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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. I was trying not to put people off lol. I'm afraid the lure of watching Cameron and Millipede is fractionally more entertaining than freezing within an inch of death whilst being subjected to shouty man ( not sure who coined that name but I find it very fitting)
  2. 2 miles from track. Sunny, very windy and I suspect rather chilly tonight.
  3. Been persistently precipitating since 5 this morning but now more or less stopped. Think you might need your thermals tho
  4. Not listed Probably someone pulled the plug cos it was something that actually benefitted fans.
  5. Not all forum members admit it when they are wrong either. Well done SCB
  6. Just as you can choose to donate or not, so you can choose whether to answer or not. FWIW in the circumstances I think it was a legitimate question to ask.
  7. I agree with you too, just couldn't be bothered to post saying so cos they never listen anyway!
  8. and once again British speedway pandering to the Poles. Why the hell are Lynn riding in this when the British Speedway is not represented in the Best Pairs. Makes no blooming sense whatsoever. Oops sorry I put British Speedway and sense in the same sentence
  9. I didn't say that. If weather conditions dictate grading the so be it. Read my first post tractors drove me mad when Huggy drove them too. If tracks must do it, bloody well provide some distraction for the fans at the same time. What I'm saying is there is no point tractors going round for the sake of it. A few bumps add to the entertainment and before you start not to the point of danger. I know you love speedway but it has to evolve and provide entertainment and value for money or it will die. I loved last night but you won't get me back to Saddlebow Road any time soon cos quite simply I would be bored rubbishless and feel ripped off.
  10. IF that's the case, I prefer to believe Rory wanted the meeting to flow for the fans, then prepare the track like that all the time. I go to watching bikes racing NOT tractors endlessly going round the track. The racing last night was good, I can't recall any long drawn out processions which is what you get normally. If riders can't cope with the odd imperfection in a track maybe they should play snooker! Speedway is dying because it is not attracting new supporters and it won't if they watch 15 minutes of bike action and 45 minutes of tractors. If all meetings were like last night things might just be turned around. Newbies going last night might return. Take them to what is normal and very very few will. Speedway has to start catering for fans entertainment and tractors for 99% of folk on the terraces are not it. I'll say it again, Rory had it spot on last night - freezing cold so keep it moving and keep it entertaining
  11. Well done RooBoy, if only all meetings were like that Racing was excellent, overtakes in most races and close racing in others. Presentation of riders was as it should be - individually and doing wheelies etc. Races flowed quickly from one to the next - no interminable tractors going round, the quality of the racing proving that grading after every heat or two is totally unnecessary (adverse weather excepted). Juniors given a chance to race in front of a large crowd - has to be good for them and for the crowd to see up and comers. Nice to also see they still acknowledge the crowd with a wave (some seniors need to take note) Centre green presentation was superb - I'm not usually a fan of commentary during a race but Mr Aunger was brilliant. Informative, enthusiastic, colourful and most certainly not repetitive. The light show was interesting but IMO needs a bit of refining but for a first go was good. The startline (a la Sheffield) was always gonna be good, the flames adding a certain something. The fireworks were excellent and their timing was spot on. Two minute dashes were interesting and threw up a couple of surprises. I could go on but I think you get the idea. It was fresh, it was different, it was slick and it was thoroughly enjoyable. Only minor hiccup was the lack of results being announced after the races but don't think anyone really cared. Thank you RooBoy for the meeting and the years of service you have given to British Speedway. Now which promoter will have the guts to use some or all of your ideas or better still use you as a presentation consultant.
  12. It's all about opinions isn't it I've never been impressed by Risager but can't honestly say how old he was when I saw him ride I can remember Michael Lee and Lambert doesn't impress me in the way he did. Don't get me wrong Lambert IMO is good but I don't think it's the natural talent that Lee had. Lambert's is more acquired skill, and damn good skill at that. Lee tho had that indefinable something that Darcy also had when he first came over. Looking at all three of Lambert, Lee and Ward I think in the long run over a whole career (injuries permitting) Lambert will probably be the most successful, simply because he IMO is the most grounded and level headed and works at his craft rather than relying on his natural talent. I just hope he stays that way.
  13. I realise that but it's not exactly on a par with Denmark/Sweden GB IMHO.
  14. Genuine question SCB - was Risager riding in the Danish league at the same time? or any other league? If he was he had an advantage. Lambert because of intransigent rules/ruling body could only ride in one league.
  15. BSPA site has Boro at 1400. I'd allow 60-70 minutes travel/parking time depending on crowd size at both of course. No idea how efficient Boro will be getting thro their meeting. 2 hours should IMHO be plenty but organisers do seem to have this tendency to drag things out but you have the option to leave early and avoid jams getting out of Showground.
  16. Can't recall his name at present (it's my age) but he did the commentary for the Aussie GP. Won't let me edit, his name is Wayne Augur
  17. But can you imagine the Polish reaction if a British club pulled the same stunt and stopped a Brit from riding in a Polish testimonial. Ohh hang on wait a blooming minute..... not got any Brits that would be a crowd puller in Poland I feel for Rory, it was announced in good faith and tweeted by Lezno at the time apparently so they can't say they didn't know. I personally don't give a stuff, I'd rather see a decent all round meeting than a "superstar" anyday. Just hoping for good weather for my first NA meeting in three years.....will be my last for another 3 if the presentation for Lynn matches doesn't improve
  18. Nice to see Rory on Twitter saying he will try and keep the meeting moving and no long delays (hopefully none will be needed for accidents etc). I'd be willing to bet folk will be far happier with an efficiently tho shorter time wise run meeting than a long drawn out affair with interminable inexplicable delays. Rory seems to know what punters want and is far more tuned into the fans than most promoters . I hope the weather is kind to him and the hopefully very large crowd that his effort for this meeting and over his British career deserve. Who knows if the sun shines I might even reprise the Rory fan shuffle dance thingy taught to me by Pammie and ML many years ago (did we really used to do that )
  19. If this for real? I ask because it hasn't created the furore I would expect. As far as I can tell it hasn't even elicited a response from him with a small g and he never fails to have a pop at things on the BSF. If it is just a wind up, my quoting it is ....well to quote someone infamous "what all doddery old gits do nowadays" The replies it has had have had me crying and laughing at the same time
  20. They could have printed the FIM guidelines about the possible 45 day wait and quoted a few examples from other motorbike disciplines giving their timelines. It would not have been difficult to research, plenty of BSF members managed to find them . Apologies if the SS did do that, I haven't read it for years due to an allergy to propaganda
  21. Has Muddlo made any utterances yet? Or has someone gagged him and superglued his tweeting fingers together?
  22. On the face of it I would agree and he should have been treated as others who were guilty of similar offences but we only know what's basically hearsay and conjecture. The FIM heard all the evidence, have passed judgement so I'll settle for that. However I personally don't think he should receive GP wild cards in 2015 with the possible exception of Australia.
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