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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Sounds much like life in general then, some can hack it and some can't
  2. Now as I recall you were dressed in Blue and despite what Phil might tell you I do remember some things
  3. I thought the track was one-lined and only Rune Holta really managed to show any true speedway skill in overtaking, the rest were as a result of ruts and mistakes. The atmosphere was not the same, probably a collection of things. The roof was open (bad move) Music was poor, Announcer very bland, no trying to excite the crowd, no interaction with the crowd. If anyone was trying to actually fill in progs and needed a prompt heaven help them cos I was going purely on looks, colours of leathers etc. The pre meet band were mediocre (I'm being kind here ), no interval entertainment. Over priced food and drink, but I beat them I took my own in Programme was a disgrace, overpriced and full of errors. All in all it was an event staged solely for television, the timing was to fit in with commercial breaks, the riders were interviewed just for TV, why couldn't we have seen and heard some? I get goosebumps every time I hear the Welsh anthem sung in the Millenium Stadium and it seems to me more people are joining in, pity God save the Queen is such a dirge. Apart from that it was a ruddy fantastic weekend, I even met the infamous Dekker and yes I'll be back but purely for the social aspect and the fact it's an event. I will not return just for the speedway racing cos to all intents and purposed it doesn't exist in Cardiff. Just a thought for next years pre meeting entertainment. Let's have a Welsh Male Voice Choir. They sing LIVE, they can belt out the national anthems, they appeal to many, satisfy the cultural element, look good on TV and above all save our eardrums from screeching sopranos :evil:
  4. It was great to meet up with so many people and as soon as I get time I will send the pictorial evidence I have of some of you to the appropriate people There is one great shot of the floor in the Gatekeeper :!: BTW Mr Shovlar I missed you this year and I think it was my turn to get the drinks....ah well some you win, some you lose next year hey? I did manage to shake hands with a very handsome green alien tho :?
  5. Ronni Pedersen is next in line of reserves. It was posted on a mailing list a few days ago that it had already been announced that Ronni was riding instead of Mark but I can't find it anywhere.
  6. I find it amazing that this thread has run to 4 pages but only 3 posts have mentioned Colin Pratt uttering the same word last night when he knew perfectly well he was in camera range. Is this double standards, some people being 2 faced or just a result of knock Crumpie for everything? I know which my money is on :-(
  7. Has anyone used the park and ride? If so any comments good or bad.
  8. Sorry I didn't see them on the footage I thought this was about the GP and that was the only thing I was commenting on.
  9. There's a difference tho. This forum is obviously in the public domain or arena. Crumpy had moved himself ,as he though,t out of the public arena into the car park. Now I am not exactly condoning his language BUT Sky also bear a very heavy responsiblity here. Have you considered that Crumpy moved to the car park so as not to possibly let himself down whilst very upset. Maybe next time he should lock himself in the gents toilet, no doubt the cameraman will mount the pan in the next cubicle and point the camera over the wall.
  10. Totally agree with you Trees. Crumpy had gone away from the main pit area and obviously wanted some time out, you do have to wonder if he had gone to the gents if the damned camera would have followed him. I had the dubious pleasure quite a while ago of being followed about by a TV camera and believe me it is not always a pleasant experience, there were times, especially in private moments when I too told the cameraman to disappear at a rate of knots, difference was the prog I was in was recorded not live! Speedway riders are human beings with aspirations, ambitions, and feelings. Imagine you had just received your vital exam results and they were crap what would your reaction be to a camera lens :?:
  11. Travel Inns ( who have a Cardiff West) have to be paid for when booking in. If the rooms are guaranteed with a credit card, which is the norm, and are not cancelled by 4.00pm they have to be paid for. I do not know of any instances of Travel Inn asking for payment in advance. Maybe you cousin is simply covering herself if all the rooms are guaranteed on her credit card.
  12. If anyone is still looking for rooms in Cardiff I have just cancelled a twin and a double at the Big Sleep ( 5minute walk from stadium) for the Fri 13th and Sat 14th at £62 per room per night. Phone No 02920636363
  13. They were looking in bags in 2001, I remember switching queues to get the dishy steward but I cannot remember any checks last year. I did take plastic bottles of water in on both occasions, maybe I don't look like a trouble maker ;-) or perhaps it was my greeting in Welsh that did it Surely it's a denial of our basic human rights to deny us water?
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