Toothless comes to mind.
  3. Nothing but given the subject matter i.e. concussion, isn't it about time the FIM got involved and called for a consistent suspension time. Shouldn't the SCB/BSPA be calliing on the FIM to do so. They could hold a conference on the subject somewhere hot and sunny to discuss it so there should be a good attendance
  4. So basically Torun are calling the shots over British speedway. Don't get me wrong, if medically 14 days is the preferred option fine but it should be universal and not just Poland. Surely concussion is a subject on which the whole of world speedway should agree.
  5. Excuse the correction but Gavan quite clearly said 1 person not Poole speedway. unless of course you think Steve .Shovlar IS Poole speedway
  6. Typical! Something that's adds entertainment value and interest for fans and it's stopped. Now I wonder why, did other promoters not like the idea so got it stopped, did the riders want paying extra for it or did it interfere with Busters tractor driving? I doubt we will ever know.
  7. Be fair Haza there were four splendid laps of team riding by Robert Lambert, doubt his namesake would have got a point in that race without it. Got a bit annoyed at Pearson saying Woffy taught him how cos I remember Robert team riding quite often and have hardly been to Lynn for three years. Apart from that I agree with you. Not sure how much it is to get in nowadays but must be £3 an overtake at least.
  8. Finally something worth watching. Four laps of superb team riding. nice one Robert Lambert
  9. The racing isn't much betterso far no doubt the faithful will tell us later how good it was
  10. Now come on Cookie. All put your hands together for an ef for Lindback. And yes before you ask Im bloody biased
  11. Bellego and Mountain amongst others are riding it OK which kind defeats your argument somewhat. i do agree about duty of care, the track is atrocious.
  12. I've just put more water on our flower beds than has been put on the track and only missed 3 processions according to hubby!
  13. I don't see why it's not practical. The FIM jury are in Cardiff anyway (unless they've banned jollies), put them in a room with access to TV replays and a phone. Would take no longer than TMO in rugby or VAR in football.
  14. If necessary yes. Or an appeal procedure to the jury during a meeting, obviously number limited to avoid frivolous appeals.
  15. Is there any likelihood of the FIM Jury stepping in in such cases. If not, surely last night could be used as justification for a new rule allowing it.
  16. I assume from your comment that you think the referee was brilliant.
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