Have to agree with you, I would have prefered to have seen Tai win the wildcard, but they all knew the rules before the meeting, and Eddie took full advantage of the situation, he turned on the style at the right time fair and square.
Are you sure that Tai, was an Aussie product, yes he began his riding in Aussie, but I think that you will find that this country was more to do with his development.
And if he proves me wrong there will be no one more pleased than me, the more British talent coming through is great for British speedway, lets hope that Lewis makes me eat my words.
Sorry I just do not rate him, I think he is over hyped, look at this British Final and last one, and see how far young Tai has come, could you say the same for Lewis.
Getting away from the British Final, surely we now have to plan for the future, and add the likes of Eddie Kennett and Tai to the World Cup Team, okay we are not going to win, but lets start by bringing in these young guys and give them the experience.
Don't get me (or anybody else) started on Lewis Bridger. There's a whole other thread dedicated to his troubles
Nothing to do with his personal problems, I just do not think the guy is as good as he and others might think.
I don't know, I am quite proud of myself have you ever seen some of my predictions in the past , anyway Well Done Edward Kennett, mind you I would like to have seen Tai in there.