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spin king

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Everything posted by spin king

  1. Who could forget the great Gordon Glover, with absolute stupid comments,like the time Reg Wilson crash into the safety fence and obvious to everybody in the stadium that he was badly injured, what did Gordon say, " Reg will be okay, he will be up on his bike and riding in a minute.
  2. I think you will all find that Zenon Plech was signed by Maurice Ducker, not Ray Glover.
  3. I think he is retired, if you buy the last edition of the Backtrack magazine there was an article about him.
  4. Brill, cannot wait for the next edition
  5. I thought I recongnised it and looking at the line ups I would definatley say it is Doug Wyer.
  6. No it was not unfair, gives them some decent publicity, and it was just a pity that Sky could not have shown them racing, as an armchair viewer I would have loved to have seen these boys ride.
  7. Thanks Tiger Tom, its is great hear somebody giving these kids some encouragement, yes not all will make pro speedway riders, but as long as they enjoy it. My son started down at the training track, at the beginning of the year and the main thing is that he enjoys himself, which does if a career is made out of it is a bonus. As for flashy kevlars Jez, my lad wears a pair of old leathers, that are far from flashy.
  8. spin king

    Belle Vue

    Have to agree with everything said about Hyde Road, the place was rather special, also have to say if the likes of that The Shay at Halifax and the Boulevard were still around we would not get people complaining about Sheffield, there are too many liyyle tiddler tracks these days. Can you imagine the present World Champion blasting his way around Hyde Road, in a recent interview, JASON Crump says he misses riding is the Sheffield track and that there is too many little tracks.
  9. Yes I to remember the Glovers, he did have some bad luck and did not always bring in the right riders, mind you he did bring in Shawn Moran. I would like to know about his relationship with you John Dews, I would also like to hear what he thought about Craig Pendlebury and Dougie Wyer.
  10. Another excellent edition from the Backtrack boys, love all the articles especially the ones on Reg Wilson (again I also knew most about that article) , enjoyed the one on Mark Fiora, who I remember as a raw novice at Sheffield, but gave 110 per cent for the team. The article that I thought was really good was the one about John Simmons, not a treace of bitterness or regret even though he has every right. I t certainly made me sit up and think a bit more, so the next time there is a Rider Benevelont Fund Collection, this speedway supporter will contributing a couple of quid more.
  11. Took me a while to work out who you one about, I believe that he had a bad accident a few years back, could anybody tell me what happened to him and how he is now.
  12. Try the Speedway Star its self.
  13. Tigerblade, can you remember Gugiliemi going through the fence at Sheffield with Reg Wilson, I think Gugliiemi broke his arm, but I remember Reg thought he had killed him, along with the rest of us in the stadium.
  14. But the guy was a character, and I for one would love to see what has happened to him now, whether he has turned things around.
  15. Have to agree with you Howling about Gugliemi, would be a great subject, a truely colourful character.
  16. Ivan Mauger is an excellent choice, as is all the other names that have been mentioned, I look forward to the next edition.
  17. Well Done to Josh, and all the other riders who took part, this is the best thing to happen to British Speedway in some time. Hope the young guy who was injuried is okay, and not suffered any serious injury.
  18. I would like to see Simmo, interviewed, I am sure that he would a interesting subject, like his fall out with Poole, and the sudden way he retired.
  19. Yes Jason, is a hot prospect and is probably the best out of a grand bunch of youngsters who ride down at the training track. I urge any Sheffield fans to get down and have a look at these youngsters, I think you will all be amazed and happy, as the future looks bright with what we have, not all of them are at Jason standards, but they could be given time and encouragement. I also want to time to say a little about the Sheffield Angels, who are the girls team, they are as good as the lads, and I am sure if there was a ladies league they would be champs. Come on all you Tigers fans get down on Saturday and have look at what there is going on there, the talent is there on show.
  20. For his benefit I am sure that the extra rides for Scuthorpe would be good if he signed for a Premier League outfit.
  21. I did see him at Sheffield, on Thursday, and if you read my little report on the Sheffield verus Newcastle you will see what I had to say about him. I think for his age and experience the guy is going places, and I still say he could given a good run hold down a Premier League reserve berth. The guy has got talent and the way he held off Paul Cooper in heat 2 show exactly what he can do. Good Luck to the Scorpians, lets hope you can get a win under your belt soon.
  22. Having read the Speedway Star feature on the Famous Five (one day), I have to say that I hope these guys can go to the top, and with the right backing I think they can, but but the BSPA, need to get behind these riders, and all the rest who are out there. I think we heading in the right direction with the Academy and the Under 15's league long may it reign, but I hope they don't treat it like a quick fix and disband it after a few years. Of the five featured I have seen three riding, young Josh I am not going to talk much about, as I have already said it on another thread. Young Dennis I saw in the opening meeting at Scunthorpe, and he was really good for somebody of his age, I don't think he is that far away if not ready for a Premier League reserve place. The lad Quinn, I have seen at the Sheffield training track and he looks a very tidy rider, given the chance he could do with a Conference League reserve berth, I think all he needs is someone to give him a chance at that level, on an extended basis. The other two I have not seen, but they probably just as talented, either way all these boys need encouraging, so anyone out there who is thinking of sponsoring a rider , think about these boys, they may not be Elite Grand Prix riders, but they could be of the future, so get behind these boys, and the rest who have not been mentioned.
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