Star Lady
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Now now children, it's getting past your bedtime.
Correct there would have been. However you have to ask yourself why that is. I feared for all four riders in every race, thankfully they all came thro OK. I hope to never again have to watch riders riding in such conditions whatever the number of heats completed.
Running heats quickly with no gardening or faffing about yes please. Riding in heavy rain, no way. Last night was purely down to pressure (not gonna name them but they have schedules ). For the fans who have been messed about with dates etc and charged an extra £3, this should be run in good racing conditions and if that means postponing, so be it. Mon the Bees
RP & DD agreed about not wanting to watch that again. My question was more in reply to those that have said there should be no more rain offs. I have nothing but respect for all 14 riders last night from what I saw they didn't just ride, in the main they raced. As for heat 10, I have a feeling everyone knew what would be the reaction if the meeting had been curtailed at that point. Poole IMHO did redeem their reputation a bit last night ( they still have a fair way to go probably). Like many others I feel this season has become a bit of a farce with guests/ running meetings in diabolical conditions for the sake of Sky. Last night showed with will and consideration clubs can work together, maybe they should do more of it. Would be better without the outside pressure of Sky IMHO. Well done again to all concerned last night but Mon the Bees.
It would be interesting to know what if any pressure was put on the riders to ride last night. We all know that had it not been for the circumstances it would not have got past heat 7 (run at the pace it was) or ordinarily (time wise) heat 3. There really is no excuse for any more rained off meetings after that, BUT would anyone want to watch another meeting in those conditions?
Respect to all 14 riders for getting this thro. Under any other circumstances it wouldn't have got past 7 races. Well done to the ref as well for getting it done. Congratulations to the Pirates for reaching the final. Come on the Bees.
About same as Bet365 IMHO but with commentary, which I can take or leave.
mr Pearson liars need good memories. Yesterday at this time you told us it was drizzling. today you said "yesterday at this time it was throwing it down" Hoist by your own petard!
I just hope that if the track is not fit for RACING tonight the riders stick together and refuse to ride. Despite all the problems a rain off will cause, the most important consideration is riders safety, I for one will not criticise any rider that won't ride. Hopefully none will be pressurised.
I'm not convinced of that to be honest. This mess is mainly down to Sky - they wanted play offs - they want it when they want it not when clubs will have their riders etc- then they don't even show one of the semis. I'm old enough to remember speedway before Sky. We ran till Oct 31, we still can but that doesn't suit Sky. No thought for riders who have ridden all season, fans who travel, Coventry who can't promote the final properly or anyone else. I could go on but I'll jus get more angry. The whole thing is a farce. The biggest farce is no one knows what wil happen if tonight does not happen cos Sky haven't decreed when they want it !!!
Well said. On the subject of fixtures I'm sure all promoters have to agree to it at the beginning of the season. It's a pity a few didn't voice their misgivings then, or do they only get concerned when they are getting flack. However there are still 2 weeks left of this season so I fail to see what the panic is. Oh yes light bulb moment, it's so Sky can televise it and they dictate when. Well hold on just a cotton picking minute is this the same Sky that are not going to show the third most important meeting of the season but will deign to show us key heats. Well Sky here's a bit of advice, rubbish happens sometimes and you have to take the rough with the smooth. You may have lost some dosh last week, but so did Matt Ford/Poole as no doubt did Coventry then and will again tomorrow if tonight does not go ahead. That's not to mention all the fans that have made the effort to travel etc. You just have to suck it up as they say. That's part one of today's rant, no doubt I'll be back later
My apologies just retread it and you are correct. I still think it's wrong that anyone in the semis guest for another team. Gonna watch The Apprentice, now, judging from last night quite a few of them are clever enough to be speedway promoters lol.
Rant part 2 Fans, and very likely the riders, have no idea what happens if tomorrow is rained off. why the hell not? Also just read bit in the Echo and Middlo is quoted as saying Sky should come up with some kind of track covering!!! Silly me thought that should be down to the BSPA. Middlo also says Lynn shouldn't be allowed to use Riders from the other semi as guests. well I actually agree with that but hang on a blooming minute Troy Batchelor rode for Swindon in a semi and ?Middlo is using him. How hypocritical,
What really makes me the most angry is the lies and taking fans for fools. Before anyone thinks this is a pop at Poole read on! We have many folk on here and on social media telling us it's absolutely sheeting down in Poole,we switch on Skysports news oops sorry HQ and there stands Nigel Pearson telling us with a straight face that it's drizzling! Pearson then goes on Twitter to say the track wasn't flooded when we could all see it was. Yes maybe it could have been cleared but by definition if it was under water it was bloody flooded! We have also been told that they looked at 4 different forecasts and they were all wrong, strangely the one on the BBC had it spot on and had been saying so all week So Mr Pearson please don't take us for fools, we have eyes, we have the internet and amazingly enough 99% of us have a brain and know how to use it, so just tell us the truth. Rant over!
So now they don't even appear to be showing all the heats, just key ones! Good old Aunty Beeb. It's on Radio Norfolk in full according to their schedule.
My thanks to those who put links to the webcam. I had found that one earlier but sadly I can't get it to work
We've all seen the forecasts, would anyone like to tell us what the weather is actually doing in Poole at the moment. A link to a webcam in the area would be even better, then we could see for ourselves without having to bother anyone
However this ends up I'm quite proud of the fact that Lynn fans have not, in the main, resorted to name calling and playground antics. Can't recall many saying Poole should forfeit the tie either. In my book that makes Lynn fans the best hoping this might stop all the bloody stupid agro on this thread. It happened live with it cos you can't change it
That's as maybe. The meeting was still only arranged late last week. Unless you knew that last week was going to be off in advance of course
Not sure I consider less than a week to be some time. AFAIK tomorrow & Thurs was announced after last weeks rain off, first I heard it was when Sky announced it last Thurs/Fri. Obviously some Poole fans speak a different dialect.
Shovvy at least gave weather updates