Very interesting comments on Adam Ellis and MJJ.
Here is what I know.
On Adam Ellis.
Adam was at the Birmingham Press and Practise Day, but only for the press photo's as he was due to attend the Sheffield Press and Practice later that day.
Was in common knowledge that Adam had signed a short term agreement?
Well it would suggest not looking at the Birmingham Fans Forum.
Under the section Rumour Mill and the title of the Adam Ellis.
Fans ask the question is Adam on a short term agreement, as they have read on the BSF that he was.
Of course history shows that Adam was on a short term contract, but nobody put those who were asking the question either fans that claimed to be in know or the Promotion.
And if my memory is correct, Adam when the contract was up cop flack from Birmingham fans who accused him of walking out of the club.
Again if my memory is correct this was only settled when Adam posted on his Facebook page that he had only signed a short term agreement and had honoured that contract the one person who could shed some light on this is Jonny Spud who I believe is Adam Dad, and occasionally posts on here.
Simply this someone has picked up an article from his Polish club that MJJ will only riding on a short term agreement until the Polish season kicks in.
This is why a number of Birmingham fans are wanting to find out what is factually correct about MJJ.
And it is the past history with Adam, that has lead to these questions been asked.