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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Never had you down as a Corrie fan MM You can't deny it if you know there are 2 McDonald brothers At least you gave me the reason to make a genuine post this time and not a manufactured bump
  2. Now that could be a completely seperate lot and raise even more dosh
  3. The bid has doubled since this morning. Wonder how high it can go. It's something money normally couldn't buy.
  4. In which case Ole would have been an idiot. Medics have no axe to grind, simply the best interests of their patient, whether it be the world number one or a humble reserve.
  5. One thing I noticed was the lack of pictures of the immediate aftermath of the Jagus/Pedersen/Pedersen crash. Thank goodness someone had common sense . That crash was horrendous and the riders were lucky to get away as lightly as they did. Does anyone honestly want to see a fellow human in agony and receiving medical treatment? If you answer yes, put yourself in those riders shoes. I've no objection to it being shown once it's clear the riders are relatively OK, but can you imagine being the relative of a rider and watching it unfold on TV, hundreds of miles away and having no way of finding out how badly they are hurt? Have some compassion.
  6. It's a perfectly legitimate move. Happens at least 15 times a match at Peterboro.
  7. Well done Bomber, you did Britain and Cornwell proud. It's been a year or two since I felt able to cheer a Brit on in the GPs, I couldn't be more delighted it's Bomber.
  8. I'd like to make it clear that I have not called anyone names. I don't have the energy to waste giving nicknames to riders I don't like. Please note I said don't like not dislike. There is a difference. As for switching off, you did sort of pre-empt this . Had Mr Nicholls stuck to his word I wouldn't have to watch him in the GPs would I so there would be no need for me to switch off I'll have to agree to disagree with you too. Sorry Schumi, but I don't like my name being used unless it's called for.
  9. If it were just one thing maybe my judgement wouldn't be clouded. AFAIK N P, Crump and Boyce have never punched a fan. As for the term beggar, it's not swearing, it has no sexual undertones, it's not particularly abusive IMHO. I'm sure Nichols has been called much worse. I can't speak for Sub, I don't have to he does it himself, but if someone says they will not carry on in the GPs if they don't qualify I assume they mean it. If they then do carry on when "gifted" a place, I reserve the right to lose any respect I might have for them. Please note I did not use any names so as not to hurt anyones feelings. Let's just agree to disagree should we
  10. I have no idea what went on last night and what's more I'm not sure what it's got to do with this debate. If you are referring to Subbys comments about Nichols not qualifying for GPs which is what this thread is about. Which facts has he actually got wrong? Jaybea all I can say is to relate something my mother taught me from a very young age. " Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me". Which is the bigger sin, calling names or thumping people? Some of us have very long memories.
  11. Maybe some of us share his opinions but find that the Mongol expresses himself so well he needs no back up
  12. I wonder how long it'll be before Subby arrives on this thread
  13. 343 metres (375 Yards) 23. 21.06.1975 Ian Turner 69.8 King's Lynn 1 24. 21.06.1975 Michael Lee 69.0 King's Lynn 2 25. 21.06.1975 Trevor Hedge 68.8 King's Lynn 12 26. 28.06.1975 Terry Betts 67.8 King's Lynn 1 27. 28.06.1975 Ole Olsen 67.2 Wolverhampton 2 28. 28.06.1975 John Louis 67.2 Ipswich 4 29. 13.07.1975 Malcolm Simmons 67.2 Poole 1 30. 19.07.1975 Ivan Mauger 66.2 Exeter 1 31. 27.09.1975 John Louis 66.2 Ipswich 1 Hope that helps Kev. Figure at end is the heat record was set. Prior to that record was held by John Louis over a 366 metre track, set on 28.9.1974 at 68 secs.
  14. All those that say Chris Harris is not as good as Nicholls, just stop and ponder for a second. There is one heck of a jump in the stand of equipment needed in the GPs compared with the EL. Would Harris perform better if he had the same amount of sponsorship as Nicholls? Surely if Nicholls were not in the GP and Harris were, a certain amount of sponsorship would go Bombers way. I agree with Subby, Nicholls has had 3 goes and failed time to give someone else a go, and Harris gets my vote.
  15. Was I the only one that shuddered when the studio team started talking about double points being awarded in the superbike comp and that it would have meant Crump having to perform in the final 2 GPs? I can picture it now. Posseltwit says to Olsen, "Crump has it too easy, let's introduce dingly dangly do dah whatsits in the final round. That should keep the viewing figures up so I can extract more dosh from sponsors and fans"
  16. At least I went out with a bang and not a whimper Many thanks Steve for all your hard work to organise it all and as MacArthur said in the 1940s and some nondescript bit player said in a film ..... I'll be back
  17. Well I watched this one altho my mind was not exactly on it so forgive any bloopers. First massive congrats to Crumpy - fully deserved, the perfect role model for any young rider to aspire to. As has been said before he not only wins the GP series but he fulfils all his league engagements, never hold back coming up to a GP and always gives value for money. Oh for a few more like him. Was I the only one that thought certain riders were playing to the cameras?Nicki seemed perfectly happy following his exclusion when they showed him in his pit, laughing etc , sees cameras and then stomps to the conveniently glass walled booth to ring his "friend" the Polish ref. Bjarne likewise seemed happy enough, then went to give salutory greetings to everyones fav referee I must admit tho it did cross my mind that he did it more to allow more time for the fallen rider to get his bike together for the rerun. Loved the after race discussion between Nicki and Hans. Now a few non Danish riders could do well to watch this over a few times. A hard racing incident which could have been very nasty, followed by hand shakes and arms round shoulders, no sign of any agressive reaction. Great sportsmanship IMHO. Millard - crap no other word for him- get rid of him. Thought some of the camera work was a bit dodgy couldn't keep up with the racing. Great to see Ales Dryml so fit and well considering all that's happened. As for Sullivans tyre - so what? It was made of rubber wasn't it? I really cannot get excited over minor technical changes to engines, tyres etc. Seems to me when the racing is boring, and sometimes when it's not, Sky try to make it interesting by discussing set ups etc. Am I the only fan that doesn't giving a flying fart what the timing is, how long the frame is and if they go up or down a tooth? I want to see good racing not discuss the finer points of tyre pressures etc Put em all on standard machinery I say, let's see what Ermolenko and co find to talk about then Finally it was great to see some of the younger riders in the final.
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