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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. This had better be good to make up for the fiasco of the PL4s I've just suffered. At least there won't be as much dust cos that's impossible. And a day in Bakewell first - yum yum
  2. Interesting that Tai and Rosco both alluded to a plan for the future. Question is - is it with the cooperation of the BSPA or inspite of them?
  3. Once again the speedway loving Poles sem to have found other things to do.
  4. Hubby has just reminded me they also used the William Tell Overture at some point. My daughter says they also used the music the BBC use for their Golf coverage but we think that's after the time we are looking for.
  5. I'm like you tellboy can hum it but can't name it. Pretty sure it was Trees that finally came up with the title. Have searched on Google and I'm almost certain it's the Old Comrades March but my memory does play tricks. If you google it multiple links come up so you can have a listen to confirm or not (not the German band tho ry one of the British ones). I also remember The Post Horn Gallop being played at Lynn but whether that was during Big Al's time I don't know. I've just searched on the unofficial Lynn forum and a thread there also suggested it was The Old Comrades March. I hope this helps. I have very fond memories of Alan Littlechild.
  6. If you don't like the racing ,don't go. It's so simple a solution even I can manage it.
  7. Never had a problem in the past. I took a large cool box in a couple of weeks ago when British 125 Championship preceded the PL match
  8. Thanks blocktread and those who replied by pm.
  9. It will be interesting to see if Mr Lawrence is consistent on Saturday if Nicki P performs one of his more "interesting" moves.
  10. Oh dear . Whatever you think of his decision tonight and, I think he got it wrong, he is gonna be wide open to accusations of bias. Would have been far better to have had a Swedish/Czech or any neutral referee.
  11. Please tell me we have a Swedish ref on Saturday.
  12. The argument between Racers & Royals and Alan Jones is nearly as interesting as that between Tony Olsen and Billy Hamill
  13. Bet if tickets were £2 in Britain the place would be packed even without GB riding
  14. Obviously the speedway loving Poles only love it when Poles are riding
  15. According to Sky Sports twitter it's Wolves. Do you honestly think they would show anything else but the Darcy show looks like you'll have to slum it with Bet365 SF
  16. It's been a long while since my last visit so can any BV fans tell me the best entrance for wheelchair users at Kirky Lane. I don't want to go in the stand would prefer the grassy knoll or 4th bend. I thought we went in via pits once but daughter says no . I did email BV but haven't had a reply. Also in view of what happened at Lynn on Sat are there any restrictions on bringing soft drinks into the stadium.
  17. I wonder if any regular Lynn attendees saw who was actually searching the bags. Was it regular NA staff? I can understand not allowing large cool boxes etc but on a scorching hot day (or even a cool one) everyone should be allowed to take one bottle of water in. It's not as if there are water fountains etc available inside is it. Surely access to water is a basic human right.
  18. Racing slightly better tonight but possibly caused by the ruts in the track. Nrxt opinion please
  19. I did enjoy seeing Kildeman behind the Czech and the Swede and not being able to get near enough to sideswipe them.
  20. c Agreed. It only needs a couple of problems -tapes or efs and they could be in trouble. The Latvians won't be a push over IMO. If Dryml gates he could spring a surprise or two and who knows what Milik will do. The Swedes I'm not sure about could be brilliant could be carp. As Event 1 didn't go to the expected (by everyone except Rosco) script who knows what tonight will bring.
  21. Can't see a specific thread for this one apologies if I've missed it. Big question will the Danes go through or have they made a mistake thinking GB would go to the race off and not Australia. Other question is who will Nigel Pearson be touting for a British berth tonight?
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