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spin king

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Everything posted by spin king

  1. Quite right the meeting is there to raise money for fallen riders, if people are going simply for the riders in the line up then that is sad. Of course everyone wants the best line up possible, but that is not the most important factor, money raising is.
  2. All riders sign to the Saints past and recent are assets of the Scunthorpe Promotion, and will stay that way. As for any other rider signing for merger team they will have the option of signing for either Promotion. The team at present will be made up of Scunthorpe assets, but Sheffield could sign up riders for the merger team with them possibly coming up for selection for the National League team. Of course riders from the merger team would I imagine get preference to ride for any of the two clubs regardless to who they are contracted to.
  3. Incline to agree with you Vince on the grasstrack scene, very rarely do see riders coming through from Grasstrack, and when you think back to the 70's and early 80's when we had an abundance of riders at international level a large proportion came through from the grasstrack scene. I know that the grasstrack scene was hit badly with the foot and mouth so that could have turn future riders to motocross. I think that it time to go back to basics along with some forward thinking, with some structure, but I think that we need to realise that things are not going to be okay over night, maybe a 10 year plan put into place.
  4. Totally right mate, we seem hell bent in this country sticking youngsters on 500cc bikes, and it just does not work. What I would like to see is under 10's on no more than 80cc, under 12's 125cc under 14's 250cc and under 16 350cc, this would teach them better thottle control. Also we need more coaches, I don't what qualification if any there needs to be a speedway coach, maybe something needs to arranged that coaches work for a coaches badge.
  5. Disappointing is not the word, me Bluejam, Paulco and Spin Junior were going to a league on the 1st, after the Grand Prix. For me the league was going to be the highlight of the trip the one thing that I was looking forward to more than anything else. But looks like I will miss out and no way can I afford to make another trip this season, so it looks like I will have to waited for 2012, and at least I still have the consolation that we atill have the Grand Prix to look forward to.
  6. I think the promotions have answered that question, by saying that the team will be run as Scunthorpe/ Sheffield and race as Scunthorpe at the EWR and as Sheffield at Owlerton, and share the name away. I via Junior put forward using the Hull, more to keep the Hull name alive, but like I said whats in a name, and probably the way that they have done it is probably the best way of dealing with the name of the team.
  7. And maybe Sheffield with give them an excellent leader to help guide the excellent you riders that they have in the Saints/Prowlers team.
  8. Too add to that youngsters can join the merger club, and have the chance to join either club when they are ready for the Premier League.
  9. And those assets should stay Scunny assets, what does mean if it proves the merger can to be a success that riders will be given a chance to join either club. I would imagine that intially Scunny will hold the upper hand and they will get most riders joining their club.But riders will have an option to sign for either club and still not have it effect there National League place. I would also imgine that riders will get the advantage of the training facilities as well as given prioty of 2nd half racing at Sheffield.
  10. To right, for me this is a big announcement regarding the future of young riders in this country. This will give them to experience differing tracks, and if successful might encourage other tracks share a National League teams, giving more riders opportunties, and who knows we might be able offer some places to Commonwealth riders if the idea takes off.
  11. Reading the Speedway Star, they will be known as Scunthorpe Saints when riding at Scunthorpe and possibly Sheffield Prowlers when racing at Sheffield, and sharing the name on the away matches. But whats in a name, this for me a step in the right direction, for both clubs and young British riders.
  12. Exactly right, have June or Albert realised that there is a recession on at the moment. Rob Godfrey has done an excellent job at Scunthorpe since reviving speedway, but it must have cost a lot of time and energy, and maybe its time in his mind that someone came in and gave him some assistance, and the Sheffield and Scunthorpe promotions have always had a very good working relationship. This can only be good for riders, two different tracks to ride at home to give them a greater erperience and two tracks to give them the opportunity to move up to when they are ready for Premier League racing, not forgetting 2nd half opportunities. For me this is the way to go with the National League, which is the share the costs between clubs and gives clubs the chance develop young British riders which we seem to be sadly lacking. I don't think that we will ever see full time National League at Sheffield as obtaining dates and the cost of rent would make it impossible, and think on while Rob Godfrey is not spending the money on running two teams he can spend the money on something else, stadium facilities or better riders for the senior team. And finally why would be a good idea to re name the team, having either Hull or Vikings in the name would keep the name of a club that has disappeared from speedway, and keeping the name in the name alive could show the powers that be in that city, what speedway is about and hopefully attract the supporters from Hull who have not had a club to support.
  13. Well both Scunthorpe and Sheffield have very strong connections with Steel.
  14. Been discussing with Junior about what they will call the team, and he has come with the Hull keeping another well known speedway name alive.
  15. Sounds like excellent news, can only be good for both clubs and riders, with riders getting to ride two differing tracks. Wonder if Squall will be supporting for the National League next season.
  16. Been 9 days older than Buzz, I would certainly not say I was knocking on 50.
  17. That sad news to hear that Buzz could be hanging up his kevlars, you kind of get the feeling that he would be around forever,and totally agree a testamonial is way over due.
  18. Looks like they will have an excellent tie up with Witches, which has to be good for both parties.
  19. Very interesting, I wonder how many or if any clubs are feeling pinch moneywise. Seems to be the way with the speedway world that when trying to save money they dumb down the league.
  20. I think will be safe to say that Jason Garritty will ride for the Belle Vue Colts.
  21. Thanks Mateusz, not really bothered what division, just very keen to see some Polish League speedway, and that is what I had been looking forward to rather than the GP.
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