We will get a World Champion, but I don't think it will be from the current crop, ie. Nicholls and Richardson, Nicholls is not very tactically aware, witnessed at the recent Grand Prix, when he fell he got straight back on his bike, instead of staying down, and seeing what happens.
Before anybody gets upset, that is what Tony Rickardsson does, and I noticed that Hans Anderssen followed him.
The best chance of a World Champion in my opinion is the current crop from the under 15's, this because they are been nurtured and given support, and they obviously have the talent, this is what they have been doing in Denmark and Swedan for many years.
Yes we are behind these nations but we are and will catch up with them, as long as we are patient with these youngsters and don't put them under pressure.
I also think that the promoters especially are to short sight in taking foreign imported riders instead of using youngster from this country, maybe I don't know the rules need to be change where each team must consist of a least 2 British riders.