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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Agree that Mike Bennett is a very hard act to follow. I also agree that knowledge alone is not the answer, Kevin has forgotten more than most of us know about the sport, but his delivery is somewhat monotone. What really annoys me about the current bloke is not his lack of charisma, he has a certain amount of that (whether it's to individual tastes is another matter), he is obviously reasonably competent with the techniques of a mic ( I believe he also does the stocks). He simply doesn't seem to care that his knowledge of speedway is at the very least flawed if not almost non-existent. If he simply talked to some knowledgeable fans and got the terminology right he would be far less annoying. He is also repetitive in the extreme. I can put up with 3 races with a youngster who has loads to learn and will rarely participate in a good race but 2 + hours of verbal crap is beyond my endurance. Presentation is IMHO an integral part of the evenings entertainment. I shall simply just enjoy my away trips and forget the NA until he is replaced. I'm hoping that Buster will see the difference at Rory's testimonial and realise that certain areas at the NA still need work
  2. I'm far more concerned as to when they will sign a charismatic, knowledgable and competent centre green presenter!
  3. I'd say that makes you perfectly qualified to be a speedway promoter
  4. Well said. I'm of the free speech for all brigade with the proviso I can put anyone I consider an idiot and choose not to listen to on ignore. Think I still have enough fingers on one hand to count how many that applies to
  5. Just to add another dimension to the debate. If Ward gets off will he need a visa (I've no idea of his nationality status). If he does need one will he get one in time for the start of the season?
  6. So who do you blame then? Or is it just a stitch up. As I read it, had clubs/BSPA abided by the rules, filled in the correct paperwork and ensured it was returned within specified dates there wouldn't be a problem. The BSPA is an umbrella organisation and as such has to take collective responsibility for it's individual clubs actions when they impact on the sport as a whole.
  7. As the employers are the clubs and the clubs belong to the BSPA , to me the BSPA do not get off the hook that easily!
  8. Give them a go on the centre green mic, you never know you could find someone competent
  9. Be interesting to know why the date has been put back again. I had little sympathy for Darcy up to now but if this postponement is nothing to do with his legal team etc, I'm beginning to feel for him and especially his clubs and crew. Pull your fingers out FIM.
  10. He could indeed but as neither are British, they couldn't give the whole picture (assuming that there is any animosity to Brits because of the Falklands) I seem to recall reading that this promoter is fairly new so would Covatti or Sanchez have ridden for him or a previous promoter?
  11. If only some of what Worrall has said is true, I don't blame him or Barker for getting the hell out of there. I'm pretty sure they would have some kind of evidence to back up their reasons. At the end of the day it is their lives and careers on the line and if they think either of them are threatened they have the right to get out. On the other hand if the Argentine version is correct I look forward to hearing the verdict of the FIM disciplinary meeting. I won't hold my breath tho Being long standing is not a criteria of quality or truth.
  12. Just to put another twist on this. Why if some folk are puzzled by the two separate verdicts regarding consent are they not questioning why the other male involved was found innocent? They insist there was no difference in her state of mind (or otherwise) so why was one cleared and one not. Strange that they seem to want both to be innocent and not both guilty.
  13. Totally agree. Men AND women should not only respect each other but themselves as well.
  14. I take your point but even in those circumstances a statement that he was foolish to put himself in that position would be a good move and add that young men should treat young women with respect. I assume you would agree he didn't treat the female in question with respect.
  15. Probably before the time of most on this thread but no hall of fame would be complete without Peter Moore.
  16. Can you get anymore negative? I appreciate it's not ideal but there have to be ways and means. I don't think it necessarily means the same rider named for every meeting, can't they share vans, use a rack on the back of a car (it was good enough for Collins/Betts et al).
  17. Good to see league winners will be champions. Delighted that teams have to name No 8 to give experience, something that should apply across all 3 leagues IMO
  18. Sorry to hear that, pleased to know he is improving. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery, hopefully you will be fit to grace the terraces by March.
  19. Always was ahead of my time BTW I don't knit and don't watch Holby (is it even on on Weds/Thurs?) I didn't mind paying £17 at away matches last season cos, daft I know, but an away match is more of an occasion. I would not pay that at Lynn. Like you I expect entertainment for that amount, which I can get at the the theatre ( well Corn Exchange) and know it's non stop for 2 hours +. All you get at speedway is 15/16 minutes of riding with the occasional bit of passing/team riding/excitement. Continuity of riders might tempt me occasionally as I enjoyed watching 6 out of 7 of them away last season. Having the same riders you sort of get attached to them and you can see their progression. A different team each year of foreign journeyman fly in get paid disappear till the next meeting kind of rider turns me right off . A new mic man would be an essential for me tho, cos the one there now has about as much personality as my keyboard and about as much speedway knowledge as the man in the moon, and he hasn't improved since he started IMHO.
  20. Don't think anyone can think of anything you haven't already tweeted
  21. My sentiments entirely. He'd gain more respect if he actually told the truth and said so.
  22. Any draft system will please some and anger others, it's the nature of the beast. I'd have liked to have seen something that encourages EL clubs to develop their own assets ( I appreciate not all clubs are able to do this in the same way). Something along the lines of in 2016 any rider that has been an asset of a club for 2 years can be protected without that club losing any places in the line to pick riders. i.e. if Rose were in the 2016 draft and had been an asset of Lynn for 2 years, he is protected but Lynn would retain their place in the pecking order to choose a rider from the other group. If a club has 2 such riders they can if they wish use those 2 riders and opt out of the draft. That is always assuming the riders involved are willing to ride for their club. That way a club that develops a rider is not penalised and hopefully it will encourage EL clubs to develop their own riders. Obviously it cannot be done for 2015 but if it was put into the rules now, no club would have an excuse, would they.
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