I thought the track was one-lined and only Rune Holta really managed to show any true speedway skill in overtaking, the rest were as a result of ruts and mistakes. The atmosphere was not the same, probably a collection of things. The roof was open (bad move) Music was poor, Announcer very bland, no trying to excite the crowd, no interaction with the crowd. If anyone was trying to actually fill in progs and needed a prompt heaven help them cos I was going purely on looks, colours of leathers etc. The pre meet band were mediocre (I'm being kind here ), no interval entertainment. Over priced food and drink, but I beat them I took my own in Programme was a disgrace, overpriced and full of errors.
All in all it was an event staged solely for television, the timing was to fit in with commercial breaks, the riders were interviewed just for TV, why couldn't we have seen and heard some?
I get goosebumps every time I hear the Welsh anthem sung in the Millenium Stadium and it seems to me more people are joining in, pity God save the Queen is such a dirge.
Apart from that it was a ruddy fantastic weekend, I even met the infamous Dekker and yes I'll be back but purely for the social aspect and the fact it's an event. I will not return just for the speedway racing cos to all intents and purposed it doesn't exist in Cardiff.
Just a thought for next years pre meeting entertainment. Let's have a Welsh Male Voice Choir. They sing LIVE, they can belt out the national anthems, they appeal to many, satisfy the cultural element, look good on TV and above all save our eardrums from screeching sopranos :evil: