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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Sorry Chris the least I expect is for the commentators to know the riders and how to pronounce their names. For heavens sake they told us at one point that Kenneth Bjerre was reserve, he's not only injured, he's 12 inches too short!
  2. Sublime team riding from Holder and Ward there. Something we so little of nowadays.
  3. I'd have to disagree. Gone from bad to dire to diabloodybolical.
  4. To be fair very few tracks have the equipment available that Buster has.
  5. Thanks for the explanations folks. Don't understand all the technical stuff. Have said for years the promoters should provide bog standard bikes and then riding talent would win.
  6. Typical, I get that hacked off with the god awful commentators, leave the room and something interesting happens. What have I missed folks
  7. But the teams suffering are in general the ones who didn't get of their backsides and help young Brits. You reap what you sow. Matt Ford has now realised and hooked up with a P L club. What have Swindon done?
  8. Maybe your anger should be channelled towards Swindon to get them to actually give young Brits a chance. Maybe then your team might reap the benefits in the future.
  9. And that's the only reason? OK? What's the weather like in GaterWorld today? Bright and sunny in the real world
  10. Screamer - as far as I remember it. Porsing said the mudguard from the Pole Don't think he named him flew off and hit his helmet and he thought the ref should have excluded him, but obviously hadn't seen it. Think it was the race when NKI fell. My daughter says she saw the track staff pick up the 2 pieces of mudguard. He also said he was using his Danish engine in UK for first time this year and was very happy with it. Lambert said he thought the track was the best it had been all season. Radio Nirfolk managed to interview a rider after nearly every heat. Was good to hear what was going on in the pits. Should happen at all tracks every week via the pa IMHO, after all fans love to know these things.
  11. To answer a couple of points, listening to Rob Lyon on radio after meeting, Neils not in heat 15 cos he was battered and bruised and didn't feel up to it. Porsing and Lambert altho scored well were up against a different class of rider to Rory and Woffy, altho their time in heat 15s will come. Found the radio excellent tonight. All riders names pronounced correctly, no umming or arrring. Well done Edwin and co. Very informative pit interviews, especially from Porsing about Poles mudguard.
  12. You are welcome Semion. Hope it's worth it for all those there and all riders finish the meeting fit and well.
  13. Semion and anyone else travelling. Not a cloud in the bright blue sky now. 10 min downpour about an hour ago probably saved Busterusing the water bowser. 2 miles from track
  14. Still cant get a message to your inbox. Message me your twitter name if you like and I'll follow you. Just started raining.
  15. Semion, your inbox is full. Can send weather updates on twitter if it's easier for you. That way those that don't like "twits" won't have to take any notice of them
  16. 2 miles from track and no rain since 0700 (asleep before then. Fair breeze, odd sunny spell but not as warm as last few days (not cold tho). Will try to update later cos I think speedball is otherwise occupied today and not sure if he has access to t'interweb. More to the point has it been confirmed if Darcy is riding?
  17. Well that was unexpected. Cue Dorset apologists lining up with excuses and opposition to the dingly dangly black and white tablecloth rule (tho they have my support with that one).
  18. Don't know what dictionary you use but I can't see anything in ANY of semions posts that say that.
  19. I may have missed it but they didn't There was one mention of Holder. None that I heard of Woffy and none of Zagar. There are advantages to Eurosport covering the GPs
  20. He may have done research but he's missed the most fundamental fact. It's FOUR laps
  21. Thought the rules said if a rider hit the air fence the race had to be stopped or did I dream it? So it would make no difference if Mallett got straight up or not.
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