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spin king

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Everything posted by spin king

  1. Not sure but have you had a look on the Birmingham Speedway website, you might find what you are looking for.
  2. Anybody know what Neil Evitts is doing now.
  3. Niced to hear that the project is still on, but I don't think that the tone of your post is very nice, for every know it all there are about 10 others who actually care, and want to see Russell succeed in his project.
  4. I look forward to the issue and to see what he has to say, personally I don't like the guy, but I will be interested to see what he has to say.
  5. What about James Birkinshaw; (1) Sheffield Tigers (2) Sheffield Prowlers (3) Belle Vue Colts (4) Newcastle (4) St Austell (5) Workington (6) Stoke (7) Boston (8) Buxton (9) Glasgow (10) Berwick (11) Edinburgh (12) Linliithgow (13) Wolves 2nd And this season (14) Birmingham.
  6. I would go for that idea as well, I just think that I would like to see teams of 7 riders.
  7. Seeds based on last years World Team Cup finishing places.
  8. My thought was they could run it over a fornight.
  9. No nothing to do with Middlo so everyone calm down, just a thought that maybe itis time to change the format of the World Team Cup. I would like to see rather than team of four racing with four teams in a meeting, why not have teams of seven racing one team against one team, like they do in league racing. I would have eight nations competing, and put them into 2 groups of 4, and then have a draw, where by we would have four seeded teams, and they would be the teams that made the the final last year so the seed teams would be; Poland Denmark Australia G.B. Two would go into Group A, and two would go into group B. I would then have a draw for the unseeded teams, these would be teams made up from the following; Swedan Russia Germany Czech Republic Again draw two out for each group, I then have all teams racing each other, the two top teams go into the semi finals, again drawn out of the hat. The teams that finish last in the group would have to next season race off against other nation's to qualify. You could have the draws live on Sky TV, and teams would not know who they were going to face. If the it is based in this Country you could have the following tracks used; Poole Wolvehampton Coventry Eastbourne Peterborough Kings Lynn Birmingham Sheffield I think that having teams riding with 7 riders who show us who is the true World's best team, and after all in the football world cup they don't play 5 a side.
  10. Rumour has it that Buzz could be the 7th rider for Stoke, so maybe they could ge the meeting on at Stoke. We live in hope Yorkshire.
  11. I am sure that I have read somewhere, I think that it might have been in the Backtrack mag, that Eric was the track record holder at the close of the track. Not sure but were not the Hornets the orginal Belle Vue Colts or the Hornets became the Colts.
  12. More to the point when is he going to get this testmonial meeting has to be the longest wait for a rider. Surely either Stoke, Scunny or even Sheffield could fit it in for this lad, lets be fair he has been patient enough.
  13. Are you basing that on last seasons final if so Tai is a very quick learner, and I would not put it past him to surpass your expectation's.
  14. Always like the Baby Faced Assasin, he was always a rider that I would have love to seen in Sheffield colours.
  15. Would have to agree the guy had such a long career I am sure he would plenty of interesting stories.
  16. It does make you wonder how far Electric Erik would have gone in his career as it was cut off in his prime, I reckon another two World titles could have been there for the taking.
  17. Would be nice to read about both these riders, what about an interview with John Dvis would be nice to see what he has to say.
  18. You are probably right about Frank, I did know that there was a story about the Argies calling him the Red Devil, but I could not quite remember how the nickname came about.
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