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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I can only go from my own experience and I would hazard a guess that the majority of carers I see at speedway tracks are family/friends etc. Are we talking about volunteer carers or paid carers? If volunteers, yes they should get free admission in those cases where they have no interest in the sport. If however we are talking about paid carers, well they are being paid aren't they so shouldn't matter whether they are at a speedway meeting or a tea party.
  2. Can I as a carer put forward my point of view, and it is a personal one I don't speak on behalf of anyone else. I've visited the vast majority of tracks around the country in my time. No two are the same regarding facilities for the disabled and few if any advertise any concessions for either the disabled person and/or the carer. Polite enquiries via email or here on BSF usually provide the information tho. Until a track can provide the same experience for the disabled fan as it can for the able bodied, it is right IMHO for some concession to be made. Whether that be free admission for a carer or discount for the disabled fan and/or the carer is up to the promoter. Sadly this concession will be abused by some, as in all things in life, and it means that some promoters may well be suspicious of providing concessions. That I can completely understand, especially if they are only landlords and therefore have little or no say over and facilities that are provided. I'm probably going to be jumped on here but I would guess that very few disabled fans take carers who have no interest in the sport. The majority of carers will have at least a passing interest. So is it right they get concessions? In my view yes BUT I don't think it's necessarily the case that they should always get free admission. It depends on how much the carer has to do to ensure the disabled person can access facilites and that varies enormously from track to track. If it's simply a matter of being there for support or to push a wheelchair along flat access/ramps etc, that doesn't entail as much as negotiating steps/ narrow doors/grass banks and 1 in 3 hills, so maybe reduced admission rather than free would be fair. I have been to quite a few meetings around the country as a carer that I would not have gone to had I had to pay full admission, so those promoters gained the admission of the person I was escorting, who could not have attended alone. On the other hand I've also had free admission to meetings I would have gone to anyway, so it's really swings and roundabouts.
  3. Probably because the King's Lynn promotion are quite happy to let others announce it at the appropriate time, unlike some promoters who seem to think they get brownie points for leaking things early
  4. And no doubt will talk to the press before the BSPA issue a statement if past form is anything go by.
  5. Wow is it that easy Seriously I'm new to posting from new iPad lol
  6. Can anyone tell exactly what criteria have to be fulfilled for raider to be granted a testimonial? I'm sure in the good old days it used to be a rider having ridden for the same club for 10 years. Seems now anyone who's been around for a while gets one. I seem to remember hearing there were tax concessions/advantages. Also are there criteria for farewells/retirements etc. will we see these same riders having another meeting in a few years time.
  7. Let's hope Gary Havelock hasn't arranged a pre farewell BBQ that day.
  8. Very likely because he, like the vast majority of GP riders, want all the track time they can get in preparation for the GPs. It won't be because of any affinity to Gary Havelock. Pretty sure if he, and others, told the truth they would prefer to ride in both ERC and Havvys meeting....more track time to get engine set ups right etc.
  9. Here's my take on reading between the lines. Certain promoter/manager had a word in someones ear and that someone now has more loyalty to a rider he never rode with, didn't ride for and isn't even the same nationality as he does for his fellow Aussie, ex team mate, twin and an American who was his best buddy less than 6 months ago. Doubt there will be many other chances this season for Poole to promote the turbo twins and possibly Hancock. Ford is a good promoter and knows if he has big names at the first meeting of 2014 (even tho he should get no financial gain from it), he gets good publicity, and possibly a few people who attend will come back for league racing. Ford and Poole will get nothing from the ERC. My guess is both Holder and Hancock will be "invited" to ride in the ERC, whether they choose to do so however????. Ford's a clever bloke but he's not a team player. Poole first, Poole second and BSPA somewhere in the distance.
  10. Cradley (for the Pork sarnies) Bradford (for the banking) Hyde Road (for the history) Boston ( not far to travel) Exeter (for the sheer terror of standing close to the fence on the bends!) Enjoyed the racing at all of the above too. Pugwash you have upset me Slough was on my Visit list for 2014
  11. Thanks Andrew I was convinced I landed here before 2003 but my profile said otherwise.
  12. I joined in 2003 (had to look it up cos the memory is going ) I've changed my name once, due to the club I supported changing names. I've never been banned Never even had a warning (I'm deprived as well as depraved). I've met many members in the decade or so and with one exception have got along with all of them and indeed consider quite a few of them friends even tho our meetings are few. The last few years I've contributed far fewer posts than in the early years because my love of the sport waned a bit and to be honest the sense of humour of some members nowadays seems well camoflagued. Lord knows how some of them would have coped with the chat room in the early years!!!!! The whole atmosphere of the forum has changed over the years and not for the better IMHO. I used to post quite long and detailed match reports, usually with my tongue very much in my cheek - I dread to think what some people nowadays would make of them. I no longer post much, I have become a lurker. To answer the OP question, I don't think any promoter has ever praised the BSF, most have steered well clear. That IMHO is how it should be. The BSPA have their meetings to talk about fans and the fans have the BSF to talk about them. I recall quite a few riders being members over the years which was quite amusing at times when not everyone knew who they were The BSF will never rival the Speedway Star, which is that far up the orifice of the authorites at time it can't see daylight , it's not meant to. I missed the whole Duchess episode and have been scared for life because of it to such an extent I think I shall have to have counselling on the NHS (just to increase the burden non OAPS are having to bear). I've always been grateful to Phil and his team of mods for running the forum, It's a thankless task and they will never please all/some the people some/any of the time. I'm quite happy to go along with what he decides is best for the forum and when I no longer think that way, I'll either quit or set up a forum of my own.
  13. Closer racing, fewer injuries, no rule manipulations, fewer fixture changes. That will do for starters and I might get my enthusiasm back. Also I'd like to see Poole amongst the also rans this year and Belle Vue and/or Eastbourne in the top half of the table simply to prove money doesn't buy success and to shake the sport up a bit. That's not a knock at Poole BTW as knock him all you like Matt Ford runs a successful club, whether we approve of or like him personally or not. If we get all that maybe just maybe forum members might post about the racing and leave the boring/contentious/ slagging/hole digging posts behind us in 2013. *oops then I woke up*
  14. All this Whooshing must account for the weather warnings for wind that keep being broadcast
  15. Totally off topic but is the result of Strictly Come Dancing any less credible because the BBC refuse to issue voting figures? The answer is no except to those sad cases that want to make an issue of it.
  16. and if the losing team riders are wearing snorkels when the water cannon makes a direct hit on the winning team all points are quadrupled! By jove I think you've hit on a winning formula BW
  17. Apologies if it has been mentioned but there is so much negativity on here I've only skim read most of it. On the subject of will this improve NL riders, surely being in the same environment as top class riders can only benefit them. Whilst I appreciate that there are some purely selfish top class riders about, there are enough helpful ones around to pass on tips re tuning/riding lines/gearing etc for the youngsters to learn from. Even being in the same pits and watching the professionalism needed to get to the top flight has to be of benefit. From the little I have read so far, I see this as a postive move IF the fans give it time. It won't improve things overnight but if it helps young Brits and at the same time allows clubs to have a more positive financial situation, what's the problem. I have no idea who the NL riders will ride against in a match, whose asset they will become or how exactly they will be allocated. All will become clear in time. The BSPA have ALWAYS dripfed information from the conference it allows clubs to send out fresh info in their press releases during the close season to keep the die hards happy and hopefully get a few column inches in the local rag.
  18. This year I don't think there was much choice. Several teams had no NL affiliation, so to be fair it had to be a draft/draw of some kind. However riders allocated in 2014should not become assets of the team allocated to. All teams now have the time to set up either a NL team of their own or an official affiliation with a NL team ( I assume it's not always possible for EL club to run NL). Should any of them fail to do so they should receive no help via drafts/draw after 2014. As to fixture clashes, IMHO EL should tke precedence over PL, who in turn should take precedence over NL. No exceptions which hopefully should mean less rule manipulating. Edited for spelling
  19. Cancelled our Sky Sports subscription this morning and told them in no uncertain terms why. I was told we were loyal customers and they value us!!!!!!! so I told them we would return but only if they broadcast speedway. It's all I as an individual can do but at least I've done my bit. Personally can't see them broadcasting speedway next year in the way they have in the past. Things have to change-as to what doesn't matter what I think cos BSPA never listen to the fans and I'm not convinced Sky do either.
  20. Wahey you've found something Gustix has to approve of! Never seen Tai with a fag hanging out of his mouth
  21. Lay off the 60s mate, not all us wrinklies are like that. I'm no fan of body art or piercings but I am open minded enough to realise that they are todays fashions, in much the same way as mini skirts and kipper ties were in the 1960s altho they are far more permanent. I think we have finally found out Gustix' prejudice. It really has nothing to do with Tai's charisma etc ....he just doesn't like tattoos. A view to which he is perfectly entitled, however I prefer to be open minded and not judge a book by his very decorative cover
  22. I sit corrected. I'm too young to remember Moore or Craven but never thought of Briggs as having any charisma. Fundin, all I know is his reputation went before him and I was lucky enough to see him ride a couple of times, even making the trek from Norfolk to Belle Vue just to watch him. It wasn't his charisma that made me do that it was his reputation as a rider. It's a totally different world today. Instant news, social media, mic stuck under your nose as you come off the track (or field) which I can't remember happening so much when I was a youngster so probably even less in the days of Moore/Craven/Briggs/Fundin. I still say that Woffinden came across well, especially in comparison with much of todays youth (sorry for the generalisation). No doubt he will undertake more coaching or training in the art of media as time goes on as nowadays it is essential and he seems to have his head very much screwed on. At least where he is concerned my glass is half full, I only wish I could say the same about the sport in general.
  23. You are entitled to your opinion, but he is still very young, much younger than those you mentioned I believe, so give him a chance and stop being so negative. Things in speedway are so negative* and annoying at present any glimpse of light should be welcomed. * insert any other word you deem appropriate
  24. As you don't appear to think comes over well why are you worried? Just asking.
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