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Everything posted by hyabb17

  1. I don't think it's too bad considering the rain we've had. It's far from ideal but nowhere near as bad as it could have been IMO
  2. This what a playoff crowd should be like!!! Plenty of fans in attendance!
  3. Just gone 3pm & we've had no rain for an hour now. Posted on the facebook group for Swindon Speedway that the track is in good shape.....roll on 7.30 now!!!
  4. I don't think it will be either unless we get a heavy downpour. We have had overnight rain with consistent drizzle all morning which probably isn't ideal, if we get a heavy downpour then I think it'll will be off IMO. Im a mile from the track so will post again later with what the weather is doing.
  5. Let's hope this drizzle clears up soon. The guys can work on the track from 2pm today.
  6. Very wet start to the day. Was similar when we faced Belle vue a few weeks back & that rain carried on into the afternoon. If this stops when forecast & the rest of the day is dry & 16 degrees we should hopefully be okay.
  7. Why's that? I'm more than happy with how our season has gone, predicted to be the worse side in the league, honoured a deal with the best rider in the league on a ridiculous avaege when others bombed their riders. All in all I don't think any Swindon fan will moan
  8. You are absolutely hilarious, if you wanna say Hi on Monday I'll be on the entry to the first bend. Come say hello on Monday, be good to share opinions. Absolutely. Doyle & Morris will score 25 between them, Musielak & Bellego another 15...Ellis, BWD & Carr will easily score 10 between them
  9. I can't wait for Monday now. Reckon it'll be 50-40 Swindon!
  10. I'm surprised that we're not being blamed for throwing the match, surely that's guna be the latest thing. I bet Poole wil kick of Monday if we have Brad back now 😂
  11. It's true he's riding Friday. Why wouldn't a rider come over for one meeting, he'll be at reserve so can have 7 rides, that in itself would be worth the trip over. He could easily coin in £1500 - £2000 for one nights work. Not bad if you ask me.
  12. He won heat 2 on Thursday & looked on the pace in most of his other rides. I think Berwick & Swindon's track is a similar size, long straights with tight bends so probably found it easier to adapt. Whoever rides is unlikely to match what Zach was doing anyhow.
  13. We've booked THJ for Friday as BWD is riding for Peterborough & ours was in the calendar after that. I think that BWD will ride Monday unless unforeseen circumstances prevent him :-) Liam Carr looked miles better than Davey did so that doesn't surprise me, suited the track better IMO.
  14. Looking forward to this as the track never fails to disappoint. Has to be up there with the likes of Torun, Bysgoszcz, Leszno, Kumla & Mililla as one of the best tracks in Europe.
  15. Glad the weather in Poland has intervened & prevented what would have been a ridiculous situation.
  16. It should be an exciting night with the scores close. I think Swindon will have too much for Poole, no tac ride has certainly made it an interesting situation, the best side over the two legs goes through. That's how it should be! Let's hope that the racing flows between both semi's & both have big crowds bc at the end of the day that's what the riders, sponsors & TV companies all want! Roll on the 25th
  17. Let's hope common sense pervails. Bjerre is in a situation through no fault of his own, I don't think BV should be punished for this. The bspa need to start recognising the speedway Euro meetings. Let our boys take part & gain experience on foreign tracks
  18. Good luck to all tomorrow. I hope the weather is kind & all the bees fans make the short trip to Leicester to support the side!
  19. "Although it's not 100%". This was after a meeting when the adreline is stil pumping. He spoke at Swindon on Thursday that he woke up Monday & his wrist was swollen, said he couldn't have ridden on Poole's bumpy track. He shouldn't have ridden Thursday either, took a massive hit in heat 2 & looked like he couldn't hold the bike properly.
  20. Peterborough have a meeting, THJ's average is lower than Brad's so well within the rules
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