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Star Lady

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Everything posted by Star Lady

  1. Totally agree with you. This thread should have been about Hancock's actions. Instead it's turned into a witch hunt against Nicki P. I'm not defending Nicki by any manner of means, I agree with some of the comments about him but it is detracting from what is the original issue of the thread - was Hancock behaving correctly by attacking someone and what if anything should be his punishment. I'll repeat there is no justification for violence it solves nothing.
  2. I agree with a lot of that which is why I believe refs should reort it to the SCB or whichever authority . They can then take a more distant view, watch any video available, take statements from other riders/officials and would see if a pattern emerges concerning certain riders. It should not be down to a single individual to issue a ban, apart from throwing a rider out of a meeting.
  3. Absolutely spot on. Refs should exc riders,warn them and if necessary report the incident to the appropriate authority who after a defined number of incidents must issue a ban. That is the only way to rid the sport of dangerous riders.
  4. I have not defended Nicki's actions, in fact he blocked me on Twitter following my reaction to the Zagar incident. And yet again you have to bring the name of a much missed rider into it. I have stood at a track and watched a rider get killed in front of me, so don't try and lecture me on the dangers of the sport.
  5. The problem is most people cannot take the personalities out of it. If it were any other two riders the reactions in the majority of cases would be completely different.
  6. Seems Hancock has been fined 5000 kroner, the maximum allowed. That should be the end of it, Nicki exc, Hancock fined. It won't be tho will it cos it's like manna from heaven to BSI.
  7. I don't condone any rider who is guilty of dirty riding. That's why I could never ever be a referee, its all a matter of opinion and I don't consider my opinion to be valid enough to having never ridden a speedway bike. I often agree with Nicki's exclusions however there are times I think he is excluded simply because of who he is. To clarify, Nicki was excluded in this instance and I have no problem with that.
  8. What a nasty piece of work you are. First you wish a human being breaks his neck with all the consequences that brings not only for him but his family and friends and than you try and justify it by dragging the name of well respected, much loved and missed rider into it. I'm not going to try and debate the matter with you because you simply don't have capacity to make it a fair debate. I'll repeat what I said last night. Violence should never be condoned, all it does is create more violence and it solves nothing.
  9. Have no argument with that, tho I'd hate to be a referee. Any news on action against Hancock for violent conduct/bringing the sport into disrepute.
  10. Of course you can forget the names, it's called being objective. So you condone Hancock launching a violent attack on another human being?
  11. As was Hancocks attack on Pedrsen should he be fined too?
  12. So in your opinion is that an excuse to resort to violence? Forget both of the names involved what would you do if you were the ref? That applies to everyone not just you Trees
  13. What did the ref do? Anyone excluded, fined? banned?
  14. I hope no one ever says Hancock is the perfect gentleman again Nicki may have been guilty of hard/dirty riding (angle not good enough to distinguish) but no one should attack another rider in that manner and certainly not continue in the way he did. There is no excuse at all for violence, handbags yes but that was violence pure and simple.
  15. You did thank you. The only reason I questioned it was the spokes incident. Tatum must have excellent eyesight to have picked it up.
  16. I had the advantage of watching it twice. The live showing was that good I watched the highlight prog. The live showing was without commentary but with sound from the track, almost like being there and the announcer used Danish followed by English so perfectly easy to follow along with the captions. There didn't seem to be any long breaks between races even when there were falls the breaks were relatively quick compared to British speedway. I missed the opinions of Tatum, who gives a riders perspective but not Pearson. Alsoo we got to see all the pit interviews and had several views of the pit action that were missing from the evening showing, I'm sure we don't get to see as many in a normal live showing and they added to the experience for me. One of Nicki's reactions was a cracker and would have that many apologies from commentators they would have had apoplexy The highlight programme was spoilt somewhat for me by the constant oohs and aahs altho in this case quite a few were justified. Picture quality was much better. However Tatum's comments added to it. I don't know if they were the live comments but he spotted the broken spokes in Doyles wheel which until I read twitter I had no knowledge of. All in all I enjoyed both but it emphasised how much Pearson shouts and gets things wrong (Tatum corrected him several times). Given the choice for GPS I'd watch the live feed without commentary, ideally with a rider giving comments (don't want much do I ) I would agree that British clubs need to learn that long drawn out meetings with long breaks between races really P off fans.
  17. I really can't see the problem. If you want to know the result look on the BSPA site. If you watched it you know what happened, if you didn't simply avoid everywhere. For once I think BSI or whoever actually thought about fans.
  18. Best meeting I've watched for ages, made better by lack of over excited commentator. Can't say I wanted Sweden to win after the lucky way they reached the final but fair play as a team they deserved it. It would have been easier watching if the team kevlars were not so similar, at times if was like watching the red and white team vs the blue and yellow team especially with the long shots. I'll probably watch the 7 pm version too cos I'm sure I missed some of the action there was so much lol Maybe he needs to rehydrate
  19. What's the Danish team manager on ? ref got that spot on, no other decision possible !!!
  20. He only gave Sundstrum what Sundstrum gave others!
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