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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Five years ago those words could have come straight out of my mouth (or keyboard) and therein lies the problem. It only takes one or two happenings, not necessarily speedway related, and you miss a meeting or two and the habit, cos habit it is, gets broken. Then you start to see the imperfections, lack of value etc. and find other things to do and other ways to spend your money. I still love the sport, I love watching the Stars away from home as part of an away couple of days (i.e. treat), I watch it on TV but quite a few things would have to change before I could ever see myself attending Saddlebow Road regularly again and I know I'm not alone. All promoters not just Buster need to get off their collective backsides and stop taking the die hard fans for granted cos there will come a time when they will become extinct.
  2. It really wouldn't be a problem would it, after all they do have the best team manager in the league who gets the very best out of all his riders
  3. My enthusiasm is on the wane now mate I wonder what improvement(s) will be made to try and offset the increase? If any!
  4. Ah shucks Semion, just as I'm getting some enthusiasm, think about it only one dingly dangly black & white tablecloth a strictly enforced 2 minute and more opportunities for Brits. All it needs now is some charisma and knowledge on the centre grey. Seems we are destined never to be together
  5. IF that's the case why hasn't it been announced and why hasn't the question been answered when asked of the official accounts on social media? Excellent. Things ain't like they used to be
  6. I'm beginning to think Buster has come up with a new marketing idea to increase crowds. As no admission price has been announced, everyone will get in free and the Buster Burger will be priced at £15 with coffee at a fiver Seriously - how difficult is it in this digital age to let the public know how much of their hard earned cash you want?
  7. Did I imagine it or was it wishful thinking - only one dingly dangly do dah black and white tablecloth ride allowed this year? Please tell me I wasn't dreaming
  8. do you know something Mudllo doesn't Seriously- Clive Featherby - never a dull moment when he was about.
  9. Who informed them? The tea lady! I honestly cannot see anyone connected with the FIM even hinting at special treatment. Probably what was said was they would do it as fast as possible, which presumably is how they process all cases.
  10. Total irony in a piece on the Pirates site today about visas. Quoting Matt Ford it says I assume Muddlo is the exception that proves the rule On second reading maybe he is calling Ward a tool
  11. That's cos Buster doesn't suffer fools and idiots
  12. Good to see you back posting again. Hope you are feeling better, we missed you
  13. Just to make my stance clear, I think the timescale is unacceptable in all cases not specifically the Ward case. I understand an instant decision is not possible or maybe even desirable but even allowing for consultation and/or clarification of points of law/rules 45 days is excessive, but as others said once lawyers are involved you expect it!
  14. I don't think the timescale is acceptable either and I have absolutely no sympathy for Darcy Ward. Not sure why you bring SCB into it, but as it happens I'm well aware of his view on this as I tend to read his posts because he is usually balanced and non abusive. I have better things to do with my time, but I assume they are right minded individuals so therefore think the timescale is unacceptable also. Exactly where did I try to implicate anything between the SS and The BSPA? You may think that's what I had in mind but only I know. That's the trouble with forums, people think they know what others are thinking from words that are written. Use slightly the wrong word and world war 3 breaks out. i.e someone says Darcy was "drunk" meaning over the limit allowed by law and forum members go off as if he has been accused of and committed murder.
  15. Why pathetic? Do you think the timescale is acceptable? Or Do you think the BSPA think the timescale is acceptable? If you answer yes to either of those I accept your opinion that my comment was pathetic. However if the answer to either is no, how can my comment be pathetic?
  16. That is a different issue from the one being debated on this thread, or it should be from the title! Maybe the time scale of FIM deliberations could be the subject of an SS editorial feature, after all it wouldn't upset the BSPA would it
  17. Me neither. Trees often confuses me, this time she's almost rendered me speechless!!!!!!
  18. Thanks SCB. Hardly earth shattering enough for 40 pages then
  19. Back on topic hopefully. I can't trawl through pages of non related stuff so would some kind soul tell me which riders are not getting a work permit please.
  20. It is difficult I agree. I find it helps to repeat 5 times before touching the keyboard. "I will not lower myself to their level" Doesn't always work tho
  21. I wonder if you and many others would have thought the same if he had ridden in that GP, been involved in a crash that caused another rider to be injured and been tested after the meeting and found over the limit?
  22. Now I don't believe everything I read on twitter but one tweet that Middlo has retweeted appears to infer (using my words carefully here ) that he called someone a retard on twitter. Not exactly sure why he felt the need to retweet it but there ya go. If that is the case Middlo can have absolutely no complaints that he has been reported to the SCB.
  23. I find it strange that the message at the top says when we are constantly being bombarded by people telling us we should not give away personal information For the record I'm not male and have been attending speedway for 50 years this year.....work it out for yourselves
  24. Agree with most of that Haza. What a lot of people seem to have forgotten is the risk to other riders. However I believe Had it been Nicki he would have had to wait exactly the same time, the only difference is very few people would have tried to defend him!
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