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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I hate delaying tactics but ONE referee should not unilaterally decide to exclude riders in this manner. Seems neither team was warned before the meeting. Does this clock only appear at Sky meetings cos it doesn't seem to be part of the normal Coventry set up
  2. Who is the ref and has he passed an alcohol test?
  3. I think clubs in those circumstances are usually given a facility for 28 days. Could be wrong tho.
  4. Change that to all riders at all meetings. They are professionals just the same as bus drivers, train drivers, pilots etc and no one thinks they should drink before going to work.
  5. I take no pleasure in Darcy's plight. However having seen many riders seriously injured and one lose his life, I am wholeheartedly on the side of anything that enhances rider safety. I'd feel the same whoever was involved, and incidentally think Dudek should be banned. If a high profile rider like Darcy gets banned and it makes just one youngster stop and think before drinking and riding something good might come out of this. I take no pleasure in Darcy's plight. However having seen many riders seriously injured and one lose his life, I am wholeheartedly on the side of anything that enhances rider safety. I'd feel the same whoever was involved, and incidentally think Dudek should be banned. If a high profile rider like Darcy gets banned and it makes just one youngster stop and think before drinking and riding something good might come out of this.
  6. I haven't seen one rider condone what Darcy Ward did. I wonder if that's cos it's their lives on the line. If in doubt read Steve Hones post 2 above this one. Fans entertainment comes a very poor second to rider safety.
  7. So if reports are to be believed, he went out last night (in his words to a restaurant) obviously had an alcoholic drink(s), then got the bad news, and in his own words didn't eat properly and didn't "hydrate" after that. Cos it's well known that alcohol dehydrates you. So his defence of receiving bad news in my eyes is negated because he had the alcohol before getting the bad news. "Who were his companions last night? Fellow riders? Or Advisors? Did they eat? Did they Drink? Did they "hydrate"? I'd suggest they are not very good friends if they allowed him to do this and certainly are not good advisors. None of the above is a defence, just thinking out loud so to speak.
  8. The point is Darcy and every other rider knew the rules and the consequences. They are in the public domain. He knew them when he signed his GP contract, he has no defence and if the rules say he gets a ban, so be it.
  9. The limit is zero for a reason. I'd say the same whoever the rider. Alcohol and speed at close quarters do not mix
  10. And probably been advised to do it. Shame there wasn't the advice last night
  11. Whatever the news he got, there is no excuse. 15 other riders depend on him being fully compus mentis. Agree he did the right thing facing the camera .
  12. I guess Matt Ford is already on the phone to Chris Holder . I don't have a problem with that cos Poole fans shouldn't suffer because of an idiot.
  13. Unless someone held him down and poured alcohol down his throat there are no excuses. Even then the correct thing to do would have been to report it and pull himself out of the meeting
  14. Is he still due to have an op in the winter? If he gets banned he'll simply bring it forward. Hope the authorities take it into account
  15. But he wasn't sponsored by the series sponsors!
  16. No way am I trying to defend the idiot but does anyone know if alcohol tests are normal at GPs or are they random? I guess what I'm asking is did someone see him drinking and reported it.
  17. Not quite. Lee won a world title before going off the rails.
  18. Bob's tractoring has been going on for years. It does make you wonder why a rule hasn't been introduced to curb it if a team manager complains to the referee. Many of us, me included, have complained about Poole's antics but Daddy Dugards are equally wrong.
  19. Don't think I'll be alone having no sympathy for BSI. If they had insisted on a test meeting at Riga this May have been avoided. They have a moral responsibility to help ticket holders, even if they have no legal responsibility.
  20. Why does the cynic in me think that the excellent offer to the fans made by Coventry will make them unpopular with their fellow promoters
  21. Just had a light shower. Not even as much as one lap of the water truck
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