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spin king

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Everything posted by spin king

  1. Emiliano Sanchez the Shefield rides internationally for Italy although he was born in Argentina, I beleive he has an Italian mother.
  2. Well done to Ricky Ashworth on qualification, shows that he can ride the Rye House track.
  3. Well done to Ricky Ashworth on qualification, shows that he can ridethe Rye House track.
  4. Good Luck to Ben Wilson, Benji Compton and Josh Auty.
  5. Come on if Andre was invited it would make for avery exciting meeting.
  6. Wonder if he can get Sean Wilson to ride, or lets make it more interesting Andre Compton. Seriously well done Robbie, well deserved.
  7. I believe that he had a garage in Sheffield I seem to remember.
  8. Seem to a Rider who rode for Wolves Knud Ellegard.
  9. Fleming Rassmussen rode for Sheffield in the 80's.
  10. If you had gone to the stadium snack bar, the chips are only £1.25 for a tray of chips, I bet you went to one of the vans, like young Spin. I think a can of coke is about 65p.
  11. I think that this mag just gets better and better, already looking forward to the next issue.
  12. Kyle Legualt's father is a former rider, Fred Legault not sure whether he rode in England though.
  13. Mark Fiora, Brett Saunders, Troy Butler, Mick Poole, Jason Crump, Phil Crump, Neil Street, Robbie Foy, Steve Regling, John Boulger, Robbie Blackadder, Carl Shields, Ben Shields, Ron Henderson, Rob Dole, Gary Gugliemi, Billy Saunders, Tony Boyle, John Titman, Mick Farrell and Steve Koppe, just a few names to be going on with.
  14. Did anybody bid for any of the body colours for the meeting, and were they successful. The little guy who the auctioneer refered to as my friend with the Lucazade bottle was my lad Little Spin.
  15. Truely amazing meeting, and thanks Sean for bringing a world class field together, showing us at Sheffield what we are missing not being an Elite side. The track on the back straight looked a bit dodgy at first but as the races went along the racing became excellent. Looking at the riders who impressed me, apart from the four in the final Freddie Lingren (sorry for the spelling) was very good, and Steady was very unlucky not make the final. Also after last night I think I maybe turning into a Nicki Pedersen fan, all blood guts and thunder, but have to admit that the best rider on the night won, well done Crumpie. As for Sean, well it will seem very strange that he won't be there riding on Thursday, for me he will be missed greatly, and I hope that he enjoys his retirement.
  16. i think everyone will be gutted about this screeny wont be riding beacause he has brocken his collar bone spin king junior
  17. When at Sheffield Craig Pendlebury was Bernie's race partner, they appeared to team all the time, gaining 5-1 on numerous occasion's, the thing was that Bernie was a far better team rider than Craig, and there was a rumour, and I stress a rumour that Bernie had hold of Craig, and told him so. The following week, Bernie was no longer riding alongside Craig, that was given to Reg Wilson. Must say that although we only had Berine at the twlight of his career, you could still tell that he was a class act.
  18. Great line up, and probably better than the original, would have loved to seen Lindback, but I am more than contented with the line up Sean has produced.
  19. Could you please ask him if he enjoyed his time at Sheffield, and how was his relantionship with Craig Pendlebury.
  20. due to snow and over night rain the crackers is postponed for sunday 19th of march hope too see you all there
  21. Looking outside I am two miles from the track, and the snow is coming not very thick, there is snow on the ground, but been shopping around near the track and the snow had not settled, and did not look as though it would.
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