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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I assume these are not the Poole fans you were bad mouthing on another thread. As others have been said Tony Rs private life is just that.... PRIVATE.
  2. Where were all the Danish team officials when Nicki was losing his rag tonight. The other Danes didn't seem able to move without being smothered by them. Surely someone from the Danish team should have attempted to calm Nicki down a bit. Also did anyone else notice that Jacob Olsen was allowed on the track to congratulate every Danish rider on the completion of a race. Phil Crump understandably wanted to congratulate his son on winning the GP and Ole "I'm in Charge" Olsen tried to block his way
  3. I have a very clear memory of Russell Osbourn. Boston were riding against a Polish touring team when one of the Poles did something Russell didn't like, here the memory lets me down I can't remember what . He grabbed a shovel ( a big builders one not a garden spade) and ran the whole length of the centre green with this shovel over his head, with the clear intention of belting said Pole with it. Luckily his team mates and track staff managed to intercept him This match was the first time I had ever seen a Polish team, and boy were they wild
  4. Am I the only one now totally sick of Sky showing the Hancock/Pedersen incident. Yes it happened, we've all seen it, opinions have been passed and polarised. It's time to move on. To interview Hancock again in Denmark about something that happened 2 GPs ago is IMO out of order.
  5. I agree totally with Kelvin Tatum on this one. Nicki saw someone on his outside, out of the corner of his eye and instinct took over. He moved over, hit Crumps wheel. Whether Crump laid it down or not makes no difference, he was innocent and impeded IMO and it would have been completely unjust if he had been excluded. Someone had to go, the ref got it right. Also agree great sportsmanship by Nicki in trying to get his bike off the track.
  6. Me too Maggie and the bar has a bonus of 4 free internet access PCs, didn't take LW and myself long to find them You were very elusive this year Lioness
  7. SJw if you book with one of the chains...Travel Inn/Travel Lodge etc, you make a booking but can cancel up to the day of the booking and incur no penalty Just don't forget to cancel if you get the date wrong
  8. I had a wonderful day. Collected the tickets, then had a cooked brekkie to line the stomach heard a military band (I have a bit of a thing about them) so followed them up St Marys St to the Castle, where we found there was a ceremony for the Queens birthday. Met a very nice regimental goat called Shenkin(sp) who would have made a great playmate for Pawprint . Watched the gun salute then wandered in to a couple of pubs as we made our way to Sams Bar. Arrived about 90 minutes early but it was far too hot to walk about so we stayed. Great afternoon meeting everyone, apologies for anything I said or did, it wasn't me it was the bacardi, honest. Strolled to the stadium, got lost, ended up in hospitality, was redirected. Found ourselves sitting near Carlos Villar. I liked Tony Hadley after the first couple of songs anyway, and Delilah was great. We were in an air horn free zone (we didn't request it, just happened that way) and believe me it made no ruddy difference at all) I waved a paw of a stuffed black labrador at a couple of Heddlu, much to their amusement, then started to sober up in time for the racing . Thought the racing was pretty good really and the whole presentation much better than last year, except the announcing (see Congrats Sam thread), the parade of Harleys was great, and the fireworks at the end were absolutely brilliant (and I hate fireworks). Only had to wait 5 mins for a taxi afterwards Rooms already booked for next year
  9. I'm gonna have to agree with Steve on this one. Whoever thought it was a good idea to put a complete novice at stadium announcing in sole charge needs seeing to. No offence to Sam, who on Sky does a great job (not my taste but most people like him) However at Cardiff I was so so frustrated, not using a programme, he got the results of the previous heats and commentary of such mixed up with the line ups for the next heat. I had no idea most of the time who was in the heat until thankfully it came up on the big screen. As for the introductions, Steve is spot on, the name of the rider should have been the last 2 words of the intro. I'm not knocking Sam here, just the fool who decided to get him to do the OFFICIAL results announcing and the commentary. Had he just done the commentary fine but sorry we needed a Bryn William/Edwin Overland.....even Nigel Pearson to give us the vital information in a cool calm manner. That's my view anyway. One more think Sam, he is definitely not MY Leigh Richardson
  10. Oh great a hasbeen and a wannabe......am I glad I've packed my ear plugs
  11. You didn't do a category to cover me Pete Like full throttle I'll yell my head off for Jason Crump, like Splatty, Bo Brhel gets me shouting too (sometimes in frustration ) and then the Brits with the exception of LR cos I really can't stand him and his start line antics. Being female tho I reserve the right to shout for any rider who is providing good entertainment
  12. Let's hope ***** * behaves himself then TBH Sam would not be my choice but I'm prepared to wait and see how well he does. How can they overlook the best tho I do not know, or has Bryn turned them down in favour of a tour of Cardiffs finest hostelries
  13. SF, IMO Andersen altho using similar moves did not go to the extreme that Nicki P did. When Andersen went wide in the heat that TRick fell in, he left more than enough room for Trick to stay upright, he just didn't allow for Gollob to come screaming thro the gap that disappeared at the same instant. As for being a Nicki hater....no way Jose, I for the past 3 years have been a fan of Nicki but Saturdays move was something else. I find Nicki as a person, a nice kind of guy but someone quite close to Nicki once said to me he becomes a different person when he dons a crash helmet I have to say on Saturday that was very true.
  14. And there's more chance of Lynn winning the PL in 2004 than that happening Trees With each passing GP it does look more and more as if BSI/Ole Olsen have more input into refereeing decisions tho
  15. 1 T Rick "fencing"...all back. I couldn't really decided who was most at fault, Hans went wide, Gollob went for a gap that was there but disappeared and TRick maybe got a wee bit too close to the fence. I decided the air fence was at fault in the end so, altho unorthodox, think the ref got this one right. 2 Nicki P and Bo Brhel....exc Nicki Not sure about this one, would have thought Brhel should have expected Nicki to come under him and be prepared altho Nicki did touch his leg and with a tricky track predictable outcome. Ref probably right. 3 Nicki and Hancock...all back He cannot be serious. Ref out of order.
  16. Shame on you Addy, fancy not knowing there are 2 Wetherspoons The other one is The Gatekeeper, opposite the Millenium Stadium. It was packed last year and once they closed the road it sort of spilt over to the pavements too. Some nice Welsh person must be able to identify a large, child friendly meeting place
  17. Just watched the video, at speed and my general impressions, some cracking races, some mediocre. BO Brhel, not Bohumil, Mr Millard please, can still do it when he wants to . Did Tony Steele bottle it? Well I agreed with one all 4 back but not the other, couldn't see anything wrong with the Jensen incident. The starting tapes fiasco, could the fact they did not attempt to fix them have anything to do with the fact that they run the GP to a timetable to fit in with live TV As for Nicki P's personal habits.....not very nice, but then I'm sure we all do things we would rather others don't see at times As for No problem unless they invent smellyvision
  18. Star Lady


    Presenter, interesting points about the economic groups etc. Now I understand them but I'm not sure exactly how companies find out who watches what. Are such facts gathered by opinion poll, data held by SKy or those silly consumer questionaire things that sometimes arrive unsolicited in the post. If it's the latter I suggest it is the duty of every speedway fan on this forum to LIE and state that they earn £30K+ have two ponies and platinum credit cards (all except Shovlar of course, he can tell the truth ).
  19. Just for clarification purposes. When you say once nominated does that mean the TM has to inform the referee or does he inform the Clerk of the Course who then informs the ref. I can see a possible loophole if the latter is the case, communciation break down followed by engine breakdown of the "nominated" rider on the way to tapes I wouldn't put it past a couple of TMs
  20. In the interests of fair play, can't let the Monarchs take all the credit. Laurence Rogers (Main Man) does post on here and the Lynn forum. He is selective in what he answers tho
  21. Am I alone in wondering if this EGM has more to do with a promoter throwing toys out of the pram cos someone pinched his sweeties? Strange that news of it surfaced on only one clubs website. Odds on Neil posting denials 10/1 .... 3 hours 5/1 ..... 2 hours evens ....within the hour
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