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    Hackney and Kent

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  1. Len never suffered fools gladly and the song my way could have been written for him. He never brought much trophy success to hackney but he gave the hawks fans something priceless, a fantastic circuit and some of the most exciting riders who could pass anyone upon it. I think his loyalty to riders stands up as a shining light and stuck with many through thin and thinner. A trait sadly gone today as riders are dumped easily as the play off semis approach (yes you stead and lemon). They broke the mould when they made Len and sadly speedway will never see a promoter like him ever again.
  2. Good one for doing this, the biggest farce in the whole of my 50 years following speedway, signed and forwarded. Many Thanks
  3. For me, it was telling watching Hawkins car crash interview. (well done abi). First it was like watching a rabbit in the headlights. It is clear that these are grave times for British speedway because we need those brilliant riders yet it appears if the Polish team decide not to risk them then you are buggered. You can make the PO final and then lose your best riders. Basically British speedway has lost all control over its destiny. Watching Emil ride in Poland it was clear he is not fit (despite a typically surreal performance)and it is equally clear this is not his decision so would be great if all the numb nuts could shut up and blame those responsible, the Polish promoters (for ruling the world) and the British promoters (for losing control). Its clear Ipswich have been withholding information about Emil from the public and I would like to know if Morris is doing anything to sort this muddle out?
  4. Whilst the standard of weather forecast is awful that makes decisions tougher. ALL weather forecasts today said this would happen so for me Morris needs to introduce some standards for watering and/or how and when to call meetings off in advance because its all over the place. Lynn call it off days before (sometimes right/sometimes wrong), Ipswich and Oxford (to name two) drag fans to the track despite the forecast. (again sometimes right/sometimes wrong) All a bit rubbish in my view and not at what people expect from a professional sport.
  5. Always find it amazing that the only person who brought any glory to Hackney was one who as a rider caused us much pain riding for our arch rivals Ipswich. God bless John, a true legend and gentleman.
  6. Agree I don't accept the criticism from a rider who just comes back to his home country for easy pickings when his polish league earning finish. I was at the match (as a neutral) and there was nothing wrong with the track as Doyle proved by overtaking Lawson from a long way back. This is just sour grapes as he was outclassed by Doyle and Sayfutdinov. I say go back to Poland and stop moaning and be grateful you are officially the world number 6 because in real terms you aint in the top ten of world riders. Finally, what is the point of have a transfer deadline when Sheffield have effectively signed Lambert. In the old days you could not guest constantly for one team I guess this is another rule lost because of rider shortage. Todays rant over.
  7. I don't dislike Zmarzlik at all but I do feel his titles are lessened and here is why.... What if Gundersen had not had Nielsen (or vice versa) because the other was banned for no good reason and won 6 world titles. Or Olsen/Mauger. For sure it would have lessened the victories. Here two of the three best riders in the world have been excluded for no reason which is the first time in speedway history. And why no good reason: 1. They both left Russia before the war and settled in Poland becoming citizens 2. There is no justification for letting them ride domestically but not internationally. This is a classic case of PC overriding common sense. The lack of these two has made the GP a farce and boring and left Bartoz with no real decent opponent measured over 10 rounds. I haven't watched and wont watch another GP until these two are restored to their rightful place. Bartoz is a really brilliant rider but any decent opposition has simply been removed.
  8. I think it fair to say that there is fault on both sides. The fan should not have been there and Tai should have left it to the security. What I think could count against him is that his body language betrays that he did it to make a point. You can see him and the other riders grinning and laughing about before and after. At best it was a prank that went wrong but it cant hide the fact that as a sportsman in the public eye he was wrong and those on this and other forums defending him by saying he was defending himself and the fan may have had a bomb etc have lost the plot. (Reminds me awfully of those Michael Jackson fans that will say anything to defend the fallen pop star)
  9. Is Phil Morris or anyone actually doing anything to save speedway? If anyone knows please let me know because I dont see anything. The only actual effort appears to be Steve Ribbons at Rye House. If efforts are being made they should be visible. I got my MP actively involved he showed me efforts made by the Wolves MP for example. I wrote to everyone I could think of speedway star, BSPA office etc . Nothing only silence. It really is crap beyond any reasonable words I could ever publicly use.
  10. Another day another nail in speedway coffin, without even mentioning the scaled back pairs. Make the most of your speedway, it will be gone within 5 years tops
  11. I have been racking my brains since last nights meeting to see if I can ever remember so many people leaving a meeting before the end. I could not recall anything like it in a almost 50 year speedway career!! I was standing in a place overlooking the car park and it was bad, at least 20 cars. Buster needs to wake up before the crowd becomes even more dangerously low. Agree with others, Nicolas Klunck was rubbish and needs to go.
  12. Its a good point Cityrebel makes about the curfew and rain on the night but all in all this makes me very uncomfortable. Last Tuesday I was Walderslade (one junction away from the track) there were brief showers but the heavy rain never arrived but of course the damage could have been done. But here we are a week on and (against Eastbourne) with an even earlier call off and the forecast shows no rain today. I don't want to travel and the match to be postponed and of course paramount is rider safety but I don't think speedway can continue to be regarded as a serious sport if matches are called off at the drop of a hat. If it is dry today, I don't believe that with 8 hours to work on the track it cant make it raceable. I worry that the real reason is the general lethargy in the sport. But I do agree wet days are often not an easy call to make and indeed you cant please all of the people. Cheers
  13. It may be the right decision to call this off this early but went to Lynn last night despite a horrific weather forecast. The BBC weather as usual was totally wrong. There was one heavy downpour against a forecast of non stop rain and the track staff did an absolutely wonderful job because not only was it rideable it was raceable and good action was the result. It makes me think what can be achieved if you want to get the meeting on as proven at the last but one match at Kent against Belle Vue in the 2019 PO semi. When the weather is doubtful I think Kent just throw the towel in. I will know later when the forecast rain does or does not arrive but at the moment it is full on sun here.
  14. As a neutral I enjoyed the match and thought the track staff did a wonderful job. I did think there were lots of people there and on the busy back straight there was only limited enforcement of face masks that was worrying.
  15. Am I the only one surprised that there seems no info on this meeting with tickets on sale tomorrow?
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