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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. When I cancelled Sky sports because of the lack of speedway, the person on the phone insisted it was F1. At the weekend I would imagine there is only a skeleton staff at work and they simply referred to the schedule available to all on the website.. Anyway who cares what they think if they are actually showing it live Some people just like to look on the black side
  2. HERE Speedway on Sky in jeopardy thread Posts by Philip Rising on Feb 28 - #828 and Mar 1 #831.
  3. Won't bother me one iota. It will still be four maniacs chasing each other round a track
  4. Wonder what they will show if a meeting is rained off this season?
  5. At least Darcy Ward, or his advisors, realised he needed to issue a statement. His older and supposedly wiser team manager is still conspicuous by his silence.
  6. I'm pretty sure the Press Complaints Commision contact details are fairly easy to find should Middlo seriously believe he has been misquoted.
  7. Had he got his visa before the court case would it have been taken into account? I have little knowledge of rules re visa applications so please don't read anything into my question except to expand my knowledge.
  8. Further to my earlier post, I like a few others can see that Middlo may have been misquoted. It also seems from the postings of Poole fans that the newspaper involved is notorious for reshaping quotes etc ( which I will have to take on trust ). These two factors still don't change my view that Middlo should go. If the paper is that notorious, Middlo, who lives in it's catchment area, should know and be very wary of any quote he gives. It brings into question his judgement again. If there is even a grain of truth in the quote it would seem Middlo is still trying to defend Ward's actions to a degree and condoning drug taking and driving under the influence. That's not even taking into account the slur on the majority of law abiding young people. If the quote is completely fictitious I expect to see a statement to that effect at the very least and a possible court case to follow. As I said before Middlo is a NATIONAL team manager and has a reputation to protect ( I mean his BTW, Ward's was lost quite some time ago). Maybe Matt Ford, whose quotes in the same unreliable newspaper have been spot on, should also get some help and advice for his team manager in how to deal not only with the riders in his team but how to deal with the media.
  9. I couldn't beleive what I read ande had to read it again to be sure the comments were Middlo's. This is the NATIONAL team manager saying it's fine to break the law! He should be sacked immediately. A manager should guide, set an example and even protect his riders (especially those who are very young). Middleditch should be ashamed of himself. What a role model - NOT.
  10. I had another "courtesy" call from Sky today trying to sell me their b raodband package. When I repeated that I would not even think about buying anything from Sky until they state they are showing Speedway GPs (and I was extremely polite), the woman put the phone down on me. Now that is not very courteous
  11. I've just had a "courtesy call" from Sky. Actually it was no such thing they were trying to get me to have their broadband and line rental which to me is a sales call not a courtesy. I very politely but firmly told him that until Sky confirmed that they would show Speedway GPs as part of their sports package I was not prepared to even think about purchasing anything from Sky. Won't do any good but it made me feel better.
  12. 9e I told them why when I cancelled the Sports package and like you the reply was "what?" I explained that speedway was 4 blokes with no brakes riding at speed round a boarded track and got "wow". I was then told " I have to put a reason for you cancelling so I'll put it as no longer wants to watch F1". Now I am a lapsed speedway fan but I went ballistic. I even told him how to spelll S P E E D W A Y. I followed that up by a long diatribe on their customer feedback survey. I know it will probably have no effect but at least I tried. Took me 9 minutes listening to a machine telling me how important I was.......I never knew I was royalty
  13. He/she/it called me a fool and I admit I was. I had him/her/it on ignore but foolishly clicked "view it anyway" and even more foolishly replied to he/she/it. So in fact he/she/it was correct at that time. It's not correct now tho cos he/she/it is back on ignore. Personally I don't think that deserves a ban as many members find his contributions entertaining. Me I'd rather suck lemons but I believe in live and let live, so as long as the ignore function remains let those that find he/she/it entertaining carry on.....probably beats watching so called celebs in the jungle
  14. No Iversen is most definitely not stupid. It would never get as far as court. The mere threat would hav e the BSPA convening an EGM so fast it would break all track records in the land. As I said "in the best interests of the sport"
  15. I've been following the NKI thing with interest, especially his reported comments on the speedwaygp site. I'm wondering if Peterboro continue to refuse to allow him to ride for Lynn if he will be the rider that challenges the asset system in the courts. Cue arbitration ruling in Lynn's favour "in the best interests of the sport"...You heard it here first
  16. For me the blame rests squarely with the TV producers and interviewers. They know if they stick a camera and mic in a rider/athletes face seconds after something hasn't gone their way in a large percentage of cases they will get a reaction. They don't want the nice sanitized one either, that doesn't make good TV. They want the rant, they want the adrenaline led anger and disappointment .... and to be fair so do the vast majority of viewers. If Nicki had said "no comment" or " it's unfortunate" etc this thread wouldn't be here. Yes I agree riders/athletes should be role models BUT we all know in the heat of battle (and to them it is a battle) the will to win, the focus, the adrenaline will lead to a forceful reaction. There will always be the rider/athlete who has learnt to control and channel their anger but even the now very professional Jason Crump has been known to swear and kick on occasion.So if you are outraged by such things the simple answer....don't watch or contact the TV companies and tell them not to stick their mics and cameras up competitors noses.
  17. Things must have changed since I last attended then. I can think of no reason for a discount for w/c users in the Millenium Stadium. When we went we had a dedicated place and space for a carer, they also ensured the rest of our party was as close as possible (row in front). The stewards came out to the queues before the gates opened and escorted all of us to our places before the general public were admitted and after the meeting we were again escorted via the lifts to the exits. The stewards were helpful and friendly and several times asked if we were OK or needed any assistance. There was level access to toilets, bars and food outlets. So why should there be a discount? The W/c user in our party had exactly the same experience as everyone else in the stadium, in fact we had better treatment. EDIT I cannot recall if we paid for the carer at Cardiff as carers are often admitted free of charge at such events. Maybe A4 could let us know if carers are free at the MS
  18. Weather in Lynn is dry and lots of cloud making it slightly muggy and there's a slight breeze. Hope everyone enjoys it. Altho I would love GB to do it for Rico, I can't see it especially with two far from match fit riders in the team.
  19. I'm 2 miles from track and today has been dry since mid morning. However I wouldn't think todays weather has any bearing on the meeting at all. Buster is well known for his ability to completely re-lay a track in a couple of hours or so. Forecast for tomorrow is not too bad and if no one else does I'll try to update on weather in morning.
  20. Respect to the two Polish commentators at least they were gentlemen. The Daily Mail website today covers the story with a picture of the crash in their headlines so it cannot be avoided and in the story they also show medics treating Rico on the track. For a paper that in my memory has never mentioned speedway their actions are disgusting. I did try to post a comment condemning them but surprisingly it has not been published.
  21. Not going into the rights or wrongs BUT One vital difference. A tired rider can be a danger to any other rider on the track. A cheating rider is just a cheat.
  22. Genuine question to all mechanics and ex mechanics on this forum. What is the normal method of payment? Is it a weekly wage? (With or without bonuses) Is it on a meeting by meeting basis Do mechanics get paid per point as the riders do. If a mechanic is on a weekly wage with no bonus, why would he tamper with equipment? If a mechanic gets a bonus if his employer scores 10+ points, I can see why possibly. If a mechanic gets paid per point scored I can see why he might tamper. So come on folks what's the normal method of payment to mechanics.
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