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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Signed. Good luck. Pity you can't find some endangered newts or something on the site.
  2. It needs to be sorted for Coventry's sake. I'm pretty sure when they book the stadium for a final which is then cancelled thro no fault of their they still incur costs. Pretty sure Sky don't pick up those costs even tho the dates were obviously set in haste for their benefit so it's either Coventry don't book the stadium now until the semi is run or get the semi on somewhere fast or tell Sky that BSPA will decide the dates whether you like it or not.
  3. How feasible is a neutral venue finance wise? I'm assuming that Poole would for financial purposes become the promoters. Would they even have the 2nd leg at Lynn. They did after all win the first leg there. That surely would be a better option than a coin toss or awarding it. It would also guarantee a reasonable crowd which might not be the case anywhere else.
  4. Maybe as a thank you to all the fans that have supported him and his charity efforts.
  5. They just don't have to conform to Sky's timetable.
  6. That's what alcohol does - affects the judgement.
  7. They expect exactly what they get and then pay lip service by apologising. It makes good TV and they know it.
  8. So I'd take that to infer that they would be in favour of a ban. Or would I be wrong
  9. Which is the opposite to the majority of views on here. Probably why it's best to let the authorities decide. Has anyone done a poll of the other GP riders? Now that would be interesting. Feel free to borrow my idea Mr R
  10. oops BBC give light rain most of the day on Wednesday Are Poole intending to use the covers this week anyone know?
  11. According to Sky Sports tweets the final is next Friday and the following Monday. First leg at Coventry.
  12. Judging from debates re other GP problems it won't be BSI that lose money. As I understand it they sell the rights to local promoters. I'm sure someone will tell me if this isn't the case
  13. I have no particular problem with Australia holding a GP or even the final GP. My problem is the date. The 24th is a week before the end of the British season. This affects BRITISH fans who for the most part have supported the riders through the early part of their careers and those riders will no be unavailable to British speedway for approx. 2 weeks at the end of the season. It may well affect Poland and Sweden as well. Probably Czecho too. Therefore it's European fans of speedway, not necessarily GP fans that will suffer. It's all very well folk saying bring the play offs forward. Why the hell should we have to simply to suit a private company that wants to make a profit. Speedway has run from March to October for as long as I've been attending in the mid 60s and probably before that to. I see no reason for it to change. I doubt non GP riders will appreciate their season being curtailed either as it reduces their chances to earn money.
  14. Definitely SL I have great sympathy for Trees' viewpoint, but I don't always agree with the way she expresses it I've never liked the Bloody Stupid Play Offs any more than I like the stupid dingly dangly tablecloth double points nonsense. It never ceases to amaze me that folk who say they love speedway are so happy to curtail the season simply to allow for the play offs which, let's face it, were brought in simply to please Sky. If I still loved speedway I'd be bloody furious that the season was being shortened .
  15. Totally irrelevant surely the EL takes precedence to a British club.
  16. Have Coventry incurred costs re the deferred final on Monday? £46 grand it's cost Sky Unknown amount it's cost fans, journos etc Expenses paid to riders by Lynn & Poole. And all because a so called track curator can't use a blade properly.
  17. Here's an idea. run it at Buxton on Sunday. neutral track, Poole can't object to that.
  18. Just seen pic of first bend, it's literally under water. god help the riders if they have to ride on it. Hopefully they will stick together and refuse if it's too dangerous
  19. Why not run it at a neutral venue. At least that way it's decided on track. It's unfair to both riders and fans for it to be decided off track. It's not Lynn's fault, there was a hole in the track. That sadly is entirely down to Poole. According to all report the track on Monday was rideable if not raceable, it was purely the hole that caused the call off. The whole of the play-offs have been a bit of a farce this season, with injuries, no re stage date etc, at least let's not have a coin toss decide the finalists.
  20. Wow thank you for that. I was beginning to miss Steve Shovlar who despite all his faults did post weather updates.
  21. Like you I wasn't there but if the facts are as reported, I too am surprised that a foray onto the terraces is not deemed more serious. I appreciate the age of the offender, but as you say it's a dangerous precedent. Even a 28 day, even 14 day, ban would be acceptable in my eyes, just to mark the difference between the playing field and the pit area (where only authorised folk are allowed) and the terraces (where the general public are) as it were.
  22. So all the tweets and photos from riders showing their equipment packed and ready to go a week before shipping were wrong then? That's why I said first week in October, bikes etc don't get packed overnight. Credit us with some intelligence. As for best bikes - that's a matter of opinion. I've seen riders quoted as saying they are bringing their GP bikes to GB cos they are better and conversely Bomber took his EL bikes to a GB. I would apologise for saying something negative about all this but I won't cos I can be objective. It's great for BSI and possibly all 16 riders, they get a nice break in Oz after the European season, but for the vast majority of British and possibly other European fans it's not good.
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