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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Sadly until promoters can see guaranteed profits, I can't see a return to test matches and the like. Shame cos I reckon a touring Russian team would pull in bloody good crowds at the moment.
  2. I'm not actually supporting any of them. My avatar was changed as a protest at being told who I should support. I previously had a Cross of St George as I'm English by birth, it did not signify my support for any team. Please note English, not British
  3. Russia will win the entertainment factor tho. To me that's what counts not some jingoistic nonsense about 5 riders on a track all having been born in the same country. Still if it amuses you, I've performed my deed for the day in making your day more enjoyable
  4. Altho I quoted you SB, it was not you that told me I was being unpatriotic. I just couldn't be bothered to search for the post in question. Apologies for suggesting you did. Enjoy supporting the Brits, I'll enjoy supporting the Danes and Russians just as much
  5. I think Steve Hone has summed it up very well but I'll add my two pennarth anyway. I am as patriotic as anyone else when it comes to war and the nation being in peril etc, and I'm extremely proud of our armed services but I will not support a team of sportsmen, half of whose riders are not on my "like list" because of their country of birth and most certainly not because someone else says I should . My father, grandfather and great grandfather fought in wars to ensure we all had freedom of choice. Sometimes I wonder if it applies to this forum. Last night I decided way before start time to support the Russians. They always ride with passion, flair and a certain unpredictability. That was my decision and one that I did not force on anyone else. IMHO Team GB, basically beat a couple of Elite League teams, they rode well but bloody hell so they should have done. The Russians surpassed most peoples expectations and provided excellent entertainment whilst doing so. I don't knock anyone for supporting Team GB, and don't expect anyone to knock me for supporting whomsoever I choose. Oh yes they did. Not that it bothered me I was day off yesterday and today so it could have gone on until midnight. Thank you Rob
  6. Poland and Australia to go thro. If AJ doesn't ride I expect Russia to give the Swedes a bit of a scare.
  7. Maybe if they had opened more gates, they wouldn't have had to delay the start, therefore it would have finished earlier
  8. Shame the riders you told me to support weren't Jirout
  9. Just like to say well done to Lee Richardson. After all the bullsh1t on here over the last week or so about patriotism, Richardson was the only one on parade tonight even attempting to sing the National Anthem. So are the riders exempt from singing, cos I noted that the Danes were singing theirs with gusto.
  10. And that's exactly what they did and provided some excellent entertainment along the way What do you say now Sir Jasper and Silver Bee
  11. The number of warnings being dished out do make you wonder if some idiot it trying to get into the Guiness Book of Records If it was indeed the T word, well students of poetry will tell you it's been used by none other than Robert Browning.....who is almost as famous as Shazzybird
  12. If the Russians are sensible and prepared to settle for 2nd and 3rd places when they are outclassed (ie. Harris/Hancock) I can see them qualifying. They have enough talent to pick up the odd 1st place in the weaker heats, given a bit of luck.
  13. Best suggestion you have ever made Steve, let's hope everyone who will be in the stadium early tomorrow are made aware of it
  14. But if they win because of a little bit of luck, it won't be because Middlo inspired them surely?
  15. Why deny it. Have the courage of your convictions and don't be bullied into supporting people just because others say you should or vice versa.
  16. Short answer - NO Longer answer - No , cos he just hasn't got the raw material to perform miracles.
  17. The lower tier seemed to have more spaces than before and the upper tier was fuller. I'd guess it was about the same as last year. EDIT Hey Jive will you stop reading my mind
  18. Absolutely brilliant. Nothing else to say really is there
  19. Well done Fraser MacDonald. I sincerely hope he has a wonderful day which may erase some of the less than happy memories of last year. EDIT, Having read Sue's post wouldn't it be great if Garry's appeal could get a mention on Sky, a quick word with Fraser would be even better. Don't know if you have any influence with the media Mick but this makes a great story .
  20. Maybe everyone can help bump up the Nicki and Freddie lots now. Even if we can't afford some of the lots we can help by advertising
  21. 5 mins to go and still at £1340. Will there be a last minute rush.
  22. Was just about to ask if one of the bumping gang could let us know the final outcome as I probably won't be online at 8 tonight. Least it gives another bump
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