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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. So that implies you think he is getting the best from his riders and is fostering a great team spirit. Three home defeats . I'll remain child like and rest my case
  2. and it would appear to be a manager who hasn't a clue how to 1) get the best from his riders 2)foster any kind of team spirit. Bodes enormously well for the WTC
  3. lt says on the KL website that because the dual carriageway will be closed that day, if there was a serious incident the emergency services could be compromised. If correct it makes sense. Apparently this will not apply to other meetings as the dual carriageway will only be closed completely on three occasions.
  4. As this is off due to road closures I wonder if Buster has a claim against the council for loss of business lol
  5. Felt I had to comment on this. I've watched quite a few meetings this year on Sky and Bet365. Maybe I'm strange but I've found the FTR races hugely entertaining and the quality of the racing in them on a par with the other heats in the meetings. Yes there have been fallers, there are more mistakes leading to more overtaking but if you watch purely to be entertained and not just to see your own team win, for me the FTR races are a massive move for good by the BSPA. Whether they were brought in to save money (probably) or to bring on British youngsters (a handy by-product ) IMHO they have been great. From what I can see the only fans with a massive downer on them en masse seem to come from Wiltshire. Maybe they would be better asking their club what they intend to do to improve matters next season and what their top riders can do to assist the FTRs they have this season. It's obvious that top riders from many clubs are helping the youngsters and that can only be a good thing and has born fruit for several clubs. As for No 8s - I'd guess most if not all clubs have a couple of juniors living within 20-30 miles, pay them travelling expenses and I'd guess most would jump at the chance to attend as a number 8. They may not get track time but purely by being in the same pits as the EL riders they will learn a lot. If each track provide 2 juniors they could be allocated to home and away team by drawing lots. Win win situation cos no more 3 riders races and the juniors get experience. OK rant over.
  6. methinks Eurosport et al could do with a training course in BSF humour Tho all credit to them for the swift resolution to a problem highlighted on here less than a week ago, If only the BSPA were 10% as responsive
  7. No dearest I do not work for the council. I just have the ability to see things from others perspectives. If they really wanted to do the works at the busiest time I would suggest the start in July and go right thro August, which would coincide with the school holidays. At least they haven't done that , possibly because that may well interfere with the high brow Festival!!! And we couldn't inconvenience the lovies could we lol. Your descriptions of the detours will be very helpful to folks BUT people keep your speed down cos those roads as GRW said are not pleasant in the dark. The Sandringham Flower Show BTW is the last week in July. I think we all agree the roads in Norfolk are woefully inadequate but as very few MPs live here I can't see anything changing.
  8. I would imagine that there are many roads that have to be treated each year. To get all of them done in Sept or Oct would be impossible. Someone will have to be inconvenienced whenever such work is done. Just unfortunate that in this case it's people trying to get to the coast of Norfolk. I'm afraid speedway fans are such an infinitesimal number in the scheme of things they don't count.
  9. I thought the Zagar, tapes and Rory laughing along with the "afters" contributed hugely to the entertainment. No one got hurt, we all had a laugh at one side or the other and the riders seemed to enjoy it. Things like this and far worse used to be an every meeting occurance until the authorities decided to sanitise the sport. Maybe this added entertainment value is why so many long term fans think speedway was better in the old days. Your team may have been beaten out of sight but we had a bit of "handbags" and a laugh. Bring it back I say.
  10. Whilst the racing hasn't always been brilliant, there has been plenty of action/incidents. Plus I've learnt something - thank you Mr Pearson for informing me that rain comes down I always thought it went up
  11. Probably queues to get in as well. Any travellers should be aware that there are major delays on the A47 due to road works. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/update_drivers_swelter_in_one_mile_tailbacks_on_the_a17_eastbound_king_s_lynn_1_3634740
  12. Their customer service is pretty damned good too, sending emails in response to queries. Amazing what a concerted bit of polite concern and enquiry can achieve
  13. As the referee didn't admonish either the start marshall or NKI, he either thought neither did anything wrong or he wasn't watching There again in the interest of equality, he could have been concentrating on his knitting
  14. Very polite enquiry email sent, but so far no response. Still I suppose it is Sunday.
  15. Surely the FIM , the ultimate authority, would have checked if the rain off date was feasible? Ops no cos not this is speedway!
  16. Love Hans for telling us the truth. Wonder if he will face consequences?
  17. 2 miles from track. Rained until about 7 this morning. Since then there has been a very stiff breeze with just a 5 minute light shower. The weather we have had today should not pose any problems imo.
  18. Surely it's all about perception. The PR says a landmark, I'd prefer it if it said another step on the way. Promoters (all of them and commentators too) constantly overegg the pudding. Give us facts and we will make up our own minds if it's a Landmark or another step along the path.
  19. Oh sod it that means footy or read a book. .....where's my reading glasses
  20. Maybe there should be some kind of Duckworth Lewis type system, whereby Birmingham for example when this is rerun should get credit for being in front when it was rained off. The rain isn't the fault of either side and if this was brought in perhaps abandonments would be slightly less controversial. It couldn't be any more complicated than DL and it would give Pearson & Tatum something to talk about.
  21. He also suggested the British Final, being held at Wolverhampton, should be pointer to who should be picked. Can't think of 2 tracks less alike than Lynn and Wolverhampton
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