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spin king

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Everything posted by spin king

  1. I think Batchelor could be looking for another club next season. Both Batchelor and Kildemand have let down the Robins fans and Promotion in the Play Offs.
  2. To be honest I am not sure, Garry's wife posted on Facebook that Garry was not allowed in the pits for the meeting, a later posting from her stated that it had nothing to do with the Promotion and they were investigating what had happened. If it was not the Promotion I can only think that it could only be the either someone from the stadium management or the BSPA . There was some problems with people in the pits the year, maybe the stadium management had decided to call in the Health and Safety to avoid any further problems.
  3. He will need to do the State Championship, and finish no lower than 4th to get his visa.
  4. Actually there could well be an element of truth in that statement, it is believed that the Stadium management nothing to do with the Promotion refused Garry Stead entry at the PLRC. So the explanation could not be ruled out.
  5. Congratulations to the Panthers, did a job on us and fair play. Some from my group of Sheffield fans reckoned the track was set up to suit, but to be fair I don't think it was entirely that to blame, I think overall in the meeting we did not perform to the best of our ability and Peterborough did. There was apparently and argument between the two Promotions before the start of the meeting, but I suppose that is to be expected. Have my own views on Mr Rathbone and his Promotional team but will keep them to myself. As for Sheffield the fact that we even made the Play Offs this season was an achievement after all that has gone off, with injuries and deportation's, and we will be back bigger and stronger next season mark my words. Good Luck to Peterborough in the next round.
  6. Well this time tomorrow we should have some idea as which team is going to progress through to the next round. For those thousand's of Panthers who won't be able to make the match due the short notice of the arrangement of the meeting, why not follow the meeting via Speedway Updates site. Your Texter for the night will be Squall. Your updater will be Unicorn.
  7. No, but if it is Peterborough then yes you should.
  8. Newcastle and Berwick to amalgamate Team to be called Bercastle Diadits. Racing venue; Berwick/ Newcastle. First signing Alex Edberg (his dad will provide the team with new race suits) Rumoured further signings, 6 more Swedes (for away matches at Sheffield, Redcar and Ipswich the team will run with 6 Guest riders and Rider Replacement) Tsunami to continue his training school bu only for young Swedish riders (Ludvig Lindgren to give Tsunami Swedish lessons over the winter). Team Manager; Tsunami if he passes his Swedish GCE.
  9. Richard Hall is an Owlerton track specialist and Andersen made the PLRC Semi Final, would provide good cover for both riders.
  10. Sorry although I have a degree of sympathy for Peterborough, the date is reserved for the Play Offs, so that should be when the match should be raced on the 17th. We cannot have teams dictating to us when a fixture should be raced because they don't have the riders available.
  11. As said the crowd levels were definitely down, as was the atmosphere, but it was noticeable that the Berwick contingent of fan base were missing and they usual very vocal. As my mate Paulco said the pub before the meeting was very quiet, might have something to do with me not putting the word out like have done in previous seasons. The racing was not that great, but for me the day is usually about meeting up with friends on the day and having some fun. Ostergaard was one of the better riders on the day and got the final just right where as Cookie who looked as though he was ramping it up to win but completely messed up the final. Best performance for me was the lad Andersen from Redcar who did ever so well and made the Semi Final ahead of some far more fancied riders. Biggest smile of the day Paulco after seeing Cookie failing to win the Final, a smile as wide as the river Clyde. Jason Garrity never really got going, but he will no doubt be back. And I swear I saw Ricky Wells smile. But it finally has to be Congratulations to Ulrich Ostergaard.
  12. So the Play Off positions seem to be taking shape. Edinburgh and Somerset qualify straight through as the top 2. Then it looks like; Glasgow v Ipswich/ Plymouth Peterborough v Sheffield.
  13. Around Sheffield? I don't think so. Win a few races, maybe a bit of a Spoiler. But not a winner. If you are looking for a Dark Horse watch out for Ricky Wells.
  14. Not going to make much difference on Sunday as that means there will be you and ??
  15. Can only speak of my own clubs Sheffield dealings with Birmingham and Graham Drury. We have used young Zach as a Guest for a couple of meetings. I cannot find the press release but it did say that Zach had taken the bookings with Drury's blessing, and that he was happy to see Zach get a chance with a club like Sheffield who dealt with things in a proper manner. Maybe if Somerset had simply uttered the words Do you mind.
  16. Stop being silly no one is asking you to support Josh Bates, you are been asked to support the event.
  17. Message to all fans. If anyone to meet up for a pre meeting drink, why not join us at the pub for speedway fans The New Barrack Tavern. All fans from all clubs welcome.
  18. Maybe. But after the season we have had with injures, deportation the fact that we have gotten there is a major achievement. oh and three years just managing to avoid what your lot are trying to avoid this season, definitely an achievement for us going forward.
  19. I did not go looked at the forecast and saw the amount of rain that fell previously and could not justify to myself the train, taxi fares and all the rest that goes with, and I am certainly not going to stand out in the rain to watch a speedway meeting. Which is a pity as I love watching the racing at Scunny. Did not get the feeling that it was such a great meeting from the two sets of updates that I was watching but seems as though it was not that bad. A Sheffield win would have been nice, but the main thing is that we had 7 riders come through the meeting unscathed and fit for the Play Offs. Congratulations to Scunny on finally winning 3 consecutive home meetings on the trot this season, lets hope you can make it even more, and All The Best for the rest of the season. And we will see you in the Play Offs. Oh yeah sorry forgot your not in them this season.
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